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Old 08-09-2007, 06:24   #1
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if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

interesting article , just wonder how many mothers (caregivers) are too dam lazy to get their asses into the kitchen and cook proper food for their kids

Another Suspect In Ballooning World Health Problem - Microwave Ovens And The Obesity Epidemic

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Old 08-09-2007, 06:46   #2
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

Everyones entitled to their opinions but i do think microwaves are bad-so i dont own one,and havent done for over 18 months now.Some of my friends sterilise their babys bottles in microwave sterilisers and heat their babies milk in the bottles in the microwave which i dont like either (i never say anything to them-its their babies,who am i to say how they do it?).
It is more time consuming to cook without one but seeing as i dont work i have that kind of time on my hands.

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Old 08-09-2007, 07:38   #3
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
interesting article , just wonder how many mothers (caregivers) are too dam lazy to get their asses into the kitchen and cook proper food for their kids

Another Suspect In Ballooning World Health Problem - Microwave Ovens And The Obesity Epidemic

i see you didnt say fathers!!, are they exempt?
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Old 08-09-2007, 08:09   #4
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

It's not the microwaving itself that is the problem - it's what you microwave.

If they are only being used to warm up 'ready meals' then yes that's a problem because 'ready meals' can be full of all kinds of junk. You can also buy 'ready meals' which are cooked in a conventional oven and they are equally full of rubbish.

However, if you use a microwave oven to actually cook stuff as opposed to warming stuff up it is perfectly possible to have nutritious food. For example how could a jacket potato cooked in a microwave be any more fattening or any less nutritious than one cooked in a gas or conventional electric oven? OK, the skins go harder in an ordinary oven but personally I prefer the softer skin from the microwave.

It's like carrots. If you buy them fresh off the market they are much better for you than if you get them out of a tin but I bet more people use tinned carrots for convenience.

We don't use our microwave all that often and it's a combi which is quite often used in its 'oven mode' rather than microwave mode but I wouldn't like to be without it for those times when I prefer what it produces.

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Old 08-09-2007, 08:18   #5
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

I never cook anything in my microwave. The only thing I use it for is defrosting... especially frozen bread when I put up my butties for work.
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Old 08-09-2007, 08:32   #6
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

I dont think the microwave is to blame for fat kids, its the rubbish food their fed and lack of exercise, too much time on the computer games etc. I use my microwave to warm up dont give the kids microwave meals, though I'd never say never, I think along with most thing its a balance, occasionally wouldn't do any harm.
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Old 08-09-2007, 08:52   #7
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

The Proven Dangers of Microwaves
Even good healthy nutritous food is ruined by microwave cooking.
(I remember posting this link before - perhaps you missed it then)

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Old 08-09-2007, 09:11   #8
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

Thats very interesting Margaret, thankyou.
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Old 08-09-2007, 09:12   #9
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

It's a bit too easy to blame microwaves, without supplying any evidence, except their introduction was at the same time as the increase in obesity occured.

What about the increased numbers of freezers at the same time, or the massive rise in the number of takeaways?

In Oswaldtwistle in 1984 there was four chippies, now there are twenty three takeaways.

Personally I blame Thatcher, and the free market economy, for the increase in obesity.
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Old 08-09-2007, 09:22   #10
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
It's a bit too easy to blame microwaves, without supplying any evidence, except their introduction was at the same time as the increase in obesity occured.

What about the increased numbers of freezers at the same time, or the massive rise in the number of takeaways?

In Oswaldtwistle in 1984 there was four chippies, now there are twenty three takeaways.

Personally I blame Thatcher, and the free market economy, for the increase in obesity.
If reading my 1st link hasnt convinced you - here's another
Microwave gag order removed

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Old 08-09-2007, 09:54   #11
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

I have a microwave and its very hardly used the most thing,s i use it for is defrosting and thats a bout all.
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Old 08-09-2007, 10:12   #12
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

Well if this theory is correct then perhaps I should be a 30 odd stone heaving mass of blubber, my microwave is in use at least twice daily I eat loads of ready meals, (there's only me so why dirty more pots than is necessary?).

As it is I'm about 10 stone wet through!
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Old 08-09-2007, 11:48   #13
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Well if this theory is correct then perhaps I should be a 30 odd stone heaving mass of blubber, my microwave is in use at least twice daily I eat loads of ready meals, (there's only me so why dirty more pots than is necessary?).

As it is I'm about 10 stone wet through!
maybe less you should also have a beer gut like Big Daddy? so your theory dont add up either.
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Old 08-09-2007, 14:37   #14
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

It is very easy for 'White' Raymond to lash out from a position of great wealth, not everyone has time to cook the type of culinary delights that that self rightious person has who's every whim are catered for by an army of very poorly paid chefs. When are these wealthy pontificats going to enter the real world,I'll bet he has more than one microwave to cook his crap on!
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Old 08-09-2007, 15:32   #15
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Re: if you have a fat kid ....blame the microwave

Another thing which came on the scene around about the same time as the microwave oven was the additive 'aspartame' used as a sweetener in 'diet' foods and drinks. One of the side effects of this diet miracle is the effect it has on the fat cells. Kids who were a little overweight drank and still do drink diet drinks in order to lose weight and they gain. They aren't consuming sugar so why do they gain? Sugar would actually be less harmful. I fell for the stupid idea of diet drinks and have lived to regret it. I try to avoid aspartame at all costs now.

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