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Old 01-07-2011, 11:52   #46
Common Sense Member

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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
So were his eyes bulging and was he frothing at the mouth?
I wouldn't quite go that far but his conduct towards the Mayor was not what I would class as respectful. Cllr Britcliffe is the only councillor that I have witnessed drive both the current and previous Mayors to stand up and command silence from the chamber because of his behaviour, something which he seemingly refused to acknowledge.

Whatever personal feelings a councillor may have, the Mayor's decisions override us all and to fight against that not only creates antagonistic meetings but reflects very badly on any member who does so.
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Old 01-07-2011, 11:58   #47
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Kate Watkins' Accrington Observer Twitter feed from last night can be found here:

Replay - Hyndburn Council meeting | Accrington Observer -
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Old 01-07-2011, 12:17   #48
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
I wouldn't quite go that far but his conduct towards the Mayor was not what I would class as respectful.....
Surely there is a code of conduct to which all councillors must subscribe? If so, I would have assumed that next to physically assaulting other members, the deliberate disruption of a full council meeting would warrent more than ejection from the chamber but a deprivation of council facilities and as such the withdrawal of financial allowances, until a full and grovelling apology was forthcoming?
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Old 01-07-2011, 12:30   #49
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Surely there is a code of conduct to which all councillors must subscribe? If so, I would have assumed that next to physically assaulting other members, the deliberate disruption of a full council meeting would warrent more than ejection from the chamber but a deprivation of council facilities and as such the withdrawal of financial allowances, until a full and grovelling apology was forthcoming?
The behaviour of members is generally of a standard that has made the code of conduct into something which isn't looked at very often but recent council meetings have been so heated that it has been dug out of the archives for reappraisal.

Miles Parkinson is very keen to get away from what is referred to as 'Punch and Judy' politics and so Pantomime Dame performances are likely to become more and more unacceptable in full council from now on.

I welcome it, it demeans the entire council when any member makes comments which are apparently intended to provide a platform for charged political posturing.
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Old 01-07-2011, 12:40   #50
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
The behaviour of members is generally of a standard that has made the code of conduct into something which isn't looked at very often but recent council meetings have been so heated that it has been dug out of the archives for reappraisal.

I welcome it, it demeans the entire council when any member makes comments which are apparently intended to provide a platform for charged political posturing.
I think we all welcome It.

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Old 01-07-2011, 12:42   #51
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
The behaviour of members is generally of a standard that has made the code of conduct into something which isn't looked at very often but recent council meetings have been so heated that it has been dug out of the archives for reappraisal.

Miles Parkinson is very keen to get away from what is referred to as 'Punch and Judy' politics and so Pantomime Dame performances are likely to become more and more unacceptable in full council from now on.

I welcome it, it demeans the entire council when any member makes comments which are apparently intended to provide a platform for charged political posturing.
Noble sentiments, Ken - but is that enough? Is it now not time for disgraceful beheaviour such as that exhibited last night to be firmly stamped on in order to avoid any further repetition? Councillor Britcliffe should now be made an example of by way of a formal warning, in writing, that misconduct will not be tolerated.

I suggest the mayor sends a letter to the councillor demanding an apology, which in the interests of transparency copies of which should be made to the LT and AO and likewise his reply and full apology - if and when forthcoming - should be copied to the said organs.
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Old 01-07-2011, 12:49   #52
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Noble sentiments, Ken - but is that enough? Is it now not time for disgraceful beheaviour such as that exhibited last night to be firmly stamped on in order to avoid any further repetition? Councillor Britcliffe should now be made an example of by way of a formal warning, in writing, that misconduct will not be tolerated.

I suggest the mayor sends a letter to the councillor demanding an apology, which in the interests of transparency copies of which should be made to the LT and AO and likewise his reply and full apology - if and when forthcoming - should be copied to the said organs.
Interesting points although to be honest I don't personally know enough about formal reprimands to make a proper comment on this. It would probably be something for the Mayor to decide and I wouldn't be inclined to try and influence her actions on this. If you as a resident find it to be a matter worth pursuing in the interests of the borough then I would not try to dissuade you from contacting the Mayor directly:

Councillors - Colette McCormack

Personally speaking, if any member wants to behave like this and expect to retain any sort of respect from the public then for my money you can carry on being ejected from the council chamber in full view of the borough's press.

