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24-11-2012, 00:27
Senior Member
I'm angry!
So, out of 522 votes cast, our MP has voted against his party 3 times, those 3 have been insignificant procedural questions. He's been majorly sucking up by doing the counting in too many parliamentary votes to mention (he's the parliamentary equivalent of a milk monitor).
He blindly toes the party line regardless of public opinion, constituents opinion or downright common sense. In every film you have ever seen where there is a stereotype 'yes man'..that's our MP!
Since he's been elected, he's said nothing of value in the house, he constantly asks predictably unanswerable and obtuse questions, nailed his colours to Ed (call me Margaret) Millibands faltering flag and he's jumped on every available populist bandwagon (except the ones that matter). He's been focused on metal theft and lately fixed odds betting terminals, which have very little relevance to the majority of his constituents.
He slammed Newcastle football club for having Wonga as a sponsor, but he's been deathly quiet about the new Rovers stand sponsor.
His latest tirade...'Elephant Abuse Circus Owner Found Guilty....and Tories won't ban wild animals in circus's'....(I have one single question about that..what did the last Labour government do about banning wild animals in 'circuses'?)
Not one single tweet/apology about his mates ripping off the taxpayer with underhand house swaps. Not one single tweet as to where he stands on rip-off MP's! (Note..Graham Jones expense claims have been exemplary to say the least)
Oh, and he boasts about how Hyndburn council is paying it's employees the 'living wage', (all funded by the taxpayer of course)..but fails to mention that many employers in the private sector can barely afford to pay the minimum wage thanks to the screwups made by the bankers (that his party thought so highly of when they were in government).
I'm not even going down the 95% road.....
I'm angry because his latest attack (the Elephant), is such a predictable attempt at point scoring, which is so predictable to anyone who watched Graham Jones in council meetings.
I'm angry because the attack is so ill thought out and open to counter argument, which is so typical of the current generation of Labour MP's
I'm angry..because I'm a socialist, and Graham Jones so obviously isn't, no matter what the election pamphlets lead you to believe!
I'm angry..because even though Cameron and Clegg are hugely unpopular, with hugely unpopular policies, Milliband has absolutely nothing to offer as an alternative except a deeper involvement with the EU, and is therefore unelectable!
I'm angry because the trough eating cowards in parliament dare not add 'none of the above' as a valid candidate in the next elections and continue to ride roughshod over the will of the people.
But even though I'm angry....I despair!
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
24-11-2012, 01:19
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Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by Guinness
but he's been deathly quiet about the new Rovers stand sponsor.
Guinness, last time I looked Graham Jones was the MP for Hyndburn and the Rovers aren't in his constituency. He already spends enough time rabbiting on about the Rovers; please don't encourage him more. If he's going to represent the interests of any football club in parliament, it should be...well, you know where I'm coming from. 
24-11-2012, 07:37
Beacon of light
Re: I'm angry!
So you know where NOT to put the X when voting comes round again.
I have to say that when this man was elected as our MP I hoped for better things from him(that is a triumph of hope over experience).
I now see he is made of the same stuff as many of the other MP's down in the Palace of Westminster.
His ambitions have gone to his head, and the people who he professed to represent are the losers.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-11-2012, 07:48
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Re: I'm angry!
Why not get him to a Council meeting, and ask the elected representatives of Hyndburn to question him on the points you raise?
What's that? Tried it already and what happened? The Conservatives walked out?
24-11-2012, 10:51
Resting in Peace
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Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by gynn
Why not get him to a Council meeting, and ask the elected representatives of Hyndburn to question him on the points you raise?
What's that? Tried it already and what happened? The Conservatives walked out?
Well gynn when Jones starts starts going into platitudes it's enough to make any reasonable minded person walk out 
24-11-2012, 13:15
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Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by Guinness
He's been focused on metal theft and lately fixed odds betting terminals, which have very little relevance to the majority of his constituents.
I think you have got confused between majority and minority 
24-11-2012, 17:53
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Re: I'm angry!
a bit of honesty when running for MP would have saved him a lot of grief but he decided to make a false prommise over a very serious issue.
I made extra effort to be home for voting because although not particularly liking the man after his petty bickering with PB and vice versa when a councilor the prommise of voting in favour of a referendum for us over the EU was enough to persuade me to vote for him.
it seemed like 3 weeks before he even showed his face on here after voting against a referendum.Im sure someone will correct that guess but it certainly took a long time to get an answer which was roughly that we were too thick to understand the EU
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
24-11-2012, 18:20
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Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by jaysay
Well gynn when Jones starts starts going into platitudes it's enough to make any reasonable minded person walk out 
We ain't talking "reasonable minded" people here; we are talking tories.
