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Old 20-12-2005, 14:38   #181


Re: In Our Thoughts!

Does age matter Tinks an act of murder is murder in any language or religion, I accept that not all people held in foreign prisons are guilty, but guilty or otherwise anyone suggesting to children that they should send a Christmas card to a prisoner is wrong.

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Old 20-12-2005, 15:59   #182
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

If all this were true.....why did it take the school so long to respond to the me it smacks of a cover-up.....and they have taken their time so that they could all be singing from the same hymn sheet. I would still not be happy at the way the issue has been handled.....for instance the humiliation of your daughter by the teacher who tore up the card.....her actions need to be questioned.
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Old 20-12-2005, 16:14   #183

Re: In Our Thoughts!

I have spoken to the school who insist their pupils did not send cards to murderers and rapists.

They said the school send cards to 'prisoners of conscience' - people put in prison solely for their religious beliefs.

The pupil's association with rapists and murders seems to have come from previous lessons in which case studies of the way different justice systems from around the world deal with these types of crimes.

The school said it will consider issuing parental consent forms in the future, but has never had a problem with this initiative before and has only had the one complaint.

It regrets that it took so long for this matter to be put straight.

As a result, we won't be running a story on it.
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Old 20-12-2005, 16:22   #184
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

That may or may not be the case. From Tinkerbelle's point of view the way her daughter was humiliated, when her card was ripped up infront of the class, still deserves an explanation.
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Old 20-12-2005, 16:23   #185
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Did the school inform you the source of their list of religious prisoners?
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Old 20-12-2005, 16:28   #186
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by garinda
That may or may not be the case. From Tinkerbelle's point of view the way her daughter was humiliated, when her card was ripped up infront of the class, still deserves an explanation.
That could be classed as bullying if that is what happened.

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Old 20-12-2005, 16:29   #187
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

I've just looked at Amnesty International's scheme for sending cards to prisoners of conscience. The list doesn't include any murderers or rapists, but then it wouldn't. I still think Tinks deserves a full explanation from the Head.
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Old 20-12-2005, 16:35   #188


Re: In Our Thoughts!

One can only be assured that these people are Christian, notwithstanding that fact it would depend if a crime as been committed in respect of those beliefs. What would happen if Muslim Children were asked to send supportive religious messages to terrorists? Who’s crimes were committed for their religious beliefs. Same argument, different perspective. This story should be told, if not in the press then in an explanatory letter to the parents of the children concerned.

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Old 20-12-2005, 16:44   #189
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by vitty
I have spoken to the school who insist their pupils did not send cards to murderers and rapists.
Originally Posted by garinda
The list doesn't include any murderers or rapists
No rapists, yes I agree ..... but murderer ..... what the hell are they classing Jawad Khan as?

I swear to God I feel like I'm losing the plot !!

I'm going to find a quiet corner and swear very loudly to myself !!

Last edited by Tinkerbelle; 20-12-2005 at 16:53.
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Old 20-12-2005, 18:27   #190

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Re: In Our Thoughts!

I have just been reading the link you posted Tinks. This is a bit from it
Please send a non-religious card to Jawed Khan via SPARC, an NGO working on children’s issues in Pakistan:
Information: For the safety of the recipient, please do not use Amnesty International cards and do not mention Amnesty International or advance your political opinion or discuss politics in your message. Please avoid referring to religion in your message. Please do put your name and address on the card.
So why send Christmas cards when it asks you not too?
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Old 20-12-2005, 20:32   #191
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Whether or not the recipients of these cards were meant to be "prisoners of conscience" I don't believe the school had the right to demand that pupils write them. There are political implications here as well as so called religious and social ones and it is no part of a school's business to involve pupils, directly, in these matters.

Perhaps it should also be borne in mind that some, perhaps many, of the intended recipients would not be Christians. Would any Christian be cheered to receive a "Happy Hannukkah" card or a "Merry Diwali" one? Would it mean anything to them?

The teacher in question, obviously earnest, well-meaning and thoroughly misguided, should be left in no doubt that the action was wrong. As to ripping up your daughter's card, he/she should apologise for a blatant display of childish ill-temper.
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Old 21-12-2005, 00:14   #192

Re: In Our Thoughts!

Just for the record, the school also assured me that none of the cards went to Mr Khan.
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Old 22-12-2005, 08:39   #193
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Yet if there is one murderer on the list it stands to reason there will be others. Just how can the school guarantee that none went to anyone accused of something other than religious crime. And even then as others have mentioned, one mans religious crime is another mans terrorism.
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Old 22-12-2005, 13:48   #194
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

I would be looking for a written gaurentee it would not happen again and not that Mr Khan did not receive one.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 22-12-2005, 14:09   #195
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

I think that you have been lied to and conned by the people in charge Tinks. You have to abide by the rules while they hide the truth and resort to intimidation . Thats the way of the politically correct brigade.
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