25-07-2016, 12:11
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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Better still patients who haven't visited for five years could present themselves at reception and sign a computer printed form to say that they still wish to be registered with the practice.
I would be quite happy to fill in a form obtained from reception....and it does not even need to be posted...it could be dropped in a box at reception.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
So should we...the healthy people, be clogging up the GP's waiting room just to let them know we are perfectly healthy?( and in the process making it even more difficult for someone who is genuinely in need of medical help, to see a doctor)
What if someone is not able to go to reception for something that could be dealt with by a letter? There is nothing to stop you going to your doctors and ensuring that you are not on the check & remove list.
But for others who are not in your situation they could be more than happy to respond to a letter - which may eventually point them to a web page even.
All this about if people move and change doctors is just a miniscule bit, I don't know why your harping on about it so much. If someone does register with a new practise then they are taken off the old ones lists - if the old practise does not then that's likely fraudulent and they should be dealt with accordingly.
your not happy replying to a letter, others are.