We all know about those terrible programmes such as
I'm a Celebrity get me out of here, where the so called famous people are forced to eat widgety grubs or whatever, but I wonder how many of us would willingly and knowingly actually be prepared to eat
Well to make a short story long, I just came home and made myself a Salami sandwich, nothing on the box except blah, blah, big brother, blah, blah.
So to ease the tedium I started to read the back of the Salami packet one content caught my eye,
cochineal, it actually took me back to my junior school days!
Hang on I thought, I remember reading that cochineal was added to lipstick to give it the red colour, now what was it made of? Oh, thats right insects so surprise, surprise what do we eat just to stop our extract of donkey looking too bland?
That's right
Don't worry they are perfectly harmless it seems according to this site:-