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Old 12-04-2006, 07:14   #1
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Iranian Issue

Now that Iran has alledgedly enriched Urainium for the purpose of power for the country (what kinnd of power is debatable) what now. Junior "i am Gods right hand man i believe" Bush says he aint going to invade bomb nuke Iran so what next. In these times of tension will he, dispite the advice alledgedly from the millitary do it anyway? To theat end will Pres Blair follow like a lap dog or seagull after a tourists butty? There seems to be plenty of trouble in the world as it is without Iran being 5 years approx from the N-Bomb. The Iranian Pres wants to wipe Isreal of the face of the earth even though the Isreali's are backed by Washington.

Is the Middle East heading for an arms race like the USA and USSR had with all the tension there was there? Have the North Koreans got a respite dispite their bomb hunger? If Washington does a bully boy with its armed forces will terrorist attacks and incidents from Islamic militants increase? With such questions can Bush be trusted to get it right without causing agro for others?

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Old 12-04-2006, 07:22   #2
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Re: Iranian Issue

I wouldn't trust Bush with changing Siobhan's nappy never mind a country like the USA.

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Old 12-04-2006, 12:15   #3
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Re: Iranian Issue

Is there actually a way to "get it right?" I think not. However, I'll tell you what I would do if I was president.

First off, I would pull all the troops back home and let all the middle eastern factions do what the hell they wanted to each other. That would be their problem. Maybe they would be so busy fighting and worrying about each other that they wouldn't have time to f@ck about with us.

In the meantime, technology is the answer for the western world. The first thing is to find alternative energy sources ensuring that the west has an abundance of whatever the sources are. Then we can stop buying their bloody overpriced oil and they will have little or no revenue to build nuclear bombs. However, presuming that some other countries continue to buy their oil and they do become nuclear powers, we need to develop our defense technologies to counteract whatever they can produce. We need to concentrate our efforts on home defences and surveilance of terrorist activities as it relates to our own two countries. Let the rest of the world look after their own problems. This way, of course, we will be accused of being insular and not caring about the rest of the world. Oh seems that whatever we do, we get accused of something.
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Old 12-04-2006, 13:35   #4
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Re: Iranian Issue

Bush's rationale is fairly simple. His daddy had a war in Iraq, so he wants one of his own. Never mind the rights and wrongs.
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Old 12-04-2006, 15:12   #5
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Re: Iranian Issue

Originally Posted by pendy
Bush's rationale is fairly simple. His daddy had a war in Iraq, so he wants one of his own. Never mind the rights and wrongs.
Oh come on Pendy, you can't be serious. (my God, I sound like John McEnroe.) I know you can make a far better contribution to this thread than that.
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Old 12-04-2006, 23:36   #6
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Re: Iranian Issue

this enriched stuff the iranians have produced for energy purposes they claim,weather or not thats true who knows? but it begs the question what was the cold war all about? were the usa @ ussr on a standoff with WATER PISTOLS? is it ok for superpowers to have the highgrade stuff? as far as trust goes bush @ iran are on an equal footing in my book.
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Old 13-04-2006, 07:13   #7
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Re: Iranian Issue

Enriched Uranium comes in two forms. 2-3% enriched is suitable for energy production, for weapons grade it needs to be greater than 90% 'enriched' (235 isiotopes as opposed to 238),

It should be clear which sort they have produced(although I reckon its energy stuff). What seems to be happening is 'Team America World Police' is coming true and that is a VERY scary thought.

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Old 13-04-2006, 20:26   #8
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Re: Iranian Issue

Oh Dear, I am going to disagree with the majority on this one! Firstly, China and Russia are also sh** scared of the potential of Iran.

Its illustrious leader (wotever his name is) has threatened to wipe out Israel and unless you are a jew hater, must agree that it would be very bad both for world peace and the Israelies!

They have admitted their hatred of the western world and support organisations that commit themselves to the destruction of anything or anybody western!

