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Old 15-04-2006, 08:22   #16
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Re: Iranian Issue

The Iranian President with the unponouncable name seems to be playing a eadly game of brinksmanship. Hitler tried it and look were that went after the powers of the day realised he was hell bent on war. If the Iranian carry on is not stop and stop firmly we are heading for a disaster. As Driller pionted out Isreal aint afraid to defend herself reguardless of the foe and as the are reputed to have nuclear weapons the are more likely to use them than anyone else at the moment. The rantings of a warlike country by the countries leader that does lead to war leads as a rule to that countries destruction. Is this what they want or is it "my mums better than your mum , no my mums better than yours" with nuclear weapons or dirty bombs?

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Old 15-04-2006, 08:25   #17
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Re: Iranian Issue

Here is a question " what happens if they build a nuclear power station and it suffers a Chernobyl type of accident?"

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Old 15-04-2006, 22:14   #18
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Iranian Issue

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Here is a question " what happens if they build a nuclear power station and it suffers a Chernobyl type of accident?"
the same thing that will happen in the western countries with nuclear power stations!
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-04-2006, 10:11   #19
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Re: Iranian Issue

Originally Posted by cashman
the same thing that will happen in the western countries with nuclear power stations!
Not quite they would blame everyone especially Israel for it. Unless they are a 100% certain the can handle it the first mishap will be attributed to foreign spys and sabatage. This lot are unstable enough to start a war over some minor accident they in theory they could have at their plant.

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