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Old 06-11-2003, 18:47   #1
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Post Identity Cards

Anyone any views on the likelyhood of an ID card system being brought in?
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- Edmund Burke

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Old 06-11-2003, 19:09   #2
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Post Re: Identity Cards

Think it is a good idea, this idea has been bandied about for some time now. The powers that be in this country would probably make a mess of it, with excessive red tape and paperwork. I believe they have an ID card system in the States, but don't really know how it works. When I was in Sardinia, a couple of years ago, the local police used to stop people at random and ask to see their drivers licenses or passports. Luckily I was staying with a mate and she warned me, but I had to have my passport with me all the time.
In theory, an ID card could cut down on fraudulent crime, but ID's are easily faked and criminals always find a way. I think it would be good for reducing the sale of alcohol / fireworks etc to the underaged, if they had to produce a photo ID.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 06-11-2003, 19:15   #3

Post Re: Identity Cards

In these days of computer chips etc, why have something as outmoded and clumsy as an ID card?

What we should do is have every child 'chipped' at birth.

The chip would carry details of its birth, injections, sickness, parents, home address, etc.  Then as it grows older the details of its schools could be entered into the chip, the courses exams it took, and then its bank account, the jobs it had had and so on.

Can you imagine it, a parent going into Tescos and finding that she had not enough money on her credit card but knowing that her child had some in its account, would pick up the kid and swipe it through the bar code reader to pay for the groceries.

What a great idea!  Not only would we know where the little darlings were 24/7 but the Police could have a tracker system based on GPS built into it - sort of built in baby sitter.  Oh the mind boggles!!
Fangio. Anyone who hates kids and animals can't be all bad.
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Old 06-11-2003, 19:48   #4
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Post Re: Identity Cards

Lol!  Fangio, you're a star, why did I not think of that one. Brilliant!!!!
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Old 06-11-2003, 21:43   #5
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Post Re: Identity Cards

I agree with i.d. cards or something similar, in my opinion the only people to complain about them are the one's that are up to no good.If you have nothing to hide then you should have no objections. Bring it on.
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Old 06-11-2003, 23:04   #6
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Post Re: Identity Cards

They should be here allready!  Why is it taking so long for us to get them?  It would solve a heck of a lot of problems!
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Old 06-11-2003, 23:32   #7
Accy Goddess

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Post Re: Identity Cards

I agree Janet an I.D card would solve loads of problems.
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Old 07-11-2003, 00:43   #8
I am Banned

Post Re: Identity Cards

Says on Teletext (tonight) that ID cards are years away...
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Old 07-11-2003, 07:01   #9
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Post Re: Identity Cards

With the exception of minors buying things under age, anyone care to enlighten me, just what are all these problems that an I.D. card would solve?  ???
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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Old 07-11-2003, 07:04   #10
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Post Re: Identity Cards

Every European county has an ID card system except GB. the [email protected] cannot understand how the hell we fight crime without them. I never thought about it before I came here, but now I'm here I also really wonder why Britain doesn't have one.
On one hand I like the idea that you're freer in Britain, you don'tn have to have a fixed residence or an ID card, so you feel less controlled by the authorities, but that's all well and good for us law-abiding citizens, but not so for criminals and frauds.
In Europe you have to have your driving licence and ID on you AT ALL TIMES, but this is necessary as insurance covers the car for any driver, so they can't just jot down the registration and know who was driving the car.
In general I'm FOR ID cards, but on the other hand we have onme of the best polcing systems in the world and if it's worked so far without, why bother introducing them?
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Old 07-11-2003, 07:05   #11
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Post Re: Identity Cards

When i was at High School (5 years ago) they said they where going to bring out the ID cards, but still they haven't.  I agree with the idea as it would stop young people drinking  [smiley=alc.gif] which i see a lot, on the streets they are there with the cans of Kestrel, who then shout obseen things at me as i walk past  [smiley=eek.gif]  .  Also the majority of fights that happen in Accy at the taix rank on a Fri/Sat night are young boys thinking they are hard cos they have had too much to drink.  So i hope they do do it to stop that if nothing else.   :-/
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Old 07-11-2003, 07:05   #12
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Post Re: Identity Cards

Every European county has an ID card system except GB. the Europeans cannot understand how the hell we fight crime without them. I never thought about it before I came here, but now I'm here I also really wonder why Britain doesn't have one.
On one hand I like the idea that you're freer in Britain, you don't have to have a fixed residence or an ID card, so you feel less controlled by the authorities, but that's all well and good for us law-abiding citizens, but not so for criminals and frauds.
In Europe you have to have your driving licence and ID on you AT ALL TIMES, but this is necessary as insurance covers the car for any driver, so they can't just jot down the registration and know who was driving the car.
In general I'm FOR ID cards, but on the other hand we have one of the best policing systems in the world and if it's worked so far without, why bother introducing them?
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Old 07-11-2003, 08:45   #13
I am Banned

Post Re: Identity Cards

I agree with the idea as it would stop young people drinking  
Ahem!.. I don't fink so!

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Old 07-11-2003, 08:53   #14
I am Banned

Post Re: Identity Cards

In this day and age with the technology available it would be easy enough to make a good enough fake ID card to fool the club doorman or the local shop owner in a busy off licence for example..  Maybe not good enough to fool the police but certainly good enough to fool people who dont mind being fooled into taking your money

It wouldnt take a gang of master criminals either.. any teenager worth his salt could knock them out to all and sundry for a couple of quid each and make the whole system a farce.. a system that will cost millions to impliment and by the time its ready technology will be more advanced..

EXAMPLE.. If i made a fake gas board ID card or even a fake police ID and presented it to you at your front door... how would you know if it was fake ? My pic. fake numbers blah blah.. how many times have you phoned up the head office when someone has shown you an ID to check its real?

All in all an ID card system already in place in other cuntries might work.. but to introduce one now here would be a waste of money.. I think they know that.

I wouldn't be apposed to having one... in some respects my driving licence is one as it has my pic

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Old 07-11-2003, 09:20   #15
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Post Re: Identity Cards

I can see the arguement for the cards on both sides.

Personally though, I wouldn't want the system to introduced. It's all too much like big brother for me.

Ive nothing to hide but wouldn't it be annoying if you had to produce your card everytime you wanted to do something or purchase something? And as for having to carry it on you at all times, give me a break.  How many times have you been in a rush and forgotten your wallet/purse or mobile phone?

Have to agree with HarryX - too much money to impliment. I also believe that the majority of people would vote against it anyway.

The system we have works - it's just that there aren't enough Police men and women out there - THAT's the problem.
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