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14-02-2006, 18:51
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Re: Identity Cards
Im for the ID card system.Late at night when walking home,from time to time i've been stopped by one of our police officers asking where I was going & where I'd been.Having told them they then ask for name,adress & D.O.B.They then check it out on the computer system via the radio to see if your wanted or known.If I was either of the later whats to stop me giving one of my brothers details?They would be non the wiser.I have nothing to hide so why not let them go for it.I think the majority of people oposed will be people with criminal records(major or minor),and certain people of foreign descent who seem to opose anything or person of authority that is able to keep an eye on what they are up to.
14-02-2006, 20:04
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Re: Identity Cards
Looks like we aint got any option over this 2+ years from now.
15-02-2006, 20:07
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Re: Identity Cards
i cant wait!!! im always forever being id'd when i go out, when i go asda! everywhere!
at least when theses cards come into the world i won't have to carry my passport with the fear of loosing it.
15-02-2006, 21:34
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Re: Identity Cards
That is a big problem, Baby Boo. My passport was stolen the first year after I moved to Spain, mainly because we are required to carry it with us. All the car papers, insurance, tax etc have to be carried in the car too. Copies aren't allowed.
We now have this little black bag which we take everywhere with us and it is such a worry. There is nothing of value in it apart from the papers but one of these days some nasty person will nick it and then where will we be!
I agree with some sort of ID Card which will include all these things and, hopefully, may stop the necessity of leaving ourselves wide open to theft.
When I was younger I always carried a handbag but nowadays it's rare for me to do so. The less I have the more safe I feel.
16-02-2006, 14:42
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Re: Identity Cards
I object to ID cards janet and I’m not up to no good and I have nothing to hide.
I object on several fronts not least of which is having to pay for one TWICE. Our taxes will fund the production and implementation of the ID card system then to add insult to injury we will be required to pay again to receive one.
I also object to the sneaky way that they are being foisted onto the public. If you apply for a passport you have to have an ID card as well – for an extra fee of course. In order to obtain a passport I have to supply certain documents to prove who I am. So that makes an ID card obsolete before it gets off the ground.
During the last major war the citizens of France, Belgium and other occupied countries were issued with identity papers, the old equivalent of an ID card and they didn’t stop the freedom fighters from harassing the German army at every turn. So just exactly how is an ID card going to stop a home grown terrorist?
If the CSA computer system is anything to go by then the ID card computer network will be a shambles and a very expensive one at that. Guess who will have to pay?
This ID debacle is not a panacea to cure all the identity problems. It is Blair’s folly.
16-02-2006, 15:45
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Re: Identity Cards
Originally Posted by jambutty
This ID debacle is not a panacea to cure all the identity problems. It is Blair’s folly.
Correction, jambutty - it is just ANOTHER of Blair's follies.
16-02-2006, 15:49
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Identity Cards
I stand corrected. I had forgotten about all his other ones.
16-02-2006, 20:26
Beacon of light
Re: Identity Cards
Very well said Jambutty......it also means that whatever we do we will be tracked.......AND if we don't let the appropriate authorites know when we move house........we will be fined. More money for nothing into the Chancellors coffers. Why do we need ID cards......are there any of you out there whom the government have missed taxing????? NO, I didn't think so.
Another thing....will the Bobby on the beat in our locality have the wherewithal to check these useless bits of plastic that we will be held to ransom over????? I seriously doubt it.
Like you Jambutty I am a law abiding citizen and have nothing at all to hide........and unlike Mthead I am never out late at night. I will not be buying one of these cards......so we could be in adjoining cells.
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16-02-2006, 23:31
white rabbits
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Re: Identity Cards
i dont mind having a card,,,,,i still have the one from 1941..the year i was born..(((Wonder what it would fetch on E.BAY)))lol
Not a full brick
17-02-2006, 13:57
Beacon of light
Re: Identity Cards
Ah yes GC, but that was different......it did not contain any biometric details........and correct me if I am wrong, you were not expected to pay for it. Also it was wartime conditions. This is going to be a much different situation......you could get your identity stolen. I know the government tell is it is to PREVENT identity theft......but they do not know what to tell us to get us on their side. If it was to protect us in any way do you think they would be doing it? It is a way to rake off more cash from the apathetic British public.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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17-02-2006, 16:05
white rabbits
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Re: Identity Cards
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Ah yes GC, but that was different......it did not contain any biometric details........and correct me if I am wrong, you were not expected to pay for it. Also it was wartime conditions. This is going to be a much different situation......you could get your identity stolen. I know the government tell is it is to PREVENT identity theft......but they do not know what to tell us to get us on their side. If it was to protect us in any way do you think they would be doing it? It is a way to rake off more cash from the apathetic British public.
point taken margaret,i never thought about it getting stolen, 
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17-02-2006, 16:39
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Re: Identity Cards
innocent people been made to cary identity cards..
wasnt this origionaly an idea implimented by hitler...?
sorry my mistake hitler made people cary identity papers , tony blairs idea is much more tecnoligicly advanced
17-02-2006, 16:54
white rabbits
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Re: Identity Cards
i suspose its better than being branded ,,like cows etc,,,,,lol
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17-02-2006, 17:04
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Re: Identity Cards
the only people who should have to carry identity cards in my opinion are imigrants and criminals
that i would agree to
17-02-2006, 17:19
Re: Identity Cards
Originally Posted by chav1
the only people who should have to carry identity cards in my opinion are imigrants and criminals
that i would agree to
How would that work?
Police: Excuse me you criminal looking person may I see your identity card.
Criminal: I don't have one because I am not a criminal
Police: Ok sir, sorry for stopping you, off you go.
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