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25-10-2006, 20:22
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I'm positive we're not negative
I didn't want to go off at too much of a tangent on Garinda's rose coloured specs thread but it did get me thinking.
I don't believe that being aware of our town's shortcomings is necessarily being negative if we view it as constructve criticism and look for potential solutions.
With that in mind, is there something which bugs you about our borough for which you feel you have an ideal solution?
Or, do you see a problem for which others may be able to offer a solution?
For an example I see it as a problem that our parks have no loos. They were apparently closed/abandoned due to vandalism and lurking pervs. I think it would solve two problems in one if jobs were created to provide warden caretakers for loos. Then we could have our loos back and also provide work for someone.
25-10-2006, 20:45
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I think it would solve two problems in one if jobs were created to provide warden caretakers for loos. Then we could have our loos back and also provide work for someone.
If it didn't work in Industry, it's not gonna work up Oak Hill 
In theory it's a very good idea Willow, however the enthusiasm of the council to look after Accrington's parks and make them safe for children/people in general doesn't seem to be present to me.
Does anyone know if CCTV is fitted in Accrington's parks? I think it would give people a lot more security in knowing that it is in place, especially in places like Milnshaw Park where it is particularly dangerous.
Last edited by shakermaker; 25-10-2006 at 20:48.
25-10-2006, 20:53
Resident Waffler
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I didn't say shoot the ideas down in flames. I'm asking for positive solutions to perceived negative issues. 
25-10-2006, 20:54
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
.....ie cctv cameras to help people feel safe in parks perceived as dark and dangerous?
Oh well.
25-10-2006, 21:01
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
One that has already been mentioned in another thread, is to pedestrianise the area in front of the town hall & the indoor market.
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25-10-2006, 21:03
Resident Waffler
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
No, this was the bit I was referring to Shakermaker.
Originally Posted by shakermaker
If it didn't work in Industry, it's not gonna work up Oak Hill 
In theory it's a very good idea Willow, however the enthusiasm of the council to look after Accrington's parks and make them safe for children/people in general doesn't seem to be present to me.
25-10-2006, 21:05
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
Originally Posted by AccyJay
One that has already been mentioned in another thread, is to pedestrianise the area in front of the town hall & the indoor market.
Hmm yes, this is good for Pumpkin's thread. Maybe we can gather up some more ideas for those guys too. 
25-10-2006, 21:19
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I don't believe that being aware of our town's shortcomings is necessarily being negative if we view it as constructve criticism and look for potential solutions.
Now, that is a concept I applaud!
I'll throw out one more idea, based on the one response you got, Willow. When addressing a problem, look first for possible solutions, even ones that seem a bit far fetched. Save the downside criticism of those ideas for later, or good ideas are likely to get stomped. Only when you have a lot of ideas is it time to discuss the pros and cons.
Ideas for loos:
- Have a Civic group "adopt" the facility. Perhaps the AccringtonWeb Improvement Team? Or perhaps, one of the local businesses - with appropriate signage and recognition, of course!
- Put the loos where they are visible from a main road, when possible, or where there is a lot of pedestrian traffic. Most vandals prefer not to be seen.
- Have the loos open only at certain hours. No point in presenting temptation to the vandals at hours when legitimate users are unlikely to be present. Always locked at night is probably a good idea.
- Immediate removal or overpainting of graffiti is usually a good idea. A loo that has already been vandalized becomes an ongoing target. Keeping the facility clean and well-stocked also gives the appearance that the loos is well-cared for.
- With the relatively low cost of TV monitoring today, perhaps a video camera outside the loos to identify vandals? Signs, of course, to let folks know that they will not be unnoticed. For those caught vandalizing, community service in the form of keeping the loos clean and maintained and, perhaps, other service in the park.
- Understand that a certain amount of vandalism is almost inevitable and make plans and budgets to deal with the results.
- In Paris a number of years back, they had public loos that required a coin - perhaps two francs - but locked themselves and were self-cleaning. I found them convenient and much more pleasant to use than most facilities. Cut down on the need for maintenance, too, and had a bit of self-funding. Might be worth a thought.
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25-10-2006, 21:25
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
My bug bear, I know I've moaned about it before.....the blue and white Broadway monstrosity.
My solutions-
1/Cheap solution.
Clean the white bits, and paint the offending blue bits with a stone/natural coloured paint.
2/Slightly more expensive, but still relatively cheap.
Clad the whole thing, which is built of breeze blocks, in stone.
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25-10-2006, 21:35
Resident Waffler
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
We've got a 10p pay loo on Peel Street Billcat for use when the mains loos are closed. It's one that also cleans itself after use. There's a one in Gt Harwood too.
I like the stone cladding idea for Broadway's nasty blue bits.
25-10-2006, 21:42
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
We've got a 10p pay loo on Peel Street Billcat for use when the mains loos are closed.
Got locked in there once after one too many lemonades.
Reyt fun I tells thee! 
26-10-2006, 09:30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: I'm positive we're not negative
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
For an example I see it as a problem that our parks have no loos. They were apparently closed/abandoned due to vandalism and lurking pervs. I think it would solve two problems in one if jobs were created to provide warden caretakers for loos. Then we could have our loos back and also provide work for someone.
An excellent idea Willow, may I suggest a little positive discrimination to help this scheme along?
Only employ known perverts to act as Warden/caretakers give them a high vis' uniform with a nice peeked hat with park patrol on it.
They will do the job for a minimum wage (after all they weren't getting paid when they patrolled the park before, so any money would be a bonus).
This would do two things:-
1/ It would allow anyone wishing to use the toilets the chance to see where the perverts are and the public could use the toilets safely while he/she* is at the far end of his/her patrol.
2/ It would instill the myth of fear back into the 'yoofs' that are likely to go vandalising, (Remember good old Mr. Parky the park keeper, every park had one to frighten us kids into being good). All the potential vandals would be too frightened to go into the park after dark 'cos the perv patrol will get yer'.
* Please note, where I have put he/she that is only to be P.C. this is where the positive discrimination comes in, we only employ male perverts for the job and they must be capable of growing a large bristling waxed mustache, (it has nothing to do with the job, I just like military looking men!).
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Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 26-10-2006 at 09:39.
26-10-2006, 09:39
Re: I'm positive we're not negative
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I like the stone cladding idea for Broadway's nasty blue bits.
Please don't forget the nasty yellow bits above M&S and Woolworths.
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26-10-2006, 09:40
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
perhaps we could write to George Micheal asking for a contribution to open up the loos in the parks!
26-10-2006, 12:04
Resident Waffler
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Re: I'm positive we're not negative
Originally Posted by Neil
Please don't forget the nasty yellow bits above M&S and Woolworths.
There's that bit on Bridge Street too.
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