It isn't something which an 'inexperienced' councillor such as myself would do.
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Old 01-07-2011, 13:09   #53
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
Personally speaking, if any member wants to behave like this and expect to retain any sort of respect from the public then for my money you can carry on being ejected from the council chamber in full view of the borough's press.

It isn't something which an 'inexperienced' councillor such as myself would do.
I think it's a little bit more important than gaining respect (whatever that means in a political context) from the public. Irrespective of party allegiances, we expect our elected representatives to fully engage in the democratic process when reaching the decisions that affect us all. Attempts to sabotage and undermine that process can take various forms in the non-democratic spectrum, of which violent rioting lies in the middle and terrorism at one end. At the other end is the deliberate disruption of meetings of elected bodies, such as occured yesterday and as such it is my opinion that those involved in such actions should be barred from participation when and until they learn the rules.
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Old 01-07-2011, 13:26   #54
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
I think it's a little bit more important than gaining respect (whatever that means in a political context) from the public. Irrespective of party allegiances, we expect our elected representatives to fully engage in the democratic process when reaching the decisions that affect us all. Attempts to sabotage and undermine that process can take various forms in the non-democratic spectrum, of which violent rioting lies in the middle and terrorism at one end. At the other end is the deliberate disruption of meetings of elected bodies, such as occured yesterday and as such it is my opinion that those involved in such actions should be barred from participation when and until they learn the rules.
It was voted on in fairly rapid succession to bar Cllr Britcliffe from further participation in further events of the meeting and then to expel him from the chamber altogether. In fairness to the Mayor, proper procedure was followed and Cllr Britcliffe was given ample opportunity to mollify his own behaviour. It's just worth remembering that this is the same man who up until four weeks ago was in control of the entire borough and also had aspirations to represent us in Westminster as our local MP.

The only way to eradicate the possibility of having Cllr Britcliffe as Leader of the Council again in future is to vote any which way but blue and I say that with genuine regret because there are still one or two decent Tory councillors in Hyndburn.

I've had a meeting with one of them, Cllr Walmsley, this morning.
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Old 01-07-2011, 13:29   #55
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

would not another way be fer the tory Councillors to decide they didn't want a liability as leader ken? i have no idea,just asking.
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Old 01-07-2011, 13:36   #56
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
It isn't something which an 'inexperienced' councillor such as myself would do.
It's not a question of being experienced or inexperienced. It is common courtesy.

If a Labour councillor had behaved in the way we are told Councillor Britcliffe behaved at the Council meeting, he would have been beside himself with outrage and condemnation.

It sounds as though he went beyond the acceptable boundaries, even of Punch and Judy politics, and when he reflects on what he did, he may well choose to apologise to all concerned.

But knowing Peter, don't hold your breath!
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Old 01-07-2011, 14:03   #57
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

All this just goes to show what an uncouth man he is, and an egotistical, arrogant one too.

It is time someone did something to curtail his activities, and prevented further outbursts from the man.
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Old 01-07-2011, 15:01   #58
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
All this just goes to show what an uncouth man he is, and an egotistical, arrogant one too.

It is time someone did something to curtail his activities, and prevented further outbursts from the man.
Well whats stopping you, you won the big hammer contest between Cashman & me.

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Old 01-07-2011, 15:01   #59
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Oh dear.

Though it seems quite apt that so much time was spent on the toilet issue.

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Old 01-07-2011, 17:10   #60
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Re: I want your desk cleared by 5....

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
It's not a question of being experienced or inexperienced. It is common courtesy.

If a Labour councillor had behaved in the way we are told Councillor Britcliffe behaved at the Council meeting, he would have been beside himself with outrage and condemnation.

It sounds as though he went beyond the acceptable boundaries, even of Punch and Judy politics, and when he reflects on what he did, he may well choose to apologise to all concerned.

But knowing Peter, don't hold your breath!
Think I may just second you on that gynn
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