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Old 28-02-2007, 14:37   #31
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

It seems alot of folk are blaming travellers for what tinkers are doing.
tinkers are not travellers they are the one,s that are leaveing all thecrap around the place the bloke who owns wests carpets is a traveller
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Old 28-02-2007, 14:44   #32
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

not really we're blaming the ones who travel or stay put on government funded sites (sorry taxpayer funded) who make no contribution to the system yet take everything they can get leave the place (wherever it may be) in a pigsty and have absolutely no regard for the hardworking people that are paying for them to have such a life.
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Old 28-02-2007, 14:55   #33
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

Originally Posted by grego View Post
Do they not pay anything? They should do, they get their bins emptied dont they?
No need .... they live opposite the tip !
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Old 28-02-2007, 15:06   #34
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Spoke to a taxi driver who picked a traveller up somewhere and took him to the campsite. The guy then refused to pay the fare and his mates all gathered round, armed with dogs and lumps of scaffolding pole to see off the taxi driver. Oh yes they stick together OK.
You would be surprised how many times that happens willow. It's happened to my hubby. They think they can do what they like, when they like. I know quite a few taxi drivers that won't pick any gypsy's up, and quite frankly I don't blame them. 9 out of 10 times you are faced with abuse or none payment of taxi's.
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Old 28-02-2007, 16:19   #35
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

So they pay neither taxes nor taxis....

I don't think that this should be done at taxpayer's expense. I remember what a mess Aldi was left in, I think it was nearly 2 years ago but may have been longer. Rubbish all over the car park which some poor beggar then had to clean up
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Old 28-02-2007, 19:26   #36
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

Originally Posted by moonshiner View Post
It seems alot of folk are blaming travellers for what tinkers are doing.
tinkers are not travellers they are the one,s that are leaveing all thecrap around the place the bloke who owns wests carpets is a traveller
Obviously we are not talking about people like the owners of Wests.

We've got a caravan and we spend weeks on end in it during the school summer holidays. We like to travel too - that doesn't mean we are the sort of 'travellers' we are complaining about. Last Easter a family came to the site we were staying at on a farm - they helped themselves to chicken wire to make a fence to keep their dog in. They left rubbish outside their caravan in bin bags (everyone else took theirs to the collecting area.) They even helped themselves to our step one day when we were out and made a barbeque on it!

Then one night we had the police up because she was screaming that he was murdering her with a knife and she was trying to climb out of the window and he was dragging her back inside. The police carted him off but next morning she was begging for somebody to bring him back!

They'd booked to stay on the site for a week but the bit where they stayed ended up a right mess and they were turfed off before the end of the week.

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Old 28-02-2007, 23:45   #37
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

sorry i agree with moonshiner, theres good and bad in them, used to drink in the royal up ossy when i was young and 2 of the families from the site behind the palladium were always in fri-sun nights from daughters to grandmothers, they were lovely people and a few times booked and paid for a taxi to take a very drunken cashy back to accy. for me some folk have tunnel vision and only see or are aware of the scumbags.
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Old 28-02-2007, 23:55   #38
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

i'm not saying there aren't any cashy i'm saying i've yet to meet a decent honourable taxpaying one
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Old 01-03-2007, 09:21   #39
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

Like Jedi I haven't come across any good ones yet either. When that family came on the caravan site last year some people were going "Oh no, gypos" and "Nail down your valuables" and I was thinking how awful they were to be like that and that the travellers had as much right to be there as anyone else who paid for it. But then they started causing trouble and making a mess and helping themselves to other people's things so they kind of fulfilled people's expectations.

If all they did was live in caravans and travel around and respect the countryside and other people's property, stay on designated sites and not abuse supermarket car parks or steal land from farmers and then claim it as their own then fair enough - live and let live. But for the people who ride roughshod over other people and leave a disgusting mess behind for someone else to have to deal with then those are the people I have no respect for.

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Old 01-03-2007, 09:43   #40
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

I was in a boozer a while back & all the women where in with their kids.The kids were running riot in the pub,running around,lifting drinks,cadging money,jumping infront of the TV....there must have been around ten or so.When one bloke complained,as the landlord did'nt seem bothered,one of the mothers called him a paedo and to *****n drink somewhere else Iremember thinking,in ten years or so these kids are going to be dangerous.It seems when they go anywhere en masse they can do as they please ..
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Old 01-03-2007, 09:48   #41
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

There's good and bad, just the same as everyone else.

There are a few Gypsy families in Ossy that have been here at least forty odd years that I know. I went to primary school with some of them, and they were a lovely family, and very much part of the wider community.
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Old 01-03-2007, 10:02   #42
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

Do they live permanently on a site there or do they travel about?

There was a gyspy family when I was a girl who gave up travelling and bought a house in Water Street when I used to live in Sultan Street. They were just like everybody else too, normal, clean tidy respectable family.

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Old 01-03-2007, 10:05   #43
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post

areas of blackburn road have been renovated twice because the first time they got teh grants they didnt look after them and let the buildings run down agian

Where are those Chav? I thought that area was either Phoenix or nothing.

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Old 01-03-2007, 10:39   #44
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

Well people you know what it is, the less you do the more you get.
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Old 01-03-2007, 10:39   #45
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Re: I Earned It ,do As You Will

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Do they live permanently on a site there or do they travel about?

There was a gyspy family when I was a girl who gave up travelling and bought a house in Water Street when I used to live in Sultan Street. They were just like everybody else too, normal, clean tidy respectable family.
They live here permanently in caravans...which is a bit funny I suppose, as the whole point of a caravan is that it can move about.
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