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Old 06-02-2022, 12:05   #61
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: In the national interest....

we will have to disagree on that i voted us to join the common market in the 70s, was ok in it until it was no longer just that.imho like i said the green crap needs sorting but for me AFTER.
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Old 06-02-2022, 12:40   #62
God Member

Re: In the national interest....

[QUOTE=cashman;1263572]we will have to disagree on that i voted us to join the common market in the 70s, was ok in it until it was no longer just that.

voted against it in the 70,s as back then i thought it would be a seed that grew. think a lot who eventually wanted out did not want this federal state of europe that many want where our parliament would be like a town council. that what gets me with sturgeon and scottish independance. fight for it, win it and give it away to europe on the next day.
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Old 06-02-2022, 12:55   #63
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
this green agenda affects us more in our daily lives and future far more than brexit really did.

Apparently he's had it pointed out to him by numerous folk & now, to pull back his chezzys from being cremated in the blast furnace he's looking into, he has "promised", to make changes .......
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 06-02-2022, 13:14   #64
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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
Well credit for him for doing that, but this green agenda affects us more in our daily lives and future far more than brexit really did. Cannot see that leaving the EU really affected my life for good or evil but this green rubbish will certainly do both financial and how we wish to live our lives. Would have to suck it up if the world followed us which will not happen. Some countries will be laughing at it all the way to the bank and cannot wait for it to happen.
I do not agree that the EU did not impact your life.
It had very many effects that were not good for us personally and for us as a nation.
We were big contributors to the funds of the EU……I think we paid in something like a fifth of the total budget.
Where do you think this money came from?
It came out of your pocket.

When we went in it was a trading agreement and was called the Common Market.(I voted against it because I was suspicious of Germany and I knew that France hated us and I wanted no part of anything that had those two countries in it)

This inferred that we would get benefits of trade….but these were limited because as usual the Brits played with a straight bat….other countries like France, well they cherry picked the rules that they would follow and that would benefit their people.
Do you know that the EU passed regulations that meant UK tenders for work or services were at a disadvantage?(Bombardier for instance were weighted so that Siemens got the contract for the work involved in railway work…...meant jobs lost)

How much do you think it might have cost to go from Imperial measures to the continental measures….feet and inches out… and metres in….on a directive from Brussels and believe me there were many of these edicts that were issued from there.

These would all have an impact on your life….but it maybe that the insidious nature made it seem like not much affected you.
When John Major signed the Maastricht Treaty….that was when it became more political and what the EU wanted was to have the UK in its grip…..a state of the confederation of the Union.
I voted against the Common Market….I had very many heated arguments with my dear old dad telling him that the trading agreement was just the worm on the hook…that what they wanted to do was what Germany failed to do….and do it without a shot being fired.

So with the greatest respect to your opinion I have to disagree
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 06-02-2022 at 13:21.
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Old 06-02-2022, 13:25   #65
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Re: In the national interest....

As for the Green agenda….the UK produces less than 1% of the greenhouse gases that are supposed to create climate change.
So whatever we do in respect of going carbon neutral will have absolutely no effect.
Until the countries that create the problems make efforts to reduce their carbon footprints it is all worthless.
While we are demolishing coal fired power stations, China is building them….and has no intention of changing what they do.
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Old 08-02-2022, 10:27   #66
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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I do not agree that the EU did not impact your life.
It had very many effects that were not good for us personally and for us as a nation.
We were big contributors to the funds of the EU……I think we paid in something like a fifth of the total budget.
Where do you think this money came from?
It came out of your pocket.

When we went in it was a trading agreement and was called the Common Market.(I voted against it because I was suspicious of Germany and I knew that France hated us and I wanted no part of anything that had those two countries in it)

This inferred that we would get benefits of trade….but these were limited because as usual the Brits played with a straight bat….other countries like France, well they cherry picked the rules that they would follow and that would benefit their people.
Do you know that the EU passed regulations that meant UK tenders for work or services were at a disadvantage?(Bombardier for instance were weighted so that Siemens got the contract for the work involved in railway work…...meant jobs lost)

How much do you think it might have cost to go from Imperial measures to the continental measures….feet and inches out… and metres in….on a directive from Brussels and believe me there were many of these edicts that were issued from there.

