16-06-2014, 09:02
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Re: iraq and syria
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
actually william hague did vote in favour  but i think tony blair entered with good intentions but power went to his head. i know the next comment will be unfavourable but some of these middle eastern countries have a dictatorial style of leadership for a reason. it shows how lucky the labour party treated the working class after world war 2 ,lets hope the labour party get back to basics .
Good intentions!!??...just how stupid are you? After all the deceit over weapons of mass destruction? All Blair was concerned about was dragging this country into an unnecessary war to further his own image as a "world statesman". Fortunately it backfired spectacularly on him and everyone can now see him for what he is, but not before the war had taken the lives of hundreds of British lads and lasses and 100,000 Iraqis.