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Old 08-09-2008, 21:43   #61
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

With the country going "multi racial", and some of those races being sensitive to exposing their hair in public, it's easier to abandon common sense than to stand accused of racial discrimination.

How do I work that one out? Simple. If you can check "child A" because their religion doesn't care what you do with their hair, but can't with "child B" because he has a religious problem with strangers/infidel combing through their matted tresses with a fine-tooth comb, then both child A and child B have reason to cry discrimination. A because you're subjecting him to the ordeal and not doing the same with B, and B because A is getting healthcare that B is not.

It'll get worse before it gets better... If we survive beyond Wednesday, that is.
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Old 08-09-2008, 21:56   #62

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Re: If You Were A Barber.

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
if the nit nurse still came into school there would be no nits whatsoever, in my day the kid who had nits was sent home with a letter and wasnt able to return to school till all the lice had gone
Now there would be kids selling their nits to their friends so they could have time off school as well
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Old 08-09-2008, 22:12   #63
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
With the country going "multi racial", and some of those races being sensitive to exposing their hair in public, it's easier to abandon common sense than to stand accused of racial discrimination.

How do I work that one out? Simple. If you can check "child A" because their religion doesn't care what you do with their hair, but can't with "child B" because he has a religious problem with strangers/infidel combing through their matted tresses with a fine-tooth comb, then both child A and child B have reason to cry discrimination. A because you're subjecting him to the ordeal and not doing the same with B, and B because A is getting healthcare that B is not.

It'll get worse before it gets better... If we survive beyond Wednesday, that is.
Not sure how you come to the conclusion that because we live in a multi cultural society we therefore expect more head lice. ( not sure if you implied that or just how I read it )

These things are wingless, can’t fly, swim or jump. Transfer from one person to another is through direct “hair to hair” contact as I understand things. Going from my understanding it would seem that anyone who is sensitive to exposing their hair in public is less likely to pass on or catch head lice.
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Old 08-09-2008, 22:42   #64
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
Not sure how you come to the conclusion that because we live in a multi cultural society we therefore expect more head lice. ( not sure if you implied that or just how I read it )
Depends what you mean. I'm not suggesting nits are more prevalent in kids from religions with a defensive attitude to their hair. I am suggesting there's more likelihood of any infestation spreading because of our fear of offending one segment of our multicultural society.

In my previous post, all I was saying is that some kids will allow Nitty Nora to go exploring, others won't. Therefore, we end up with a racial divide. Therefore poor old Nora has to decide whether she's going to force kids who don't want their hair checking to have it checked, or just abandon the kids who don't care. Heaven forbid she should take option 3 and treat them differently.

That means that there's generally a bigger likelihood of infestation because checks aren't being done. The infestation might be in a predominanyly white, Christian school like the one my son goes to, but the cause is still the same. Nora's gone.

Of course I could be wrong and there might be an entirely rational explanation for poor old Nora being on the dole...
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Old 08-09-2008, 22:59   #65
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
These things are wingless, can’t fly, swim or jump. Transfer from one person to another is through direct “hair to hair” contact as I understand things. Going from my understanding it would seem that anyone who is sensitive to exposing their hair in public is less likely to pass on or catch head lice.
not being funny BB, but how the hell do they get on yer napper then? i'm sure if they marched up me neck i would feel
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Old 08-09-2008, 23:23   #66
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

A non-toxic, and environmentally safe way to get rid of head lice.

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Old 09-09-2008, 00:19   #67
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

They can't fly ,swim.or jump?... they may be using advanced technology.. like they get beamed to a specific location by astral projection or summat..."beam me up Scotty" like..
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Old 09-09-2008, 02:36   #68
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Cool Re: If You Were A Barber.

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
Not sure how you come to the conclusion that because we live in a multi cultural society we therefore expect more head lice. ( not sure if you implied that or just how I read it )

These things are wingless, can’t fly, swim or jump. Transfer from one person to another is through direct “hair to hair” contact as I understand things. Going from my understanding it would seem that anyone who is sensitive to exposing their hair in public is less likely to pass on or catch head lice.
It doesn’t have to be head to head contact, although that is the most likely way to catch nits.

There is the proxy contact. Wearing the headgear of an infected kid is likely to transfer the eggs as is using the same comb or brush.
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:12   #69
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
They can't fly ,swim.or jump?... they may be using advanced technology.. like they get beamed to a specific location by astral projection or summat..."beam me up Scotty" like..

its true what BB is saying, they cant swim, fly or jump....they walk
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Old 09-09-2008, 08:31   #70
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

I thought they jumped? When my daughter had them once at nursery, when combing her hair they seemed to jump.

The only thing I could get rid of them with was tea tree shampoo, conditioner and listerine mouthwash. They don't like mint apparently.

Seems strange and yes you smell like toothpaste for a while but at least it gets rid of them.

A good way to prevent nits is leave in condition and hairspray and of course if the hair is long enough always keep it tied back. My daughter has longish hair and always has her hair tied back for school with a little hairspray in. I don't like using hairspray on her, but its better than her coming back with nits, because some of the parents let their children go to school like that and can't be bothered doing anything about it.
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Old 09-09-2008, 13:20   #71
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

Best way to get rid is a blow lamp, the little sods don't like intence heat, makes um sweat to much
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Old 10-09-2008, 07:47   #72

Re: If You Were A Barber.

My friend is a mobile hairdresser and one time spotted some nits when she was in the middle of a job with a regular. She had to tell the lady - and then throw out all her equipment. The lady said she was going to have it treated after taking some advice from my friend. The next time my mate was doing her hair though, she spotted them again and had to throw her stuff away for the second time. The customer was really embarassed and my mate had had an expensive couple of weeks because of this customer but what can you do?
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:47   #73
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

Originally Posted by Pamperqueen View Post
My friend is a mobile hairdresser and one time spotted some nits when she was in the middle of a job with a regular. She had to tell the lady - and then throw out all her equipment. The lady said she was going to have it treated after taking some advice from my friend. The next time my mate was doing her hair though, she spotted them again and had to throw her stuff away for the second time. The customer was really embarassed and my mate had had an expensive couple of weeks because of this customer but what can you do?
After the second time I'd be asking for compen for my equipment, once you can understand, but twice. Plus i'd be considering wether this client was worth the trouble
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:44   #74

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Re: If You Were A Barber.

Originally Posted by Pamperqueen View Post
My friend is a mobile hairdresser and one time spotted some nits when she was in the middle of a job with a regular. She had to tell the lady - and then throw out all her equipment. The lady said she was going to have it treated after taking some advice from my friend. The next time my mate was doing her hair though, she spotted them again and had to throw her stuff away for the second time. The customer was really embarassed and my mate had had an expensive couple of weeks because of this customer but what can you do?
Why an earth would she throw away anything? The price of scissors only are ridiculous.
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:46   #75
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Re: If You Were A Barber.

im pretty sure disinfectant would be enough.
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