These would all have an impact on your life….but it maybe that the insidious nature made it seem like not much affected you.
When John Major signed the Maastricht Treaty….that was when it became more political and what the EU wanted was to have the UK in its grip…..a state of the confederation of the Union.
I voted against the Common Market….I had very many heated arguments with my dear old dad telling him that the trading agreement was just the worm on the hook…that what they wanted to do was what Germany failed to do….and do it without a shot being fired.

So with the greatest respect to your opinion I have to disagree
everything you have written is totally correct and the reason, especially the straight bat comment, was the reason i voted to get out. its just my own personal circumstances that did not change financially by being in the EU or out. as for buying british though the thought of having to drive a new version of an austin allegro fills me with dread.
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Old 08-02-2022, 10:38   #67
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: In the national interest....

i had an allegro back then can honestly say WORST car i ever had.
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Old 08-02-2022, 10:39   #68
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Re: In the national interest....

Although you say your financial situation did not change….in actuality it did. Imagine how much better off you might have been if we had not the responsibility to commit to the EU budget.
It also impacted on jobs and wages……it impacted on the products you bought, they told us which fish we could catch and eat, which apples we could grow….we could not buy bent cucumbers…there were so many intrusions into our lives.….VAT… may not have noticed these things, but believe me they were having effects on how people lived.
There was the Working Time Directive the European Commission of Human Rights….and many legal eagles got fat on that one.
It was not as if there was no bill of human rights until the EU came into being.
People came from the EU…..worked here, but sent the money back home to Poland where it would buy more things, build new houses… it did not even help our economy…..well, you might say that these worker paid taxes….yes, they did, but they claimed child support for children that did not even live here… what they paid in tax was given back….and probably a bit besides.
So, MH that is my reasoning for the disagreement……but I can identify with you not wanting to buy an Austin Allegro.
I also voted to leave because it was getting like we were going to become a ‘shire’ of the EU
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Old 08-02-2022, 12:11   #69
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I also voted to leave because it was getting like we were going to become a ‘shire’ of the EU
Nah, a shire is worth living in, since joining EU we were part of that 'great' achievement the channel tunnel which put us in a cul-de-sac (French for dead end) I've never liked that.
Twas always better when we relied on ferries and when the rough weather came in used to leave the European continent isolated and alone without us, bliss.
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Old 08-02-2022, 17:45   #70
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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by Reamer View Post
Lord Agnew who delivered a passionate resignation speech accusing the treasury of having "little interest in the consequences of fraud to our society." Not the most well known figure but I did admire his commitment.
Lord Agnew recommended a Hong Kong Conglomerated to produce and provide PPE at the start of the pandemic, so not sure where that puts him the the 4 billion fraud thing.
The other thing about someone to take over from Boris…..while you might have faith in Lord Agnew….he could not become Prime minister….none of those who sit in the Lords can return to the Commons.
Prime ministers are elected only from the Commons.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 08-02-2022 at 17:50.
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Old 08-02-2022, 19:05   #71
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Nah, a shire is worth living in, since joining EU we were part of that 'great' achievement the channel tunnel

UK, a protectorate of the Großdeutsche Reich & Penal colony if the eu-rinal had gotten their way.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 08-02-2022 at 19:09.
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Old 09-02-2022, 10:53   #72
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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
The other thing about someone to take over from Boris…..while you might have faith in Lord Agnew….he could not become Prime minister….none of those who sit in the Lords can return to the Commons.
Prime ministers are elected only from the Commons.
things might have changed but didn,t tony benn renounce his peerage to get elected to go back into the commons. Agnew could do the same and get elected in a by election.
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Old 09-02-2022, 11:41   #73
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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
UK, a protectorate of the Großdeutsche Reich & Penal colony if the eu-rinal had gotten their way.
and plenty of british people would actually support that idea which would make it worse.
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Old 09-02-2022, 13:09   #74
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Re: In the national interest....

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
things might have changed but didn,t tony benn renounce his peerage to get elected to go back into the commons. Agnew could do the same and get elected in a by election.
Lord Hailsham did the same….Tony Benn was the first Lord to do this……so perhaps Lord Agnew could do that too….but he would have to be selected and win a by election first….so not an immediate solution.
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