They believe that Muslims should rule the world - not just the Middle East.

It is the "P.C." thing to criticise Bush at the moment but if Israel is wiped out by a nuclear holocaust, how many people will put their hands up and say "Oops SORRY "

Think back to the first gulf war against Iraq, the majority of people felt that America should have finished off the job then and taken Bagdad but those same people are against any sort of commitment to help that government to reach stability after gulf war 2!

I have never liked Bush - but he was voted in by the American public and the worst thing this world needs now is a weak leader in the U.S.A. At least he has the ba**s to do something constructive before waiting for armageddon. Yes, he bends the truth but it needs someone like him to cut through the red/P.C. tape and get some action!
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Old 13-04-2006, 20:38   #9
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Re: Iranian Issue

Introduction Iran Top of Page
Known as Persia until 1935, Iran became an Islamic republic in 1979 after the ruling monarchy was overthrown and the shah was forced into exile. Conservative clerical forces established a theocratic system of government with ultimate political authority nominally vested in a learned religious scholar. Iranian-US relations have been strained since a group of Iranian students seized the US Embassy in Tehran on 4 November 1979 and held it until 20 January 1981. During 1980-88, Iran fought a bloody, indecisive war with Iraq that eventually expanded into the Persian Gulf and led to clashes between US Navy and Iranian military forces between 1987-1988. Iran has been designated a state sponsor of terrorism for its activities in Lebanon and elsewhere in the world and remains subject to US economic sanctions and export controls because of its continued involvement. Following the elections of a reformist president and Majlis in the late 1990s, attempts to foster political reform in response to popular dissatisfaction floundered as conservative politicians prevented reform measures from being enacted, increased repressive measures, and made electoral gains against reformers. Parliamentary elections in 2004 and the August 2005 inauguration of a conservative stalwart as president, completed the reconsolidation of conservative power in Iran's government.

By being "P.C." You are giving credit to the above government - - - -
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 13-04-2006, 20:40   #10
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Re: Iranian Issue

Could you imagine what would happen if Tony had the final say about pushing the button........Well maybe, er Maybe No....I mean No, well
I would rather have Bush.

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Old 13-04-2006, 20:41   #11
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Re: Iranian Issue

Armageddon 1st August 2012. It dosnt have to be if the political prancing and brinkmanship would stop. These people are adults not P3 kids.

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Old 13-04-2006, 22:50   #12
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Iranian Issue

got to agree with the bulk of busmans statement, the only question i have is the last paragraph ! i believe it was debateable wether president bush was voted in by the majority ? (wasn,t there a ruckas) down florida way ? about the vote?
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Old 14-04-2006, 07:54   #13
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Re: Iranian Issue

Originally Posted by cashman
got to agree with the bulk of busmans statement, the only question i have is the last paragraph ! i believe it was debateable wether president bush was voted in by the majority ? (wasn,t there a ruckas) down florida way ? about the vote?
This you insinuating voting improprioties and irreagularities Cashy?

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Old 15-04-2006, 00:38   #14
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Re: Iranian Issue

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
This you insinuating voting improprioties and irreagularities Cashy?
in a word spug YEP.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-04-2006, 06:14   #15
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Re: Iranian Issue

One of the first things Bush did when he came to power was to opt out of the Kyoto agreement which required cuts in use of fosile fuels mainly oil. I reckon the Americans did this because they could not have complained if a nation (Iran) decided to create nuclear power. Iran worries me more than Saddam and Iraq ever did. Iran seems to be totally paraniod with America and "The West" and if they develope nuclear weapons they may be more likely to use them than say Russia during the cold war. Was it in the 70's when Isreal bombed a power station the Iraqis were building? it could come to that again.. but then of course it would really kick off, but can we (the west) do nothing? can you imagine if they produce long range missiles? speaking for myself I would be Cr***ing it

Last edited by Driller; 15-04-2006 at 06:17.
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