08-12-2004, 11:29
God Member
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I'm Disgusted - nowt new there!
How low can HBC sink?
The FRONT PAGE of last weeks Observer contained a story about the nine female Community Wardens who, the article said, were prepared to strip naked to save their jobs.
While that fool Britcliffe is running off at the mouth blaming all and sundry for the failings of his own administration, ordinary decent human beings are forced to resort to this sort of thing to keep their jobs. It is one thing for members of the WI to strip off as a novel and effective way of raising money for charity. But people should not feel that they are compelled to do the same to keep their jobs. Good God, what kind of society are we creating for ourselves. What will be the next step on the road to decedence, HBC sponsored brothels to keep a lid on council tax rises?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 08-12-2004 at 16:34.