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Old 16-05-2012, 11:12   #1
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Thumbs up I saw a UFO!

In Summer 2010 I was in a London Park it was a very sunny day with a few clouds. I looked up and saw what I thought was a plane. It was reflecting the light as they do and I thought what is that? It went behind a small cloud and did not come out of the other side and I just went "What???" It was like something vanished before my very eyes, imagine seeing a car driving down the road and then for it to vanish - that is what happened. I believe it was a UFO! It was not a satellite because that would have come out the other side of the small cloud. Nothing came out of the other side...

I have watched this video and I believe there are UFO's. Anyone else had similar experience?

Last edited by kestrelx; 16-05-2012 at 11:18.
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Old 16-05-2012, 12:10   #2
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Sorry -born sceptic I'm afraid. Why come zooming across the Universe travelling for light years, probaby at some cost, just to mess about playing hide and seek?!

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 16-05-2012, 12:11   #3
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Funny thing though, have just noticed as I wrote that post -1 member on thread (me) and 13 guests -maybe they really are out there and we are being watched

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 16-05-2012, 17:59   #4
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Re: I saw a UFO!

I was sceptic until I spent a night sat in a car in the Farmers Glory car park, you'd be surprised just what you see on a clear night
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Old 16-05-2012, 19:06   #5
I am Banned

Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Sorry -born sceptic I'm afraid. Why come zooming across the Universe travelling for light years, probaby at some cost, just to mess about playing hide and seek?!
As well as the satelites in geostatic orbit, there are 1000's of bit of junk left over from different space projects, still out there causing all sorts of effects, & phenomina, for those gullible enough to believe in little green men. Take me to your leader.

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Old 16-05-2012, 19:08   #6
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
As well as the satelites in geostatic orbit, there are 1000's of bit of junk left over from different space projects, still out there causing all sorts of effects, & phenomina, for those gullible enough to believe in little green men. Take me to your leader.

There are some of us that have seen you ya know
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Old 16-05-2012, 19:27   #7
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I was sceptic until I spent a night sat in a car in the Farmers Glory car park, you'd be surprised just what you see on a clear night
Well there you go...never would have thought they had dogging in your day..
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Old 16-05-2012, 19:33   #8
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Re: I saw a UFO!

I think seeing UFO'S can be summed up in two words"illegal drugs" nuf said.
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Old 16-05-2012, 19:34   #9
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Funny thing though, have just noticed as I wrote that post -1 member on thread (me) and 13 guests -maybe they really are out there and we are being watched
You know its the bots, but were do the bots come from?
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Old 16-05-2012, 19:42   #10
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
You know its the bots, but were do the bots come from?
Perhaps they're also in those shiny red things on or near the canal?
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 16-05-2012, 20:03   #11
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Re: I saw a UFO!

[QUOTE=kestrelx;992092]In Summer 2010 I was in a London Park it was a very sunny day with a few clouds. I looked up and saw what I thought was a plane. It was reflecting the light as they do and I thought what is that? It went behind a small cloud and did not come out of the other side and I just went "What???" It was like something vanished before my very eyes, imagine seeing a car driving down the road and then for it to vanish - that is what happened. I believe it was a UFO! It was not a satellite because that would have come out the other side of the small cloud. Nothing came out of the other side...

I have watched this video and I believe there are UFO's. Anyone else had similar experience?

I'm guessing that as this happened in summer 2010 but yet you only tell us today were you abducted by the little blighters, after all the experiments did they actually find your brain!
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Old 16-05-2012, 21:12   #12
I am Banned

Re: I saw a UFO!

[quote=wallop79;992294I'm guessing that as this happened in summer 2010 but yet you only tell us today were you abducted by the little blighters, after all the experiments did they actually find your brain! [/quote]

No they actually gave him one, got it from a dead sheep, a left over from Slingers Butchers.

Last edited by Retlaw; 16-05-2012 at 21:14.
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Old 16-05-2012, 21:30   #13
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Re: I saw a UFO!

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Perhaps they're also in those shiny red things on or near the canal?

ere, no dont, ooh err
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Old 16-05-2012, 21:32   #14
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: I saw a UFO!

Come on peeps, everyones entitled to their beliefs, some folk believe in a supreme being of some description or other, a life after death in some biblical/religious utopia, giant world dominating lizards, ghosts, England winning the world cup, so why not aliens & UFO's ?

Me personally, undecided, but it's such a vast universe who's to say there isn't 3 eyed, web footed, blob like beings, breathing an atmosphere of nitrogen sitting on planet Gnork, on their telepathy/mindmeld web & discussing pretty much their equivalent of what we're commenting on here ?
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 16-05-2012, 21:43   #15
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Re: I saw a UFO!

The universe is vast so i believe we are not alone, but do these ufo's come from afar or on our nearer planets underground? I believe 95% of sightings can be verified but 5% cannot. I keep an open mind and read most UFO sightings on various forums as it helps to pass the time and makes me wonder if there is life out there other than us.
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