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Old 08-07-2006, 15:15   #46
God Member

Re: I Don't Like Complaining.

Me? I'm not arguing, you mentioned this in post 43, your the one making accusations of me being rude, lazy, discourteous.

Calling a person by the wrong name has long been a tactic by some people to try and show that the person they are addressing is insignificant.
Thought it was done by lazy people too, or have we dropped that bit now? mummiboo is not insignificant, I said she's wrong, I also said I was lazy an tired when I wrote it.

You say shortened names are acceptable but then say jam or butty, or JB isn't acceptable. You keep contradicting yourself, you also did with tinks in the intermitent sentence thread, she even listed it and proved her point.

JB, TB, JN, MH, are sorts of acceptable abbreviations that you'd see at a meeting, I'm used to that and it doesn't bother me, thats neither lazy, discourteous or rude
Second paragraph lazy creeps back in, are you suggesting all people that are lazy are rude and argumentative or argumentative people are rude and lazy even. It could be said that your argumentative by going in to a shop with a placard made up.

I also haven't mentioned work as yet but as you have, I got called shakespeare at work.

Once again I apologogise busman for answering jambutty but he's so argumentative and can't make his mind up.
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Old 08-07-2006, 16:42   #47
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Talking Re: I Don't Like Complaining.

OK! Madhatter pick some holes in this. I just know that you will find some even if you have to contrive them.

You have obviously failed to see the significance of the difference between real names used in the real world and those user names used on the Internet.

Jim and Jimmy is a recognised and accepted variation on James. The same as Joe, is for Joseph or Mike for Michael or Betty for Elizabeth. These variations are time established for millennia.

There is no ‘time established’ variation for Internet user names unless one happens to be a real world name.

You are splitting hairs to try and justify your point.

Whether you are used to having yourself addressed in a variety of ways is not the point. It is not about you but about other people and their names. Oh! I get it! Just because you don’t care how people address you the rest of us shouldn’t object either.

The only thing that I am suggesting is that it is discourteous to address a person by anything else except their name. A discourteous person is also seen as being rude. Is that too simple for you to understand?

What have the contents of previous posts got to do with this issue? Absolutely nothing except you appear to be trying to establish a point which is totally irrelevant.

I only mentioned your work to point out that what happens there is irrelevant to a forum thread and it is still irrelevant regardless of your puerile attempt to bring the point back into discussion.
Once again I apologogise busman for answering jambutty etc.
Once again means that you have apologised once before to busman747 in this thread. Just exactly when was that? Oh! I see! You are trying to be clever and paraphrasing me.

I just know that you will want the last word so you can have it for all I care. That is going to be my last word on this issue.
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Old 08-07-2006, 18:57   #48
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Re: I Don't Like Complaining.

Well I am guilty as charged for the lazy way I use the site.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 08-07-2006, 19:15   #49
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Re: I Don't Like Complaining.

If someone objects and lets me know I will correct accordingly.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 08-07-2006, 22:39   #50
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Re: I Don't Like Complaining.

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
If someone objects and lets me know I will correct accordingly.

I get quite hurt and teary when Rindy is cruelly abreviated to Rind.

Especially when people pronounce it to rhyme with wind.
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Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 09-07-2006, 00:31   #51
God Member

Re: I Don't Like Complaining.

What have your three posts got to do with this issue? who asked you to go off topic and comment?
mummiboo asked a valid question
Do you spell my name wrong everytime on purpose Mr Madhatter?
To which I could have replied no, I don't,sorry, I'm not on the best computer, and I've been tired lately.

but as you commented too its took an extra 6 posts.
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