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Old 24-05-2008, 15:54   #16
Senior Member+

Re: I am in a really bad mood

Im sure the bus driver could have bent the rules she was 94! and would have had a long walk home by the sounds of it if she had made it that far probably would have collapsed by the side of the road. He would not have lost his job over letting the woman on the bus if the inspector came on if he had then i thing it would have made a fine story for the press! absolutly stupid, If that was his nanna getting on the bus im sure it would have been a different story. I think its just him being hard faced!
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Old 24-05-2008, 16:03   #17
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

well done mick, its crap but at many firms now mummiboo ya bend the rules yer out, not saying its right, saying its fact.
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Old 24-05-2008, 16:21   #18
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

I can see both sides - one that the driver could see that the lady was a pensioner but also its a case of either him letting the lady on but also a chance of him losing his job and before you say well theres a few other bus companies you do realise they do talk each other.... and not officially either, in fact if the driver had let her on and the inspector had got on the bus and said to her wheres your ticket and your nowcard and she cant produce them then the inspector by rights has the authority to suspend him there and then, and the driver will then go in front of the bosses. He could actually get charged with stealing from the bus company - and how many bus companies are going to take on someone who got sacked from a bus company for stealing - no mention of what it was. The bus driver was right in saying that because she hasnt got the card then she has to pay the fare. Agree with you cashy as well - if you bend the rules you are out nowadays.
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anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 24-05-2008, 16:59   #19
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

Well done Mick

I can't belive this is prompting any discussion at all, have we lost all common sense and decency in this country. . Examine the facts in this case how can anybody defend this nonsense either from the Driver or the company.

I'd love to see transdev trying to discipline their driver and the driver take the case to an employment tribuneral
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Old 24-05-2008, 17:02   #20
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

That is so weird Mick cos I actually think I know the lady you are talking about, she is one of my ladies that I support, it might well not be her, but I don't think there are many 90 odd year old ladies who live in blackburn and go to accy once a month.

good on ya mick, karma on its way

as for the driver.. I can understand his fear of losing his job, but if it had come to that a story by the telegraph surely would have done more harm to the bus company

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 24-05-2008, 17:02   #21
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

it must have been fate that you couldnt get the sauce you wanted :
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Old 24-05-2008, 17:29   #22

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Re: I am in a really bad mood

Originally Posted by sillytart View Post
yeah that is horrible but all the transdev buses have camera's on them nowadays, they also have a lot more inspectors getting on and off through the day, if an inspector got on and she didnt produce her pass the driver would get into trouble
I think the driver should have let her on. Any inspector complaining about that should be under a bus not on it.
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Old 24-05-2008, 17:31   #23

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Re: I am in a really bad mood

Originally Posted by keetah992000 View Post
it must have been fate that you couldnt get the sauce you wanted :
He made do with the other kind of sauce Lisa, it comes in pint glasses
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Old 24-05-2008, 17:33   #24
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

I think that is awful ... and lets hope the driver never gets old and in trouble eh?? Poor lady crying!! what a bloody shame.

I wanted to send you Karma mick .... but guess what! I have to spread em
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 24-05-2008, 17:48   #25
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

Originally Posted by mick View Post
she had her card but lost it in Accy
In this the Driver could have used his descretion, let the lady on the bus, recorded the card through the machine (The Company then get paid) and if an Inspector boarded to check the bus, the driver could explain the circumstances to him before he commenced his check.
No Inspector worth his salt would report the driver for that.

A Revenue Inspector is just that....making sure that the company has not lost any money............In this case money will be paid to the company so no offence commited.

Possibly a new driver ?
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Old 24-05-2008, 19:48   #26
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Thumbs up Re: I am in a really bad mood

Originally Posted by mick View Post
Right Let me explain my day.
It started off fine Got my high score back on space invaders (sorry sparkologist)
Don't worry about it, mate. You know it's only a matter of time, just as i know it's only a matter of time... I will be top of that leader board

Btw... what was the original post about? Just by nicking my Hi-score, the red mist descended and I lost the plot... What were you whinging about?
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!

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Old 24-05-2008, 20:37   #27
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

It's not right that a 94 year old lady is treated like that. If Mick hadn't paid her fare what would she have done?

I do feel sorry for her being reduced to tears like that.

However, I can see what Flashy and Cashy are saying. The driver doesn't make the rules and once you start making exceptions where does it end?

The inspector wouldn't have made an exception if he got on the bus and the lady couldn't produce her card. The driver would have got into trouble and maybe lost his job.

It's a tough one.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 24-05-2008, 20:43   #28
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

Sorry but there is no excuse for any inspector to rebuke a driver for allowing a 94 year old woman get reduced fare. I think it is a disgrace that these rules are being enforced so rigidly. Surely it was obvious the poor lady was entitled to reduced fares. Well done Mick karma on the way.
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Old 24-05-2008, 20:50   #29
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Sorry but there is no excuse for any inspector to rebuke a driver for allowing a 94 year old woman get reduced fare.
You're quite right, Bernadette, but the fact is that they do.

As Flashy said, it's not just the elderly, they do it with children too, even when they're in uniform they won't let them on at reduced fare if they haven't got the card.

I'm not saying it's right but it's the way the bus company operate.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.

Last edited by Lilly; 24-05-2008 at 20:58.
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Old 24-05-2008, 20:54   #30
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Re: I am in a really bad mood

Originally Posted by hedman2003 View Post
Well done Mick

I can't belive this is prompting any discussion at all, have we lost all common sense and decency in this country. . Examine the facts in this case how can anybody defend this nonsense either from the Driver or the company.

I'd love to see transdev trying to discipline their driver and the driver take the case to an employment tribuneral
you obviously have no experiance of tribunals by making that comment.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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