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View Poll Results: should william hague resign
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Old 12-06-2014, 23:37   #1
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cmonstanley's Avatar

iraq and syria

i think our ed milliband should be commended in stopping the uk from getting involved in the syrian war,i think william hague should resign as he has been an embarrassment to the uk on the world stage for calling to arm the syrian rebels and trying to involve the uk in syria.
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Old 13-06-2014, 08:56   #2
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: iraq and syria

Oh God! you really do put pointless polls on, of course he should resign, but then every one of the disgraceful members of the Palace of Westminster should resign, none are fit for purpose.
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Old 13-06-2014, 09:53   #3
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Re: iraq and syria

every circus need its clown, every village its idiot.
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Old 13-06-2014, 11:58   #4
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Re: iraq and syria

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
i think william hague should resign as he has been an embarrassment to the uk on the world stage.
He may well have been, but he's way behind that slimy, double-dealing, war-mongering scumbag Blair who dragged the name of this country through the mud by involving us in an illegal and unnecessary war which caused thousands of deaths. And all to massage his own ego as a "world statesman". The fact that this man is still even a member of the Labour Party you so slavishly support shows how morally bankrupt that organisation is.

So why don't you do us all a favour and give it a rest with your constant cut and paste of press articles which you often don't read or understand properly, your illiterate, brainless drivel and your spurious, pointless polls?

Last edited by Wynonie Harris; 13-06-2014 at 12:02.
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Old 13-06-2014, 12:00   #5
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Re: iraq and syria

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
every circus need its clown, every village its idiot.
No shortage of either in Westminster or, come to think of it, Ottawa.

By the by ... I'll stick it here 'cause it ain't worth a thread of its own ... the voters of Ontario responded to the Conservative plan to cut 100,000 public sector jobs, and stimulate growth by giving tax breaks to corporations by electing a Liberal majority government in yesterday's General Election. I wish the NDP had done better ... but what the hell, tory austerity bullspit went over like a fart in a space suit. And our Premier, Kathleen Wynne, is neither a clown nor an idiot. But she is Onatrio's first elected female Premier (tho' she has held the office after taking over from the crook who retired); and she is Canada's first openly gay first minister.
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Old 13-06-2014, 17:19   #6
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Re: iraq and syria

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
So why don't you do us all a favour and give it a rest with your constant cut and paste of press articles which you often don't read or understand properly, your illiterate, brainless drivel and your spurious, pointless polls?
Ouch!! Don't you go beating about the bush now Wynn, just get on & say it why not.

Incidentally I agree with your assessment mate.
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Old 13-06-2014, 18:42   #7
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Re: iraq and syria

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
i think our ed milliband should be commended in stopping the uk from getting involved in the syrian war,i think william hague should resign as he has been an embarrassment to the uk on the world stage for calling to arm the syrian rebels and trying to involve the uk in syria.
Think again.

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Old 13-06-2014, 19:20   #8
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Re: iraq and syria

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Ouch!! Don't you go beating about the bush now Wynn, just get on & say it why not.
Strangely enough, Dave, I'd actually toned down my message, after I'd decided I was being too, er, forthright to old C'mon. You should've seen what I wrote originally!
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Old 13-06-2014, 20:40   #9
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Re: iraq and syria

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Strangely enough, Dave, I'd actually toned down my message, after I'd decided I was being too, er, forthright to old C'mon. You should've seen what I wrote originally!
You are only saying what perhaps the majority of us are thinking......Tony Blair and his lying cohorts are probably much to blame for what is happening in the Middle East right now.
And come to think of it isn't Teflon Tony supposed to be the Middle East Peace envoy right now? What kind of job is he making of that?

I see lots of pieces(people in pieces, lives in pieces, bodies in pieces, countries in pieces), but precious little in the way of peace.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 15-06-2014, 11:21   #10
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Re: iraq and syria

And now Blair's back trying to justify himself and meddling again. As if he hasn't done enough damage. Of course, it's all down to privatization you know!
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Old 15-06-2014, 12:26   #11
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Re: iraq and syria

I really wanted to throw something hard and heavy at this mans head....but it would have damaged an expensive TV.
I watched part of theinterview with Dermot Murnaghan and could not get over the arrogance of the guy.
He still doesn't get it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 15-06-2014, 13:10   #12
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Re: iraq and syria

I read in one of the papers the other week that one of his ex friends has said he suffers from Messiah syndrome and really is quite mad. He has the look of a deranged head banger. I'm surprised they wheel him out and give him air time anymore, it's painful to watch.
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Old 15-06-2014, 14:21   #13
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Re: iraq and syria

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
He may well have been, but he's way behind that slimy, double-dealing, war-mongering scumbag Blair who dragged the name of this country through the mud by involving us in an illegal and unnecessary war which caused thousands of deaths. And all to massage his own ego as a "world statesman". The fact that this man is still even a member of the Labour Party you so slavishly support shows how morally bankrupt that organisation is.

So why don't you do us all a favour and give it a rest with your constant cut and paste of press articles which you often don't read or understand properly, your illiterate, brainless drivel and your spurious, pointless polls?
actually william hague did vote in favour but i think tony blair entered with good intentions but power went to his head. i know the next comment will be unfavourable but some of these middle eastern countries have a dictatorial style of leadership for a reason. it shows how lucky the labour party treated the working class after world war 2 ,lets hope the labour party get back to basics .
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Old 15-06-2014, 14:40   #14
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Re: iraq and syria

The only intentions Tony Blair had, were not for the people of these warring nations, but to follow his cohort George W Bush, to glorify himself and make himself look big on the world stage.
Since he has not been in British politics he has been the Peace envoy to the middle east.
How much peace has he brought?
Less than none would be a good answer as he has stood by and watch the area fall into conflict.
You may say that conflict has always been there.......and to a degree you would be right, but despite dictatorial methods of leaders in that part of the world, they kept most of the population under some kind of control.

We are wrong to go and try to impose a westernised style of democracy on these people.They seem to hate western ideas, ideals, in fact anything relating to the west is seen as bad.
They want to do things their way......they have been doing things their own way since time began.
If this doesn't impact on us then we should leave them to it.
Tony Blair will NEVER, EVER admit that what he did with respect to Iraq and Saddam Hussein was wrong......even now he cannot see it.
He is doing his best(by pulling strings, calling in favours) to hide documentary proof that he made the decision to go to war with Iraq long before we actually went to war.......and that all the hype about the WMD was used in order to justify this end.
He is a war criminal and I hope that at some point during my life I will see him stand trial for this.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 15-06-2014, 14:56   #15
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: iraq and syria

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
lets hope the labour party get back to basics .
Oh how very important that statement is.
It's not basics alone they need to get back to though, they also need to clear their decks of any dishonest or corrupt lying twisters that are only in it for themselves.

Oh dear, silly me, they can't, there would be no-one left, their last honest member died a couple of weeks ago.

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