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Old 19-12-2005, 22:44   #151


Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
Banging head and brick wall springs to my mind Doug!
Don’t do that Tinks, It will hurt and eventually a little man will come and take you way, and let’s face it he’s only waiting for the slightest excuse…..

Time is nay, fight or flight, do it now or walk away and wait for the next time. They can out wait you and if you continue after Christmas you won’t hold on to the shock value.

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Old 19-12-2005, 22:47   #152
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
Yes Spug the different teachers I've now had to have communication with over this have had this mysterious nervous look appear on there faces ....... then it's pass the book time to another member of staff!
Refuse to speak to anyone else until you have seen the Head. If you are refused this then tell them you want the contact details for the Chair of school governers. It's time they stopped messing you around. And I have poseted as romps again - Neil

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Old 19-12-2005, 22:50   #153
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by Doug
Don’t do that Tinks, It will hurt and eventually a little man will come and take you way, and let’s face it he’s only waiting for the slightest excuse…..
He's banging on my door now, I've told him "your names not down your not coming in!"

Originally Posted by Doug
Time is nay, fight or flight, do it now or walk away and wait for the next time.
I don't think there will be a next time, I get a distinct impression that things are going on between the staff behind the scenes. For instance, the female member of staff who told her to make the card originally was in with the Head Teacher on one of the occaisions I was told to ring and speak to her.
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Old 19-12-2005, 22:51   #154
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

I would be livid by this time if I hadn't been granted an audience with the Head over something so important.

I applaud your patience Tinks.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 19-12-2005, 22:54   #155

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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by garinda
I applaud your patience Tinks.
I think you are being taken for a ride Miss T. Bell.
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Old 19-12-2005, 22:56   #156
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by garinda
I would be livid by this time if I hadn't been granted an audience with the Head over something so important.

I applaud your patience Tinks.
It's not patience, what can I do my hands are tied!! I can appreciate it is a busy time of year for them. They finish school tomorrow for Christmas break, they are hoping thay can put me off and hope it just goes away .... I can tell what their game is!
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Old 19-12-2005, 23:00   #157
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
It's not patience, what can I do my hands are tied!! I can appreciate it is a busy time of year for them. They finish school tomorrow for Christmas break, they are hoping thay can put me off and hope it just goes away .... I can tell what their game is!
Chain yourself to his/her car.

You're too nice. Give, give, give.

Go on kick ass, I know you can.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 19-12-2005, 23:03   #158
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

I have thought about waiting for the Head unofficially after school (omg that sounds so childish like I'm gonna giver her a slap but you know what I mean ) because you can't get past the Heads secretary.
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Old 20-12-2005, 01:28   #159
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
I have thought about waiting for the Head unofficially after school (omg that sounds so childish like I'm gonna giver her a slap but you know what I mean ) because you can't get past the Heads secretary.
The best way past the Doberman is by taking letters adressed to LCC HBC the school and the press (a formal written complaint that is) and let them know they are to be posted as the action by the school is not satisfactory. Then lets see how far they bend backwards to accomidate you.

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Old 20-12-2005, 04:51   #160
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Tinks not to sure you'll be able to read this before school time, however here goes.

Go to the school with letters in hand (even if the envolopes are empty or have blanck sheets in them at this time) with the addresses of the
Mr/Mrs MP of your area,
The Education Dept in Whitehall,
The Right Hon Mr A Blair 10 Downing Street London EC10

and just state to the desk bound lady that if you have not been able to see the head by end of school and feel satisfied with the outcome of the meeting then these letters WILL BE POSTED on your way home. If you have to just put the http address of this link (not sure how to do that but hope someone else will answwer that one) and then post them off.

I feel really disgusted at what has happened here and wish i could express my feelings more
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Old 20-12-2005, 05:15   #161
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Area Education Office
The Globe
St James Square
Telephone : 01254 220736

Hon Greg Pope MP
149 Blackburn Road
Lancs BB5 0AA

Telephone: 01254 382283

Rt Hon Tony Blair MP
10 Downing Street
London SW1.

Hon Ruth Kelly MP
Sanctuary Buildings, London
Department for Education and Skills
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street

Hope this Helps Tinks, Dont Stop Badgering them.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 20-12-2005, 05:20   #162
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

A-B saw you looking and wondering what you might put thanks for getting that info for tinks I will have to learn to surf 'tinternet better
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Old 20-12-2005, 07:22   #163
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Less matey not a bad idea will send an e mail on to sky as sometimes they get in to stuff like this.
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 20-12-2005, 07:25   #164
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Copied and pasted it in Tinks as i have 3 weeks off i will wait and see if there is any answer or even if it makes it on to the programme
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 20-12-2005, 08:09   #165
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Don't be put off by their delaying tactics Tinks. (That's hard to say out loud "tac tics Tinks") That's just what they are hoping for. They think that once the initial anger has worn off you won't bother. If I were you and they told me the head wasn't availale today I would just say "I'll wait" and then proceed to wait. He has to come out sometime.

You have tried to go through all the proper channels and been thwarted. This is a serious issue. Have any of those cards been sent? Does the head realise the danger those children are in if cards have been sent? It's not just your daughter. It's all of them. Do any other parents know? Is there a PTA?

If you don't get to see the head today then I think the time has come to speak to someone in higher authority and the added fact that the head hasn't seen you won't help the schools case then will it? Perhaps they'd like to chew on that whilst they're busy avoiding talking to you.

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