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27-07-2007, 23:28
Coffin Dodger.
Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
dont use any of them 2 places, if you eat crap, you get served by crap, at least the independant places bother a bit more about the customer.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
27-07-2007, 23:39
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Originally Posted by cashman
dont use any of them 2 places, if you eat crap, you get served by crap, at least the independant places bother a bit more about the customer.
I will take that advice cashy x
Seriously, it will be a cold day in hell if I ever go to either of these places again.
PLEASE people if you want chicken, don't go to KFC......... go to caladonia, its lovely chicken and not half as greasy as KFC.......... i will even give you the number, 01254236616, food is lovely, it's cheaper, gravy is same (( which I was happy about)) and they take no time at all to deliver.  and there staff are very friendly. (( only cos we are on first name terms now lol )))
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
28-07-2007, 00:29
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
heres the link to McDonalds Hamburger University .......
yes folks there is actually such a place Hamburger University
28-07-2007, 01:40
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
I Used to love KFC. After watching that I'm apalled. I won't be going there again. That said, I suppose all the fast food chains aren't conscious of animal welfare. I could never turn vegetarian,but i'd like to think that what I was about to eat would have at least been treated humanely.
"Once in a while you will stumble upon the truth, but most of us manage to pick ourselves up and hurry along as if nothing happened" -
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.
28-07-2007, 20:43
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Originally Posted by slinky
I expect food, that resembles food, that is what I pay good money for when i go for a take away, doesn't matter which take away.
Well, if you expect food that tastes like food then you were in the wrong place ... Rotten Ronnies only pretends to be a restaurant, it is actually a massive ad campaign and money grab, only loosely based on 4th rate junk food ... when they have made Ronald Macdonald into a figure who stands second only to Santa (and way ahead of JC) in being recognized by kids, they don't have to serve good food, or hire competent staff. It's amazing how much crap one can sell with good ads, Corona beer is a fine eg.
As they say at Ronnie's "have a nice day."   
28-07-2007, 21:53
Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Am I missing something here?
If you eat meat then the animal has to die.
Did you lot think that Colonel Sanders held the chickens hands while they died of old age?
Yes animal farming is not very pleasant. If you don't like the facts then maybe you should all become veggies. Then you can eat those vegetarian sausages. Talking of veggies, can someone please explain why someone who does not eat meat wants to eats something that looks like minced animal inside an intestinal sack?
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28-07-2007, 23:53
Senior Member
Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Originally Posted by cashman
dont use any of them 2 places, if you eat crap, you get served by crap, at least the independant places bother a bit more about the customer.
Great post -karma on the way
29-07-2007, 07:24
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Stay away, both Muckdonalds and KFC are horrendous places !!!
29-07-2007, 12:37
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Originally Posted by Neil
Am I missing something here?
If you eat meat then the animal has to die.
Did you lot think that Colonel Sanders held the chickens hands while they died of old age?
How ridiculous! There are humane ways of slaughtering animals (no hand holding required you sarky thing).KFC are exceptionally barbaric and there is no need for it.
29-07-2007, 15:30
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
When I was married I ate a vegetarian diet for 10 years, but over the last 18 months I've started eating meat again (I saw it as an act of rebellion originally  ).
However, I've slowly come to realise that I don't want to eat rubbish anymore. I can buy a chicken from Asda for £5 that will last me the best part of a week, but it'll be pumped full of chemicals and been forced reared. A free-range organic chicken would cost me about £10 or more, but would have been raised and killed far more ethically (whatever).
I'd rather do without than eat the kind of rubbish that is passed off as food nowadays and that includes McDs, KFC, or whatever. The same goes for cheap chickens, meat, or other goods. I'll eat less of it (less regular), but I'll eat better.
29-07-2007, 20:16
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Originally Posted by Neil
Talking of veggies, can someone please explain why someone who does not eat meat wants to eats something that looks like minced animal inside an intestinal sack?
Vegetarians that I know do it because they don't want to kill animals - doesn't mean they don't like the taste. Vegetarian bacon is really tasty.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
29-07-2007, 21:03
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Originally Posted by Neil
Am I missing something here?
If you eat meat then the animal has to die.
Did you lot think that Colonel Sanders held the chickens hands while they died of old age?
Yes animal farming is not very pleasant. If you don't like the facts then maybe you should all become veggies. Then you can eat those vegetarian sausages. Talking of veggies, can someone please explain why someone who does not eat meat wants to eats something that looks like minced animal inside an intestinal sack?
Am I missing something here?Surely you don't advocate animal cruelty?If so are you the right person to be at the helm of the new pets corner in the park?  I would like to think that they will be treated with care and compassion.
29-07-2007, 23:44
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Originally Posted by Lilly
Am I missing something here?Surely you don't advocate animal cruelty?If so are you the right person to be at the helm of the new pets corner in the park?  I would like to think that they will be treated with care and compassion.
Aw go easy on Neil. Please understand the incredible bias that PETA has. They lie, cheat and steal to try to get their there views consume by an unsusceptable public.
If these people had their way, not only would farming be banned regardless of the treatment of the animals but also they are AGAINST pet ownership.
Think about it, it is in the farmers absolute best interest to present a healthy, humanely treated product for market. KFC isn't about to accept chickens that are damaged in any way. As there isn't any profit in brutalizing the chickens, it would be the rare instance, rather than the norm that it is done.
Also, I have raised these type of meat birds. It's the genes that make them grow so fast rather than any hormones. These things grow grotesquely fast. The get so fat so fast they can barely move aorund easily by 6 weeks.. They also do have heartattacks. I didn't have the stomach for that so only raised them for one season.
Does animal cruelty occur. Yes, WAY too often. Should the abusers be hung by the goands for public display? Yes (IMO)! Are hormones used in the feed, probably more so with the beef industry. Are these chicken houses loud, dusty, smell atroxious, yup.
However, does PETA make up stories and outright lie, leave gates open to release farm animals, destroy millions of dollars of life saving experiments, vandalize people and their homes that don't agree with them, steal and release laboratory animals, etc., etc.. All a big yes.
Shoot, was trying to avoid getting on that soap box. Just hate when LALA landers (Hollywooders with little view of reality) make these type of speeches and expect everyone to succomb and give their full trust and affirmation to them. All the above is just my opinion. Much is based on facts!
30-07-2007, 01:48
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee
However, does PETA make up stories and outright lie,
Think they may get a bit over emotional sometimes but in the Micheal Vick (Atlanta Falcons /Virginia Tech alum.) case I don't think they do . 
30-07-2007, 10:22
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Re: I'M LOVIN' IT...............not!!!
Well as long as the coffee from KFC is not ill treated i will continue to buy from there well coffee at least its yum cant stand mcdonalds coffee!
McDs is the only place that always manages to get the order wrong everytime we go! and i always get eggshell in a saus n egg muffin (i think they see me coming!).
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