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Old 10-12-2005, 13:55   #61
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Good suggestion Less, it's surprising how quickly people move if they think their actions are going to be exposed in the National press or media.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 10-12-2005, 14:06   #62
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by Gayle
Good suggestion Less, it's surprising how quickly people move if they think their actions are going to be exposed in the National press or media.
Once it is fixed the press shoould still get it in order to discourage any school nationwide that it is not acceptable. There could be others running along similar lines but no one has complained.

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Old 10-12-2005, 14:35   #63
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Less is this you sugesting a small bit of blackmail or technical leaverage to aquire a disired result??
No not me, Blackmail is such a terrible business, mainly these days because with cameras going digital you can't charge extra for the negatives!
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Old 10-12-2005, 14:38   #64
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

carefull with the blackmail less or you too may be recieving letters at christmas from school children
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Old 10-12-2005, 14:43   #65
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Originally Posted by Less
No not me, Blackmail is such a terrible business, mainly these days because with cameras going digital you can't charge extra for the negatives!
Well it would have to be the second sugetion then it sounds better.


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Old 10-12-2005, 16:40   #66
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

OMG why don't they just invite them into school and give them all the childrens names and addresses..............................what in Gods name are they thinking of.........what happened to Child protection, data protection, parental consent and confidentiality. what a bloddy joke, sorry I never swear on here but really. Hey Tinks if it turns out to be as bad as it sounds I think it's worth a chat with the local press.

Please keep us posted.

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Old 10-12-2005, 18:17   #67
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

In the past i've had problems trying to see the headteacher of a certain secondary school (have a feeling it's the same one) over certain issues. I think it would be easier to speak to HRH personally. If you don't get to talk to her straight away or get fobbed about her been out all day in meetings, just ask for the chair of governors contact number and also which priest is on the governors and say you are contacting them straight away. Once did that not so long ago and suprise suprise received a phone call from the head not long after. In fact i'd think i would contact the chair as well as the school, because he probably doesn't know what's happening.

Whilst typing this i finally spoke to my daughter (who is at her friends), because i knew she had made Christmas cards in her RE lesson this week. I asked her had she sent any cards to any strangers after been told to by the teacher,she said yes to an Asain person, i asked her for more details about the person and she said she didn't have any because she doesn't like the lesson or the teacher so day dreams through most of it. Think it's absolutely disgusting and really hope that the teacher gets at least a sevear reprimand over it. Please update us on Monday Tinks about the outcome.

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Old 10-12-2005, 18:43   #68
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

ime sure the asian person will aprreciate the CHRISTmas card , are these teachers totaly backwards

admitidly to me asian means chineese but the majority of asian/pakistani are muslim and wont realy care for a christmas card from anyone never mind a stranger
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Old 10-12-2005, 19:11   #69
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

i can see an irony coming here ,if the asian makes a complaint for getting the christmas card. there will be the devil to pay ,were as if you make your complaint you might be fobbed off, swept under the carpet, given the run around ,you knows what im saying ..and it is your little ones whos personal security has been compromised ,back yourself up tinks if you feel that strong about it talk to a solicitor,dont let the school make a fool out of you !!!
the last time i pulled a crowd like you ,i took my top off at a hen party!!

Last edited by geoff70; 11-12-2005 at 07:18.
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Old 10-12-2005, 21:20   #70
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

[quote=chav1]ime sure the asian person will aprreciate the CHRISTmas card , are these teachers totaly backwards

Couldn't agree with you more.

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Old 10-12-2005, 21:27   #71
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

Depends on the context the person involved sees it Jesus is a profit in Islam though the Lord in Christianity.

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Old 10-12-2005, 22:09   #72
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Re: In Our Thoughts!


i mean ok forgive and all buyt this is a lil too much

givin cards to ppl like htat
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 10-12-2005, 22:10   #73
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

In a society where the PC brigade are telling us we should avoid referring to Christmas in case it upsets muslims (not that any I know have ever expressed any upset over our celebration of the festival) it seems incredible that a school teacher should get a child to send a Christmas card to an Asian person they do not even know! Is the person Christian or muslim? Does the teacher know?

That's bad enough but sending a card to a convicted rapist and murderer and putting the child's full name and school on it is beyond belief. Has the teacher got an ounce of sense? School is a safe place? Is it? Tell that to the parents of children murdered by a school janitor.

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Old 10-12-2005, 22:29   #74
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

willow - what u have to remember is one thing

the pc brigade say that u shudnt refer to christmas etc cause u'll offend etc

yet as far as i'm aware there's never been an incident where an asian has said i'll b offended!

sometimes the pc brigade shoot the gun so that it looks liketheyr'e doin sommet.

there isnt an asian that doesnt look forward to christmas if its for the holidays and the crimbo movies.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 11-12-2005, 07:34   #75
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Re: In Our Thoughts!

i think its the pc brigade that are causing all this friction ...its time for the goverment to help all people who want to be british whatever race or religion ..forget this multiculuralisim ...if you want live in the united kingdom respect the culture of the host nation ,which doesnt stop you from following the religion you are affiliated to .....but its this pc brigade that are alienating the vast law abiding population .a population that they dont even take into consideration when they come up with these hair brained schemes ...a population that is made up of people from all over the globe ,who have adopted a british way of life ,who fly the st george flag with pride the pc's dont know about that one...they drink bitter talk in cockney slang ,eat pies watch their footie teams and read about the decisions these fools make with total dismay!!!
so the majority are now being forgoten, and discriminated against for the minority ..well i put this to you fine people ,in the houses of parliment would the minority ever hold influence or sway over the majority i dont think so then why should we be forced to by these faceless creeps !!!
sorry for the thread hijack tinkerbelle
the last time i pulled a crowd like you ,i took my top off at a hen party!!

Last edited by geoff70; 11-12-2005 at 07:49.
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