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29-09-2008, 13:58
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Internet Watchdog
Internet Watchdog Unleashed
A step in the right direction for trying to keep the kids safe while surfing the big world wide web
Wonder if Less and Jambutty will be the first on their hit list  I'm joking guys sorry ...... 
29-09-2008, 14:20
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Re: Internet Watchdog
I wont say useless... Just next to useless.. I let my teenage son on the internet... But the monitor is facing an open door and anyone passing his room can see whats on his screen.... I find that to be a perfect solution
Internet watchdog will have no powers and thats the problem... Best bet is to sort it yourselves.. It will do some good for someone.. but not much use for most I am afraid.
29-09-2008, 14:26
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Re: Internet Watchdog
Got to admit I'm very sceptical too, I don't see how it's going to work
Totally agree with you, monitoring what kids see and do whilst on the net should be policed in the home not by outside agencies
29-09-2008, 14:46
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Internet Watchdog
agree wi ya both, owts better than nowt though.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-09-2008, 15:04
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Re: Internet Watchdog
he's doing a good job!!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
29-09-2008, 15:07
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Re: Internet Watchdog
His mates not!  naughty lil pup 
02-10-2008, 16:46
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Re: Internet Watchdog
Responsible parents can supervise all they like in their own home but what if Johnny or Mary go their mate’s house where supervision is much more lax? So you ban them from going to that person’s house. But kids being kids they will find a way of getting there if they want to.
Then there is the mobile phone. I understand that some of these modern phones can access the Internet nowadays.
There is no easy solution.
It might be better to frighten them into leaving such sites alone by explaining that people who are caught viewing such sites, will get charged and have to sign the sex offenders register for the rest of their lives. With that black mark over them then job prospects are greatly diminished not to mention that they will become society’s pariahs.
I think that the ISP’s could do more by blocking access to known unacceptable sites. They could even offer say one month’s free Internet access for every bona fide report that a customer makes about a new site to encourage people to report them. Of course that could also encourage people to go looking for them.
But what about adults? Don’t they have a right to use the Internet as they please? Well yes I guess that they do but if blocking those sort of sites for everyone is the price of keeping our kids away from them, then so be it.
Those people who go to porn, snuff and child abuse sites are sick in the head, need locking up and the key being thrown away.
02-10-2008, 16:55
Re: Internet Watchdog
Originally Posted by jambutty
Responsible parents can supervise all they like in their own home but what if Johnny or Mary go their mate’s house where supervision is much more lax? So you ban them from going to that person’s house.
You could say the same thing about playing with matches.
Originally Posted by jambutty
Those people who go to porn, snuff and child abuse sites are sick in the head, need locking up and the key being thrown away.
I agree with the 2nd and 3rd ones but the porn one  get a life.
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02-10-2008, 17:31
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Internet Watchdog
Originally Posted by Neil
You could say the same thing about playing with matches.
I agree with the 2nd and 3rd ones but the porn one  get a life.
I have a life thank you and it doesn’t include watching porn.
I would say to all people who do watch porn to get a life and think with your brains not your genitals.
02-10-2008, 18:59
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Re: Internet Watchdog
wahoo, i just gave JB karma!!! Must be poorly......
Actually, I agreed with everything (the porn thing may be going a little far) but am v impressed lol x
02-10-2008, 19:06
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Re: Internet Watchdog
Originally Posted by onlyme
wahoo, i just gave JB karma!!! Must be poorly......
 go and have a shower
schools are teaching kids about internet safety... Ty told me off the other day for giving out "personal information"
I was filling a form out lol
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
02-10-2008, 21:07
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Re: Internet Watchdog
Originally Posted by jambutty
There is no easy solution.
It might be better to frighten them into leaving such sites alone by explaining that people who are caught viewing such sites, will get charged and have to sign the sex offenders register for the rest of their lives. With that black mark over them then job prospects are greatly diminished not to mention that they will become society’s pariahs.
I think that the ISP’s could do more by blocking access to known unacceptable sites. They could even offer say one month’s free Internet access for every bona fide report that a customer makes about a new site to encourage people to report them. Of course that could also encourage people to go looking for them.
But what about adults? Don’t they have a right to use the Internet as they please? Well yes I guess that they do but if blocking those sort of sites for everyone is the price of keeping our kids away from them, then so be it.
Those people who go to porn, snuff and child abuse sites are sick in the head, need locking up and the key being thrown away.
I thought the main objective was concerned with social networking sites, and who has access to them, adults posing as children and such?
If they want it they will find porn somewhere to watch, not necessarily on the net.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke
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- Oscar Wilde
02-10-2008, 21:08
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Re: Internet Watchdog
And of course moderating stuff on sites like You tube.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke
I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
03-10-2008, 17:28
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Re: Internet Watchdog
Anyone watch FX - to catch a predator? Its on wednesday nights at 10pm. They have someone who pretends to be underage on sites and they arrange a meet ... when they get there the girl who does look underage invites them in then leaves to get a drink then the presenter comes out and asks why did he say what he did - when he leaves the house he is arrested.
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
03-10-2008, 17:41
Re: Internet Watchdog
Arrested for what, the person was not under age?
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