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Old 25-03-2006, 12:22   #1
Senior Member
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I is confused!

During the course of my daily employment I encounter many mid teen to early 20's youngsters(both Asian and white)Recently I had the misfortune to hear two Asian youths referring to me as a white nigger,thinking I'd misheared them I ignored the comment,then found it was repeated as they later passed me.Unsure of how to address this I took the easy option and ignored it.
Regrettably this has since happened to another member of staff,this time being referred to as a white nigger bastard.
I have since learned that this is a term that Asian youth use to signify the lowest of the low.
My question dear reader is, does this amount to racial abuse?
Has anyone else ever had this term used against them?
Finally what would response would you have given?
There is a University thesis in this somewhere.

Last edited by Lampman; 25-03-2006 at 15:24. Reason: Spelling
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Accrington Web
Old 25-03-2006, 12:38   #2
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: I is confused!

Yes its racial abuse. If you said that to them you would be hauled over the coals. They enjoy tagging others but hate it themselves. Was once told by someone that for all the claims that the are racialy abused they can be more racist than us. Wether you would get anywere I am not sure. I cant claim people are racist when I am called an English Fenian Bsrd up here yet if the colour of my skin was different I could.

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Old 25-03-2006, 12:44   #3
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Re: I is confused!

Originally Posted by Lampman
During the course of my daily employment I encounter many mid teen to early 20's youngsters(both Asian and white)Recently I had the misfortune to hear two Asian youths referring to me as a white nigger,thinking I'd misheared them I ignored the comment,then found it was repeated as they later passed me.Unsure of how to address this I took the easy option and ignored it.
Regrettably this has since happened to another member of staff,this time being referred to as a white nigger bastard.
I have since learned that this is a term that Asian youth use to signify the lowest of the low.
My question dear reader is, does this amount to racial abuse?
Has anyone else ever had this tem used against them?
Finally what would response would you have given?
There is a University thesis in this somewhere.
Just think what would happen to you if you called them a ni**er or something like it - take it as far as you can, they would

Last edited by Mick; 25-03-2006 at 14:38.
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Old 25-03-2006, 14:33   #4
I am Banned
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Re: I is confused!

i assume they are there for help so simply put up a sighn like in hospitals etc saying abusive language , violence and racism will not be tollerated and they will be asked to leave or the police will be called

start throwing them out on their ear and they may learn

Last edited by chav1; 25-03-2006 at 14:37.
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Old 25-03-2006, 14:35   #5
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Re: I is confused!

Thanks chav,if only life was so easy!
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Old 25-03-2006, 14:36   #6
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Re: I is confused!

it is most definitely racial abuse and you should not tolerate it. Report it to your line manager and take it through the proper channels. They would soon report you if it had been directed towards them.
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Old 25-03-2006, 14:38   #7
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Re: I is confused!

Elvis Costello sang the words 'one less white nigger' in Oliver's Army, recorded in 1979, so it's a not new phrase.
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Old 25-03-2006, 15:27   #8
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Re: I is confused!

Thanks garinda,perhaps not a new phrase;but it was a new one to me!
Perhaps it's my sheltered life.
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Old 25-03-2006, 15:30   #9
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Re: I is confused!

Whether it is a new phrase or is calculated to offend and therefore it is abuse.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-03-2006, 15:41   #10
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Re: I is confused!

I agree Margaret,I may have missed my chance this time around,but I learn the other member of staff had witnesses both white and Asian.So it will be pursued.I take no pleasure in reporting this but there is an imbalance somewhere along the way.
It's time to address this topic.
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Old 25-03-2006, 16:05   #11
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Re: I is confused!

There is never any pleasure in it Lampman but if they are not stop and discouraged then they will just carry on. Next time it could be some little kid or a lady. Dont give up on it they wouldnt. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

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Old 25-03-2006, 16:59   #12
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: I is confused!

The word nigger was originally a pronunciation of "negro", hispanic for "black", in the accents of the Southern states of America. While obviously racially motivated, as defining a person by his colour, it wasn't any more abusive than the whole system of which it was a part, i.e. slavery.

So, for a start, these cretins were obviously ignorant of the fact they were calling you a white black-man. That the word has now become racially offensive and is only used offensively is not in doubt. Its modern connotation is only used as an insult so, yes, make a complaint and don't back down. We must not tolerate double standards and the charge of racial abuse must apply to all.
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Old 25-03-2006, 17:07   #13
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Re: I is confused!

Nigger, a word that was seen as an abusive word, was reclaimed by militant blacks in the USA in the 80's, as an empowering word. The idea being that if you use the word yourself it takes away the intended hurt that was meant.

Of course, unlike the saying, words do hurt as much as sticks and stones, but it's the context in which they are used which make them more hurtful.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 25-03-2006, 17:52   #14
white rabbits

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Re: I is confused!

i was once pulled over the coals in a wool shop ,for asking for nigger brown that time i was unaware that it was banned from being a colour.. i was told to ask for chocolate brown in future...
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Old 25-03-2006, 18:23   #15
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Re: I is confused!

Just wondered if there are any abusive words to describe a white person, don't mean white ***** etc., (go for it Lampman) just one similar to this word. Sure there are, but none spring to mind, only whitey .. but this not too bad.
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