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Old 09-08-2006, 10:48   #1
Resting in Peace
Ber999T's Avatar

Exclamation If Wesser visits to your door

Just letting you ALL know that there are 4 or 5 young people working for a company called
and they are asking people to sign up to make donations via Direct Debit and giving information about joining if any one is intrested.

These people carry ID and are wearing the St John logo on their tops they are acting on behalf of St John Ambulance in trying to gain a steady income so that St John Ambulance can continue to provide and hopefully increase the level of care and membership numbers. They will be in this area for about 3 weeks.

This door-to-door method was last used 3 years ago and had some good results.

They are not asking for money or cheques at the door!!!!

I have also been informed that there is a person walking round in a St John uniform and targeting the older folks and asking them to JOIN St John. It has been reported to the Police. If this person is seen please DO NOT LET THEM IN and ring the Police.

If anyone has a complaint about these people you can either email me [email protected] or contact County HQ on [email protected] or you can ring them on 01772 252239. Please make sure that you have street, date and time of visit. If you want to check if the caller is from Wesser CHQ have a list of ALL members working in this area.

Last edited by Ber999T; 12-08-2006 at 17:09. Reason: A bit more info
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Accrington Web
Old 09-08-2006, 17:50   #2
Full Member

Re: If Wesser visits to your door

yes the guys have just been to my house (BAXENDEN) nice enought people but good sales men had to tell him no 4 times
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Old 09-08-2006, 18:48   #3
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Re: If Wesser visits to your door

So how much of their donation actually gets to SJA and how much pays for 'admin' including these guys wages?

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Old 09-08-2006, 21:43   #4
Resting in Peace
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Re: If Wesser visits to your door

Not to sure entwisi but last I heard it was a small percentage but as they where doing this all over the country I suppose it could have been quite a good earner for the Wesser company. Think that they do the work for 5 years and then the deal runs out and if we want them back we have to do new contract with the company but all of that is sorted out at National HQ.

Ok Bob at least you were pre warned of the vist I guess.
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Old 09-08-2006, 22:03   #5
Senior Member

Re: If Wesser visits to your door

I had the same sort of group a couple of weeks ago collecting on behalf of the Deaf. It's a good idea but I refuse to give my bank details to anyone on my doorstep or anywhere else for that matter. There might not be much in it, but what there is, is mine. I'm not giving anyone access to it as there is the risk they could take more than what is agreed
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Old 09-08-2006, 22:07   #6
Resting in Peace
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Re: If Wesser visits to your door

Debbie that is a vaild point however if anyone wanted to set up a DD (not just for SJA) they could take the charities details and then contact the charity direct in order to set up payments.
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Old 12-08-2006, 17:10   #7
Resting in Peace
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Re: If Wesser visits to your door

I have just post in opening post more information about how to complain or check on the callers.
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