I don't see any reason why Guinness should be angry. Maybe disappointed that Hydburn's fearless leader in Westminster has turned out to be just another troughing, unprincipled, hypocrital, over-paid, underworked, platitude spouter. (By the way, we have no shortage of them over here. They are definitely not an endangered species.  ) If one doesn't expect too much ... or anything for that matter ... of politicians, then one won't get angry when they turn out the way they do. Maybe the answer is to not vote. I don't mean out of apathy or just general ignorant laziness ... but to make a point that democracy is not working, and that folks have lost confidence not only in politicians, but also in the whole rotten system they represent ... They sure as hell don't represent the people any more. 
24-11-2012, 18:34
Beacon of light
Re: I'm angry!
The not voting thing, is what I am in favour of. I still turn out to the polling station - just so that no-one thinks I am idle...and I write a message to the sponsors on my ballot paper.
It matters not one jot who you vote for, if when they get into power, they do not take into consideration the views and values of those who voted for them.
Democracy??? What democracy?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-11-2012, 19:12
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Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
The not voting thing, is what I am in favour of. I still turn out to the polling station - just so that no-one thinks I am idle...and I write a message to the sponsors on my ballot paper.
It matters not one jot who you vote for, if when they get into power, they do not take into consideration the views and values of those who voted for them.
Democracy??? What democracy?
Disagree with you there, Margaret. Spoilt voting papers are wasted votes. No one's going to read your message - they're just going to chuck it away.
A big protest vote for UKIP would send a clear message to the Con/Lab parties that they've got to start taking notice of us over the EU and a lot of other things too. You don't have to agree with everything that UKIP stands for - I certainly don't. However, a large vote for them could shock the Con/Lab establishment out of their complacency.
I would urge you at the next election to keep your paper intact and vote UKIP!
24-11-2012, 19:15
Coffin Dodger.
Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Disagree with you there, Margaret. Spoilt voting papers are wasted votes. No one's going to read your message - they're just going to chuck it away.
A big protest vote for UKIP would send a clear message to the Con/Lab parties that they've got to start taking notice of us over the EU and a lot of other things too. You don't have to agree with everything that UKIP stands for - I certainly don't. However, a large vote for them could shock the Con/Lab establishment out of their complacency.
I would urge you at the next election to keep your paper intact and vote UKIP!
Gotta agree wi WYN on that point, They gotta be made to take notice of the people or were going to hell on a handcart. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
24-11-2012, 19:49
Beacon of light
Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Disagree with you there, Margaret. Spoilt voting papers are wasted votes. No one's going to read your message - they're just going to chuck it away.
A big protest vote for UKIP would send a clear message to the Con/Lab parties that they've got to start taking notice of us over the EU and a lot of other things too. You don't have to agree with everything that UKIP stands for - I certainly don't. However, a large vote for them could shock the Con/Lab establishment out of their complacency.
I would urge you at the next election to keep your paper intact and vote UKIP!
I take what you are saying Steve, but you can only vote for Ukip if they put up a candidate...and so far it has just been the same old, same old...and I know no-one will read my message to the sponsors...and I don't really care...it makes me feel good to put down on paper what I really feel about the no good so and so.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Neil; 26-11-2012 at 10:50.
24-11-2012, 19:52
Beacon of light
Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by cashman
Gotta agree wi WYN on that point, They gotta be made to take notice of the people or were going to hell on a handcart. 
You can't knock sense into the senseless...and they don't take any notice.
I'm not entirely sure that a huge shift to UKIP will do it either.
It needs something like everyone with-holding their vote...this signifies that we do not permit them to govern...we have withdrawn our consent to be governed.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-11-2012, 20:08
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Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
You can't knock sense into the senseless...and they don't take any notice.
I'm not entirely sure that a huge shift to UKIP will do it either.
It needs something like everyone with-holding their vote...this signifies that we do not permit them to govern...we have withdrawn our consent to be governed.
That's not practical though...it just ain't going to happen. There is, however, a chance of a large-scale protest vote for a minority party, especially one that's on the up and up like UKIP. Don't forget that Labour were once a minority party like UKIP.
As for whether it'll make a change to the attitudes of Lab/Con. I reckon they will take notice when they see their precious constituencies threatened. At least there's a possibility of a change by voting UKIP. There's no chance of a spoilt voting paper achieving anything.
24-11-2012, 20:09
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Re: I'm angry!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
You can't knock sense into the senseless...and they don't take any notice.
I'm not entirely sure that a huge shift to UKIP will do it either.
It needs something like everyone with-holding their vote...this signifies that we do not permit them to govern...we have withdrawn our consent to be governed.
It would be a hoot to see an election, doesn't matter in which constituency, where the number of spoiled ballots exceeded those gained by the "winning" candidate  Now that's a message! And the winner is: None of the above  Almost as much fun as seeing an unpopular Liberal candidate of an unpopular governing party coming in a distant fourth in the riding of Saskatoon-Nutana. In third place was Boh, a black lab, representing the Rhinoceros Party of Canada.
And to lighten things up a little on a snowy November afternoon:
Rhinoceros Party
Maybe politicians get their power from people taking them seriously. If enough folks laughed at them they might just dry up and blow away. 
Last edited by Neil; 26-11-2012 at 10:57.
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