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Old 20-11-2013, 18:16   #91
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Yeh but they may exist on other planets and also perhaps on this planet on other dimensions - in the sea and there are other theories.

The comparisson is I wonder how other life forms like animals/birds percieve us, when we enroach on their habitats perhaps for the first time!

Anyone interested? Tonight 8pm on ITV 1 a new 2 pt program called Mystery Map about unexplained incidents like UFO sightings etc
Yes, they might exist, allow folk like me to have our doubts.
Call us doubting Thomas's if you wish, meanwhile let's consider what intelligent people say, given the vast amount of stars and planets we would be wrong to say other forms of life don't exist, but why would they travel to our backwater & only talk to loons in the woods?
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Old 20-11-2013, 20:23   #92
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Re: I saw a UFO!

It doesn't take much for simple organisms to exist, so i reckon there must be thousands of planets out there populated with Jeremy Kyle audiences.
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Old 01-12-2013, 01:04   #93
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
We go in to the countryside with guns and blast the hell out of pheasants and other animals- but do we explain to the pheasant why we shoot them? We go into the rain forest and chop down trees and kill the wildlife but we don't explain to the monkey's "Oh excuse us we are just going to wreck your home and kill your friends!" And we don't do this because we believe we are superior beings and those animals aren't even capable of understanding!

Likewise then; there could be ALiens who come here to Earth and do things and don't feel the need to explain to us - what and why they are doing something - because they may see us as dumb animals.
You are making the basic mistake of equating our civilisation with an 'intelligent' civilisation. We are babies...we still kill each other because we differ on the name we give to an imaginary white clothed bearded being that lives on a cloud surrounded by white winged yellow haired creatures with glowing circles around their heads.

A civilisation which has created the ability to travel across the vast distance of interstellar space would not do so just to shove things up the backside of itinerants!

When our own civilisation expanded, originally for exploration and knowledge, and then for stealing resources from the less civilised, it was done at a manpower and financial cost...aliens would not need to do this because their are resources in abundance on comets, asteroids and dead planets.
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Old 01-12-2013, 10:36   #94
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
A civilisation which has created the ability to travel across the vast distance of interstellar space would not do so just to shove things up the backside of itinerants!
Oh I don't know Guinness, every civilisation has it's deviants & funny burghers, we've even got our own that'll happilly travel half way round the world to carry out their "fun".
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Old 05-12-2013, 13:26   #95
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Yes, they might exist, allow folk like me to have our doubts.
Call us doubting Thomas's if you wish, meanwhile let's consider what intelligent people say, given the vast amount of stars and planets we would be wrong to say other forms of life don't exist, but why would they travel to our backwater & only talk to loons in the woods?
I use this comparison that we put food out for the birds - the birds eat that food but they don't know who put it there and why - the food just appears to them and they eat it.

Likewise we are only beginning to understand the world we live in to a limited degree. So like we put out food for the birds - it's possible aliens come here and look at us but we only see glimpses of them - like the birds we don't understand what we see.

And besides they don't only talk to loons in the woods. Remember that copper from Todmorden that reckoned he was abducted while on patrol. Also many US airmen have seen them on radar etc

Last edited by kestrelx; 05-12-2013 at 13:31.
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Old 05-12-2013, 16:08   #96

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Also many US airmen have seen them on radar etc
Actually, Civil Aviation Radar will not pick up UFO's simply because it is not powerful enough.
All Airliners and almost all other aircraft are required to have a Transponder, which talks to the radar station on the ground. Its called SSR. Although there is a weather radar on Airliners, I have yet to see it show a return for anything other than Weather.
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"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 05-12-2013, 16:48   #97
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
Actually, Civil Aviation Radar will not pick up UFO's simply because it is not powerful enough.
All Airliners and almost all other aircraft are required to have a Transponder, which talks to the radar station on the ground. Its called SSR. Although there is a weather radar on Airliners, I have yet to see it show a return for anything other than Weather.
Nope, sorry your argument doesn't wash with kestrels thinking.

IF you can't detect it, it must be because the World Government won't allow you to detect it.

Will you please stop making sense in this thread?
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Old 24-12-2013, 03:59   #98
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Re: I saw a UFO!

There are so many things happen we cant explain, and its arroganrt to think that space is infinite yet were the only intelligent life in it.
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Old 24-12-2013, 09:19   #99
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by ianakabigsy View Post
There are so many things happen we cant explain, and its arroganrt to think that space is infinite yet were the only intelligent life in it.
Intelligent? Prove it.
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“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 24-12-2013, 11:15   #100

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Re: I saw a UFO!

I go with this....
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 01-01-2014, 13:43   #101
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Yes, they might exist, allow folk like me to have our doubts.
Call us doubting Thomas's if you wish, meanwhile let's consider what intelligent people say, given the vast amount of stars and planets we would be wrong to say other forms of life don't exist, but why would they travel to our backwater & only talk to loons in the woods?
I have my doubts as well - in fact I'm probably a sceptic!
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Old 05-01-2014, 23:27   #102

Re: I saw a UFO!

[QUOTE=kestrelx;992092]In Summer 2010 I was in a London Park it was a very sunny day with a few clouds. I looked up and saw what I thought was a plane. It was reflecting the light as they do and I thought what is that? It went behind a small cloud and did not come out of the other side and I just went "What???" It was like something vanished before my very eyes, imagine seeing a car driving down the road and then for it to vanish - that is what happened. I believe it was a UFO! It was not a satellite because that would have come out the other side of the small cloud. Nothing came out of the other side...

The WYTWAP what-you-thought-was-a-plane might have changed course whilst behind the cloud, in a direction which was not visible from your position.
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Old 06-01-2014, 17:10   #103
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Re: I saw a UFO!

[QUOTE=Graham Hartley;1089598]
Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
In Summer 2010 I was in a London Park it was a very sunny day with a few clouds. I looked up and saw what I thought was a plane. It was reflecting the light as they do and I thought what is that? It went behind a small cloud and did not come out of the other side and I just went "What???" It was like something vanished before my very eyes, imagine seeing a car driving down the road and then for it to vanish - that is what happened. I believe it was a UFO! It was not a satellite because that would have come out the other side of the small cloud. Nothing came out of the other side...

The WYTWAP what-you-thought-was-a-plane might have changed course whilst behind the cloud, in a direction which was not visible from your position.
The cloud was too small and the sky too clear - there were no clouds near it either!
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