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Old 22-12-2005, 22:53   #196
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: In Our Thoughts!

read the thread all the way and come to this conclusion! seems to me like you have been conned tinks(due to your good nature) this is a blatant cover up. surprised the observor will not run the story! they soon run stories of kids bullying- but not it seems of kids being bullyed, which is what the teacher was guilty of -to me, i think you have been treated disgacefully by the school tinks, as well as your daughter, but something like that obviously is not newsworthy, have a lovely xmas tinks and stuff the school and the local paper.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 22-12-2005, 23:17   #197
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Cheers Cashy. The conversation and vittys post about Mr Khan has actually thrown up more questions for me than answers. I can’t blame the school as I really don’t believe the school, as a whole, is to blame. It honestly is a good school! After numerous conversations with my daughter it looks to me like it is one bad member of staff and her inability to teach! I was never comfortable about it going to press, for my daughters sake but vitty did me a huge favour …. they actually got in touch with me when all my efforts had failed.

All I can say is the last fortnight has been like banging my head against a brick wall but I do swear one thing ………. that same teacher EVER causes my daughter concern like that again, however minor, she REALLY WILL wish she had chose another profession!
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Old 22-12-2005, 23:21   #198
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

The only consolation out of all this is that your daughter has been able to talk to you about it and voice her concerns to you. That shows that she probably has more respect for you than for her teacher!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 22-12-2005, 23:40   #199
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by Gayle
The only consolation out of all this is that your daughter has been able to talk to you about it and voice her concerns to you. That shows that she probably has more respect for you than for her teacher!
At least she can talk to her mother most wouldnt. Shows trust as well as respect.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 23-12-2005, 15:41   #200
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

If the school had nothing to hide there is no logical reason why they couldn't explain it all to you when you first enquired and that would have saved your daughter he indignity of the way she was treated by her teacher.

I still think it's wrong of the school to get the pupils to send cards to these prisoners whatever the reason for their imprisonment. Something like that should be done by a willing sender after they have learned as much about the case as possible.

The fact that they've had children doing this for years still doesn't make it right.

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