That's a shame Gayle!
Dogs can really be great, Maybe something else to consider would be re-homing an unwanted older dog? The RSPCA used to look for volunterrs in helping them out at Altham in terms of excercising them etc.
We have always took on rescue dogs, the current two are Molly a Springer Spaniel who was 18 months old when we took her on mad as a hatter, will run all day, funny old temeprement but great for walking keeps ya fit!
Cookie who is a Rhodesian Ridgeback who we took on when she was eight week old, strong as an ox, playful & mischievous and very stubborn if she dosn't want to do anything.
They both get on like a house on fire and are always sociable with other animals, people & children
Pupies can be hard work but the rewards as they grow up and develop are brilliant.
Older dogs can be just as rewarding, either way I would rather re-home every time