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Old 20-07-2016, 10:50   #1
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
If you have not seen your GP for five years....

Watch out.....there is a move afoot to remove people from a GP's list if they have not needed to see thier Gp in the last five years.

It seems that this is a cost saving measure which is aimed at removing 'ghost patients' from lists.
GPs get £136 per annum for every patient on their list regardless of whether the patient requires treatment.

A private company (Capita) are being enlisted to do the administrative work on this cost saving that is going to eat into those savings that are hoped this scheme will provide.
They will send out two warning letters and if there is no response to these you may be removed from your GP's list.

You will then have to re-register with the practice(if they have room for you)provide proof of identity and you may have to wait up to three weeks to get an appointment.

Now, I have not visited my GP for a fair might even be five years.
I do not believe introubling a doctor for minor ailments(and especially as by the time you get an appointment the problem has usually cleared up).
So should we...the healthy people, be clogging up the GP's waiting room just to let them know we are perfectly healthy?( and in the process making it even more difficult for someone who is genuinely in need of medical help, to see a doctor)

Surely to goodness there is a better way.
If I had moved and no longer needed to be register with my GP....would they not realise this when they received a request for my notes from a new GP?

If ( god forbid) I was to snuff it, surely there is some mechanism with in the NHS/DWP of letting this be known to the GP( i guess himself could always pop in and tell them that at last I had got my wings/shovel).

It is a farce and it may remove services from the most vulnerable in our communities.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 20-07-2016 at 10:54.
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Old 20-07-2016, 11:31   #2
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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

I can figure out why they have come up wi this idea, aint rocket science.
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Old 20-07-2016, 12:40   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

Yes, is all bout money...and they think this will save it...well...I bet it doesn't save anywhere near as much as it will eventually cost.
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Old 20-07-2016, 13:05   #4
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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

As I understand it patients will be contacted and only if they do not reply will they be struck off. I would think it would be common courtesy to reply as I think it would be to inform the surgery of any change of address. Obviously some doctors are not as good as others at looking after their patients. My other half and myself have 6 monthly check ups with blood test and blood pressure check as well as a review of medication as a matter of course.
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Old 20-07-2016, 13:43   #5

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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
....They will send out two warning letters and if there is no response to these you may be removed from your GP's list.....
Sounds fair enough if when you respond you are kept on the list. I wonder how many people are registered but have left the country or moved away or even died and the surgery don't know.
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Old 20-07-2016, 13:49   #6
Beacon of light

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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

If people move away surely they will register with another GP and the new GP will want access to their previous records, when I worked in the NHS if a patient died then the GP was notified........when someone dies other than in hospital there are a series of people who have to be notified...why can't the GP be one of these.
Why does it need a private company(set up to make money) to administrate this goodness knows what cost.

I have no problem with responding to a letter, but feel that it is not going to be a cost effective way of doing what the process is supposed to do...which is save money.
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Old 20-07-2016, 13:55   #7
Beacon of light

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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

Originally Posted by Rowlf View Post
As I understand it patients will be contacted and only if they do not reply will they be struck off. I would think it would be common courtesy to reply as I think it would be to inform the surgery of any change of address. Obviously some doctors are not as good as others at looking after their patients. My other half and myself have 6 monthly check ups with blood test and blood pressure check as well as a review of medication as a matter of course.
Well you are not going to be in the category that will be the target group.

For myself I really have to be very sick to go and see the fact I doubt if my doctor would know me from a lump of soap.

Yes you are right the onus must be placed on the service user, to let the practice know of any change of circumstances...which I would reckon most people do. It may be that the GPthinks he can continue claiming the £136 and do nothing...but if that is the case then it is the GP who should be investigated not the service user.

The people who are taken off lists...where will they go for their health care?...It is bound to be some overworked A&E department
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Old 20-07-2016, 14:10   #8
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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
or even died and the surgery don't know.
pretty lousy doctor if he cant spot a dead patient lol
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Old 20-07-2016, 14:13   #9
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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

We do not go to the doctors unless we are very sick either. The check ups are a routine that our doctor's surgery carries out. A nurse does the checks and the doctor sees the results. The people who are taken off surely should have responded to the letter they were sent and if they did not they have only themselves to blame. I agree Margaret that some GPs could be claiming to have more patients than they actually have and that certainly wants stamping out.
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Old 20-07-2016, 14:17   #10
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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes, is all bout money...and they think this will save it...well...I bet it doesn't save anywhere near as much as it will eventually cost.
I would put another reason along with saving money.
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Old 20-07-2016, 14:26   #11
Beacon of light

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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

I do not go for any check ups at the GP's. I don't believe in poking a hornets nest with a stick, besides that many GP's think old age is a medical condition.

Yes Cashy, I think you might mean seeing off the coffin dodgers(?)...except they won't be struck off because many of them are not in the best of health.
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Old 20-07-2016, 14:32   #12
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I do not go for any check ups at the GP's. I don't believe in poking a hornets nest with a stick, besides that many GP's think old age is a medical condition.

Yes Cashy, I think you might mean seeing off the coffin dodgers(?)...except they won't be struck off because many of them are not in the best of health.
No margaret i mean they will save money by the many people of differing nationalities that clear off home without a bye or leave and never return,
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Old 20-07-2016, 14:35   #13
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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

I don't see the check up as poking a hornets nest . My view is prevention is better than cure. There are some conditions patients are not aware of till its too late.
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Old 20-07-2016, 14:54   #14
Beacon of light

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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

Originally Posted by Rowlf View Post
I don't see the check up as poking a hornets nest . My view is prevention is better than cure. There are some conditions patients are not aware of till its too late.
Well, if it works for you, then that is good.....but not for me.
I do go for my mammograms, dental check ups but nothing else.
I do not want to be told that because of my age I should be on statins...or anything else for that matter.
Many of the older population are on lots of different drugs.....which cause other problems for which they need yet another medication.

I take no prescribed meds. I just take the odd paracetamol for some of the wear and tear on joints.....I take responsibility for my own health.
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Old 20-07-2016, 15:56   #15
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Re: If you have not seen your GP for five years....

You are very lucky if you do not need any medication other than the odd paracetamol.Some of us do need monitoring due to hereditary illnesses and taking medication to prevent me suffering the same illness is fine by me. To get back to your original post, anything that can help save money in the NHS is welcomed but I understand your doubt that this idea will save more than it costs.
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