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Old 14-03-2007, 15:33   #1
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"I'm just in theatre!"

heh, time for Dom jolley to expand his reportoire

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Old 14-03-2007, 16:33   #2
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

A mobile has to be cheaper than the horrendous prices that the hospital charges for patients to use the phone.

Maybe that is why hospitals are against mobiles in hospitals so that it will force people to use the provided phones at extortionate prices.

The last time that I was a guest of the NHS in QP my 30p lasted barely half a minute. It was like feeding a voracious tiger trying to talk to someone.
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Old 14-03-2007, 16:48   #3
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

you can use mobiles in hopsitals now

well they let em tha last tiem i wa sin and teh doctors use them all the time and i was on machinary
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Old 14-03-2007, 16:55   #4
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

I always thought the ban was quite silly, because well.. I very much doubt they would produce equipment that uses the same frequencies as mobiles or anyone with a phone on silent could severely disrupt machinery even if they wern't using their phones (because the operator sends signals every now and then don't they, thats the random buzzing you hear with speakers on.. but when no text appears!)

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Old 14-03-2007, 17:25   #5
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
you can use mobiles in hopsitals now

well they let em tha last tiem i wa sin and teh doctors use them all the time and i was on machinary
A mobile would cause no harm to any important machines.

Just if they where allowed everyone would be talking, texting, phones ringing,ect disturbing those that need rest.

Hence there not allowed.
Everything is OK
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Old 14-03-2007, 17:39   #6
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

I see nothing wrong with using mobiles in hospital except that there is a time and a place. There is nothing worse than a mobile going off when someone is on their deathbed, trying to push out a baby, having an epileptic fit, trying to sleep, having a complicated procedure explained, being given bad news and a million other situations.

Hospitals have nothing to do with the pay phones that are in place within them. These are provided by private companies and those companies reap the monetary benefits (or not, in the case of Patientline). These phones were a government initiative which aimed to provide all patients with a bedside means of communication. Most ward staff disagreed with this where I work because these phones will ring in all of the above circumstances and there is nothing worse than trying to explain a complicated procedure to a patient who is trying to watch Emmerdale on their Patientline telly.
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Old 14-03-2007, 17:57   #7
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Cool Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

This probably isn’t too relevant because of the low emitted power of a mobile phone, but second, third and even forth harmonics could in the right circumstances cause interference to some machines. And the operative word there is COULD.

The use of mobile phones in a ward should be limited to strict bed patients ONLY. The rest who are able to get up and walk about should go into the rest room or for a walk in the grounds or something.

Yes lettie I realise that the phones are not supplied by the NHS but by private companies but the hospital gets a cut of any revenue generated.

It’s a commercial world, even in hospitals. Hey Ho!
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Old 14-03-2007, 19:40   #8
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

I agree with Lettie there's a time and a place for them, but if used in moderation can only be a good thing for the patient.
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Old 14-03-2007, 23:29   #9
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

Trapped in a bed in Blackpool visitless, friendless, and far from home and depressed the mobile phone is the best tonic a patient can have, used for text messaging and rigged for silent running (vibrate) only, is your best and only friend in the dark painfilled hours.
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Old 15-03-2007, 00:13   #10
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

If I'm getting this right the new regulations will be for there to be a designated area for the use of mobiles... but what if you are "bed-ridden" for days on end?
I would not expect the staff and doctors to let me use a moblile if I was in the Intensive care dept.. but after some surgury you could be bed ridden for days at a time, and the "swinging" bed phones are not only expensive to use.. but any relatives/freinds calling are charged extortionate rates.
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Old 15-03-2007, 00:19   #11
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

was on telly tonight about this, one hospital forget where it is now allowing mobiles, but the guy on the news said it would be up to each individual hospital to decide, making me wonder if they want the money these hospital phones make, then you will not get mobiles allowed. agree with lettie there MUST be a time and place if they are allowed though.
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Old 15-03-2007, 00:38   #12
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Re: "I'm just in theatre!"

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
If I'm getting this right the new regulations will be for there to be a designated area for the use of mobiles... but what if you are "bed-ridden" for days on end?
I would not expect the staff and doctors to let me use a moblile if I was in the Intensive care dept.. but after some surgury you could be bed ridden for days at a time, and the "swinging" bed phones are not only expensive to use.. but any relatives/freinds calling are charged extortionate rates.
They don't bother Mancie I was on 'hd' for 4 days I just texted and when I could get up phoned in the toilet or the quiet and day rooms. The staff use them IE security, Doctors pagers there is no difference they all work the same way, just get someone to plug your charger in if you can't move much. It's not a hanging offence anymore, it's the ringing ones the staff don't like.
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