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Old 17-02-2006, 17:56   #46
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Talking Re: Identity Cards

so we could be in adjoining cells.

I will apologise now Margaret because I snore.

As usually this government is scare mongering. With some 60 million in this land does anyone know how many have had their identity stolen? I’ll bet that it is less than 0.1%.
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Old 17-02-2006, 18:03   #47
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Re: Identity Cards

Originally Posted by Neil
How would that work?

Police: Excuse me you criminal looking person may I see your identity card.
Criminal: I don't have one because I am not a criminal
Police: Ok sir, sorry for stopping you, off you go.
yeah your right we should implant microchips into their skulls so that they can me monitored at all times
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Old 17-02-2006, 20:27   #48
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Re: Identity Cards

dont we have to pay for these ID cards??
if so then they can sod off!! why should i have to pay to prove who i am? if they want me to have one they can bloody well pay for it!
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Old 18-02-2006, 13:35   #49
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Re: Identity Cards

Yes Panther...we will be expected to pay for these cards unless we are on certain benefits......if we move and do not tell the authorities then it is mooted that we will be fined £1000......nice little earner eh!

I do not want one even if they are free. There are enough details about me being held by government departments. Surely that should be enough.
And as I say, when the crims get round to duplicating these cards......which they will.... be sure of it......and you get your identity stolen, how do you prove that you are who you say you are? It is damn scary.
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Old 18-02-2006, 13:37   #50
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Re: Identity Cards


I will apologise now Margaret because I snore.

It is Ok Jambutty......I do we will be in stereo!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 18-02-2006, 17:01   #51
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Talking Re: Identity Cards

Originally Posted by panther
dont we have to pay for these ID cards??
if so then they can sod off!! why should i have to pay to prove who i am? if they want me to have one they can bloody well pay for it!
well im with panther on this one why do we have to pay ,well i wont be paying so they can sod off too !
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Old 18-02-2006, 17:08   #52
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Re: Identity Cards

i suppose if everyone voted against labour at the next elections tony blair may actualy get the message that its a bad idea

sorry gail but your boss is a d*ck and needs reminding thet hes here to SERVE the people not rule them
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Old 18-02-2006, 17:10   #53
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Re: Identity Cards

Isn't it their plan that when you renew your passport you have to automatically get one, and pay for it?
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Old 18-02-2006, 17:11   #54
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Re: Identity Cards

Originally Posted by garinda
Isn't it their plan that when you renew your passport you have to automatically get one, and pay for it?
well ime ok for 9 more years then and after that i will just holiday inside the uk
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Old 18-02-2006, 18:28   #55
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Re: Identity Cards

Originally Posted by garinda
Isn't it their plan that when you renew your passport you have to automatically get one, and pay for it?
From 2008 unfortunately

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Old 18-02-2006, 18:44   #56
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Re: Identity Cards

Why on earth would you need both? Anyway, I think my passport runs out in 2011...after that maybe I won't trot the globe anymore......or then again maybe I will and just not come back!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 18-02-2006, 20:24   #57
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Re: Identity Cards

[quote=Margaret Pilkington]Yes Panther...we will be expected to pay for these cards unless we are on certain benefits......if we move and do not tell the authorities then it is mooted that we will be fined £1000......nice little earner eh!

do u know the cost of these ID's, money's tight as is it and im not on benefits, im a british citizen, since i was born, so i shouldnt need one! those who come into this country sponging should have em not us!
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Old 22-02-2006, 17:02   #58
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Re: Identity Cards

Originally Posted by chav1
i suppose if everyone voted against labour at the next elections tony blair may actualy get the message that its a bad idea

sorry gail but your boss is a d*ck and needs reminding thet hes here to SERVE the people not rule them
Few points on this one Chav

Next elections are local and have absolutely no impact on the Government whatsover. Local issues are things like - should the market hall be sold off, should we get resident parking anywhere, how do we bring investment into Hyndburn etc? I disagree with a lot of the national policies but as far as I'm concerned I'm fighting a local Council election and national policies shouldn't come into it one jot.

He's not my boss - I'm not a fan of his either and there is no way that I would have voted for him as the leader of the party.

I don't really see the point of identity cards myself. I reckon that I have at least 10 cards (credit cards, drivers licence, library cards, etc) that identify me adequately should anybody question who I am. I certainly don't think that the people should have to pay to carry them.

Finally, I agree with you - from Councillors to MPs to the Prime Minister, they should all realise that they have to listen to the people and serve them rather than dictate.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 23-02-2006, 23:02   #59

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Re: Identity Cards

Originally Posted by Gayle
I disagree with a lot of the national policies but as far as I'm concerned I'm fighting a local Council election and national policies shouldn't come into it one jot.

He's not my boss - I'm not a fan of his either and there is no way that I would have voted for him as the leader of the party.

Finally, I agree with you - from Councillors to MPs to the Prime Minister, they should all realise that they have to listen to the people and serve them rather than dictate.
Are you sure you are a member of the correct party Gayle?
You almost sound anti-Labour
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Old 24-02-2006, 13:24   #60
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Re: Identity Cards

Originally Posted by Neil
Are you sure you are a member of the correct party Gayle?
You almost sound anti-Labour
Very funny, yes I am part of the right party because on local issues they have the best approach and the best vision for the town.

As for sounding anti-Labour - no, I am just pro-common sense. National issues should not be confused with local issues, I am fighting a LOCAL election.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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