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22-11-2010, 16:44
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Re: Ireland
Apparently, new Irish Peerages are no longer created, and have not been since 1898. Although they still exist and even those in the republic still come under the jurisdiction of the British crown. Apparently they were created as a way of enobling people without giving them the right to sit in the House of Lords, so they could instead take up seat in the Commons, eg the Duke of Wellington and Clive of India.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
22-11-2010, 18:04
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Re: Ireland
We should heighten Hadrian's Wall, dig Offa's Dyke deeper and fortify our West coast. About time we got rid of these leeches of the English economy.
Let them survive on their own - and export all the natives of those countries back to where they originate from
22-11-2010, 18:05
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Re: Ireland
P.S. I remember the IRA atrocities.
22-11-2010, 18:52
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Re: Ireland
It appears that Georgie Boy ain't as reckless as I first thought, it appears that the Royal Bank of Scotland of which 80% is owned by the British tax payer, plus other companies have literally billions of pound invest in the Irish Banks, if they went tits up it would create havoc with the UK economy
22-11-2010, 19:06
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Re: Ireland
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
We should heighten Hadrian's Wall, dig Offa's Dyke deeper and fortify our West coast. About time we got rid of these leeches of the English economy.
Let them survive on their own - and export all the natives of those countries back to where they originate from
thanks ....
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
22-11-2010, 19:08
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Re: Ireland
Originally Posted by shillelagh
thanks ....
Think mi granddad Bill Slatery will be turning in his grave 
22-11-2010, 19:11
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Re: Ireland
It's interesting that the Tories who in opposition wouldn't support bailing out British banks,are now more than happy to support bailing out Irish banks.
It's also interesting to note that for a country that's supposed to be skint, and yet can suddenly find 7 Billion to support foreign banks.
22-11-2010, 19:18
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Re: Ireland
If the costs for min wage n unemployment benefits are owt to go on then no wonder they are skint. That is without an influx of 2 legged odds n sods as well.
22-11-2010, 19:18
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Re: Ireland
Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson
It's interesting that the Tories who in opposition wouldn't support bailing out British banks,are now more than happy to support bailing out Irish banks.
It's also interesting to note that for a country that's supposed to be skint, and yet can suddenly find 7 Billion to support foreign banks.
When a bank owned by the Taxpayer has all its asset sunk in Irish banks makes perfectly good sense to me, if the Irish go tits up so does RBS and all the money used by Brown to shore it up, but common sense was never your strong suit was Bernard 
22-11-2010, 19:35
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Re: Ireland
Originally Posted by jaysay
When a bank owned by the Taxpayer has all its asset sunk in Irish banks makes perfectly good sense to me, if the Irish go tits up so does RBS and all the money used by Brown to shore it up, but common sense was never your strong suit was Bernard 
The Royal Bank of Scotland has interests in most countries in the European Union To suggest that it has all it's assets in Ireland is ridiculous.Why would it have?
22-11-2010, 19:39
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Re: Ireland
Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson
The Royal Bank of Scotland has interests in most countries in the European Union To suggest that it has all it's assets in Ireland is ridiculous.Why would it have?
Was listening to one of Britain's top economist at lunchtime and it was he who said where RBS had all their dosh, plus many many more companies and organisations
22-11-2010, 19:57
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Re: Ireland
Originally Posted by jaysay
Was listening to one of Britain's top economist at lunchtime and it was he who said where RBS had all their dosh, plus many many more companies and organisations
I would appear that we have been listening to different economist. But as they say put two economists in a room and you will get two different opinions.
22-11-2010, 19:57
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Re: Ireland
But as stated elsewhere, the Country is getting hammered from all sides in an effort to save spending, Defence, Health & Welfare are having the screws turned ever tighter & yet they can find the cash to support foreign aid & Ireland in a bail out ! Incredulous, if the money's there it should be used to sort our own out first & foremost.
No, it seems that the present coalition isn't doing itself any favours here & carrying on as they are, it won't be long before they are regarded by those who supported them initially with the same derision & contempt as Labour was towards its last few years in power.
Something is drastically wrong with this system.
22-11-2010, 20:40
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Re: Ireland
Originally Posted by jaysay
It appears that Georgie Boy ain't as reckless as I first thought, it appears that the Royal Bank of Scotland of which 80% is owned by the British tax payer, plus other companies have literally billions of pound invest in the Irish Banks, if they went tits up it would create havoc with the UK economy
I listen to Radio 4 (cos I hate TV) and after 10 pm the politicians and other learned scholars had a debate on the Irish predicament.
They must have been listening to jaysay because that is more or less what was said.
They have got us by the short and curlies to put it bluntly. I am off to the barbers (lady preferred).
Gremlin R.T.
22-11-2010, 21:40
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Re: Ireland
so this means gordon brown was right to pump money into the british economy and the tories who are saying labour bankrupt britain are wrong because it was a global recession hey ye i was right all along  
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