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Old 24-10-2008, 13:10   #1
Resting in Peace
jaysay's Avatar

I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Pubs could soon be offering two thirds of a pint instead of just pints and halves. The National Weights and Measures Laboratory (NWML) is concerning new food and drink measures to give people more choice. This is being considered because of the amount of stronger alcoholic drinks no on the market. Doesn't quite seem the same does it "I'll have two thirds please Landlord
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Old 24-10-2008, 13:17   #2
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churchman phil's Avatar

Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Can't see that happening. In a noisy bar two thirds could sound like two anything!! People would end up drinking more!!

Plus you'd have to remodel the storage for glasses and the till where I work is itemised and just hasn't got enough keys to add another selection to it.
Hyndburn Ramblers Website

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Old 24-10-2008, 13:21   #3
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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

I was made aware, after attending a recent meet, that 2 pints would put me slightly over the driving limit.
So 3 halves, or 1 pint and 1 half, is now the rule.
Two 2/3rds = 3 halves
Which is the cheapest way to buy beer?

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Old 24-10-2008, 13:23   #4
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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

they do that in Belgium, you can get half a pint, just over half a pint and then a pint, always good to remember when you've had a few stella's
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 24-10-2008, 13:24   #5
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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Dont see the point myself, but then again i dont see the point in halves, lol you have to keep going back to the bar! I drink pints and i find that cheaper aswell.
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Old 24-10-2008, 13:26   #6
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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Pulling the leg comes to mind Seriously where did you get this information. Been on the NWML site and can't find any information.
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Old 24-10-2008, 13:34   #7
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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Originally Posted by Lolly View Post
Dont see the point myself, but then again i dont see the point in halves, lol you have to keep going back to the bar! I drink pints and i find that cheaper aswell.
Same here Lolly
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Old 24-10-2008, 13:39   #8
Resting in Peace
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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Originally Posted by mothernature View Post
Pulling the leg comes to mind Seriously where did you get this information. Been on the NWML site and can't find any information.
Ceefax page 115 today MN sorry I should have said where I'd gt the info
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Old 24-10-2008, 13:56   #9

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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I was made aware, after attending a recent meet, that 2 pints would put me slightly over the driving limit.
Slightly does not not make a difference - you would still have been banned and labelled a drink driver
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Old 24-10-2008, 14:01   #10

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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Have a read of this Drink-Driving Guidelines

Here is a bit of it

To ensure you run no risk of being "over the limit":

Immediately before driving:
- men should consume no more than 4 units, women no more than 3

When drinking the night before driving:
- men should consume no more than 10 units, women no more than 7. (This assumes that no alcohol is consumed after 11.30 pm, and that driving does not take place before 8 am the following morning)

This applies to people of average weight (around 12-13 st for men, 9-10 st for women). If you are particularly small, these figures should be reduced accordingly. But if you are particularly big, it is no guarantee that they can be increased. The figures are lower for women not only because they are usually lighter than men, but also because their metabolism is different.

If you drink more than this, it will not guarantee that you will exceed 80 mg, as the rate of absorption of alcohol is so unpredictable. But even with one unit more you will be running a tangible risk. The above figures are the maximum you can consume without any significant risk of exceeding the legal limit, and also without resulting in any significant increase in accident risk.

It is also important to remember that a half pint of beer or a glass of wine can contain considerably more than one unit. Given that most pubs serve draught beer 5 to 10% under measure, it is fairly safe to assume a half of any beer up to around 4% represents one unit. But, any higher than that, and you have to make adjustments. A pint of 5% beer is almost three units, and even one and a half pints may not quite be safe.

In 1967, very little beer was available above 4% ABV. Now, it is widespread, and in some pubs it can be be difficult to find beer below that strength. In particular, the 33 cl bottles of "designer lagers" that are so popular are usually between 5% and 5.5% ABV, meaning that each contains almost two units, and any more than two could take a driver above 80 mg.

The risks with wine are even greater. Only the very lightest German wines have an ABV as low as 8%, and many pubs and restaurants serve wine in 175 ml or even 225 ml glasses, rather than 125 ml. A 175 ml glass of wine of 12% ABV, which is fairly typical, represents two units. Two such glasses could put a smallish woman over the limit, whereas two pints of bitter would not do so for an average-sized man. An increasing number of pubs are now also serving spirits in 35 mg measures, containing 1.4 units, rather than 25 mg which is exactly one unit.
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Old 24-10-2008, 14:05   #11
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Cool Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Pubs could soon be offering two thirds of a pint instead of just pints and halves. The National Weights and Measures Laboratory (NWML) is concerning new food and drink measures to give people more choice. This is being considered because of the amount of stronger alcoholic drinks no on the market. Doesn't quite seem the same does it "I'll have two thirds please Landlord
This is just a ploy to try and condition people into accepting metric weights and measures for liquids.

1¾ pints is approximately equal to 1 litre.

Therefore half a litre is about the equivalent to 7/8 of a pint.

7/8 of a pint is obviously less than a pint and just as obviously more than half a pint so it fits in with The National Weights and Measures Laboratory’s thinking.

½ a litre please landlord with a shorter measure of ¼ litre.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 24-10-2008, 14:10   #12
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Cool Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I was made aware, after attending a recent meet, that 2 pints would put me slightly over the driving limit.
So 3 halves, or 1 pint and 1 half, is now the rule.
Two 2/3rds = 3 halves
Which is the cheapest way to buy beer?
Weren’t you against a total ban on drink driving?

I think that your maths is slightly awry.

Two 2/3 = 4/3 or one and one third.
3 halves = one and a half.

Finally, to answer your question. Get someone else to buy.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 24-10-2008, 14:10   #13
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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Thanks Neil - meets are the only times I ever visit pubs - will have to drink tonic water at the next one

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Old 24-10-2008, 14:20   #14

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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Thanks Neil - meets are the only times I ever visit pubs - will have to drink tonic water at the next one
Do what most of us do - use a taxi.

Share with others local to yourself to save money like several of us do. Don't expect a good night kiss when I drop you off though, I save those for Gary
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Old 24-10-2008, 14:27   #15
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Re: I'll have two thirds of a pint please landlord

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Do what most of us do - use a taxi.

Share with others local to yourself to save money like several of us do. Don't expect a good night kiss when I drop you off though, I save those for Gary
Taxis are expensive and my car needs to run occasionally to charge the battery. A car gets me to doc, dentist, chiropodist, hairdresser and I live at the top of a hill. Car costs me £6.57 a week (including annual service but excluding annual tank fill )
The smallest taxi fare is £3 one way = 18 free range eggs

PS no kissing in the flu season

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