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10-12-2005, 00:24
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
Originally Posted by chav1
personaly i would ring the national papers like the sun , star etc they love these kind of stories
Makes a change, you usually bark at the moon. 
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10-12-2005, 00:30
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
Originally Posted by garinda
Makes a change, you usually bark at the moon. 
i am going to walk away from this thread for 5 mins and when i come back you had better have started talking sense
oh hang on i get it
sun ,star and moon 
10-12-2005, 01:04
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
My oldest daughter came home from school today and was telling me that during her R.I. lesson the class were told that they had to send Christmas cards to people who would otherwise receive none over the festive season.
What a lovely thought ………. Well hmm no I’m afraid not!
She went on to tell me that the teacher gave each pupil in her class a piece of paper with a picture and a few details about whom their card was to be designated to. My daughter’s recipient is a ‘gentleman’ serving a life sentence for rape and murder!
They were given a piece of script to put in the card, which was worded similar to ‘you are in our thoughts at this time’, along with there full name and what school they attend!
A few of the pupils themselves were uncomfortable sending out these cards, mainly due to the safety aspect, they were fobbed off by the teacher who told them that the school is a safe environment.
I’m sorry but I think this is really wrong, in fact I’m disgusted! Luckily for the school it was late when I got home so there was no one in school to take my call, but I will be having words with them on Monday about this!
I fully agree with you I think this schools headmaster who presumeably has agreed to this wants a harsh kick up the backside for encouriging this stupidety to children when they should be protecting them from this sort of behaveour can acually encourage them to feel sorry for theese people, sorry if i ofend any~one but children should have a happy childhood not one of feeling sorry for wrong doorers you have my full support !
10-12-2005, 01:05
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
i dont think you have upset anyone gabby it appears everyone is disgusted at this
10-12-2005, 01:11
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
You should take that much further, the school by doing this has broken several codes of conduct, in fact it is a serious breach.
Not only should you complain to the school but I would strongly suggest going to the local education board. I am not sure who they are where you are but I think you are still Lancashire County Council where you are.
I can not comment on the school but the indivdual teacher should be held accountable. Though I would take it much further than just a call to the school.
Last edited by Bad-Wolf; 10-12-2005 at 01:18.
10-12-2005, 01:23
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
thank you ~~~I feel very strongly about childrens thoughts and the way people play upon there inocence and I too think for a school where they are suppose to teach right from wrong that this is absolutly dissgusting
10-12-2005, 01:49
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
tinks love, I don't think you will be the only one by a long way to be upset at the school, I bet there are going to be lots of complaints over this. I was realy shocked when i read this, just stand up for what you believe to be right for your children MAKE THIS AN ISSUE and i'm certain you will have every-ones back up. You certainly have mine 100%
10-12-2005, 02:35
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
i wonder how many parents dont know what their children have been doing because not all children go home and talk about school
10-12-2005, 06:55
Re: In Our Thoughts!
Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
Religious Instruction ............ R.E. to us Roy 
Sounds very Catholic that, "Instruction" instead of "Education".
I think you should complain in person on Monday morning to the Head Teacher. Don't phone, go in and insist that the teacher explain's to you personally why your daughter is being exposed to a rapist at school. I would also complain in writing to Lancashire County Council, make sure you inform the Head that you will be complaining to LCC as well. This Teacher should be sacked.
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10-12-2005, 09:34
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
I fully agree with everyones total disgust. It is ridiculous that children are exposed to this sort of danger.
I have an aquaintence who is 'religous' and feels so sorry for the men on death row in America that she writes to some of them and her annual holiday is spent visiting them. I have never understood her, or her husband if they hadn't committed the crimes they would be free to enjoy their liberty. They are however adults and I accept they have a right to their belief.
Children are neither old enough or mature enough to protect themselves against these animals and should never be in put danger by those who think they know better.
A question I would like answered is this; What happens when these animals have a childs name and school address and decide to write back to them? I think it is illegal to with hold mail from the person whose name is on the envelope, therefore a child having written to a criminal, by law should recieve any replies. The consquences of this do not bear thinking about!
Sack the teacher and the headmaster and replace the governers who allowed this attrocity to take place.
10-12-2005, 10:05
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
There must be someone on here, more computer literate than I am, who can simply e-mail a link to this thread to all the national press..................
This scandalous situation requires far more exposure.
10-12-2005, 10:22
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
Originally Posted by KiTChener
There must be someone on here, more computer literate than I am, who can simply e-mail a link to this thread to all the national press..................
This scandalous situation requires far more exposure.
Weres theres a will there is a way but its best left until Tinks sees them on Monday to get the reasoning behind this stupidity. To force the issue prior to that would be detrimentel to any argument or action that has/will be taken. Once all has been done that can be done then let the papers have it but until then we can support tinks and the other parents in this situation because the more of them that do it officially the more chance of a result. If they are fobbed of then its fed to the press to run with. Better to be safe than sorry.
10-12-2005, 13:50
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: In Our Thoughts!
Before you go to the school, put down your thoughts in a letter then when your confronting the head master you can tell him you intend to email it to the [email protected]
If the school thinks you have the power of the BBC behind you then, you will probably find that they will be encouraged to take prompt action.
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10-12-2005, 13:53
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Re: In Our Thoughts!
Less is this you sugesting a small bit of blackmail or technical leaverage to aquire a disired result??
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