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Old 25-09-2006, 10:20   #1
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Iresponsible Parents

Aain a baby suffers at the jaws of so called guard dogs and die's as a result. I know people who have the breed of dog in question and as pets they have no problem with them even around kids as they are very protective of them. Is it down to the fact that these dogs training is the problem as they seem to attack anyone they dont know on their territory. I think its about time we stopped ysing dogs for this job unless a 100% guarentee that there will be no kids around. They put these animals down which to me is wrong as they are doing what they were trained for. I wont be popular for that remark but why should the animal lose its life because of the inadequacy of its training.

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Old 25-09-2006, 10:33   #2
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

The problem is having 2, they have a pack mentality and the noise of the baby crying distresses the dogs this is often why they attack. They also have to be destroyed once they've attacked Spuggie, they've had the taste of blood which can never be reversed.

It does come down to responsible dog handling, my staff Ben is uncomfortable around babies so I obviously wouldn't dream of putting him in a situation to be around them. If I have visitors that have a baby he has to go outside, I wouldn't trust him for a minute but he is an excellent dog around older children.
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Old 25-09-2006, 10:36   #3
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

The dogs were owned by the people who had the pub but they went on holiday and left the family with the baby looking after the pub and the dogs. That was also a bit irresponsible if they didn't know enough about the dogs and they obviosuly didn't if they left the baby where the dogs could attack.

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Old 25-09-2006, 12:53   #4
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

I realy dont like rotweilers or pit bulls,,they are not family dogs,,,,even Princess Annes dog was savage ,but in her case it was one law for me and one law for you lot....
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Old 25-09-2006, 12:56   #5
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
They also have to be destroyed once they've attacked Spuggie, they've had the taste of blood which can never be reversed.
Tinks ,why would a dog want to attack our spuggie?
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Old 25-09-2006, 12:59   #6
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
I realy dont like rotweilers or pit bulls,,they are not family dogs,,,,even Princess Annes dog was savage ,but in her case it was one law for me and one law for you lot....
I think that dog was trying to emulate its master.
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Old 25-09-2006, 13:25   #7
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

It's not just the type of dog we should be talking about here, it's how they are trained & treated. My friend is the manager of "The Gynn" in blackpool, he has two dogs, one is a mongrel, the other is an alsatian. Both dogs are family pets aswell as being guard dogs. Both dogs are brilliant around all the customers (especially children) in the pub. When the pub closes though they are very protective, but this is how they have been raised & trained. Out of the two dogs, the mongrel is the most vicious.
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Old 25-09-2006, 13:29   #8
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

I was once badly bitten on the upper arm by a Mastiff (huge dog, looked like a lion with its mane shaved off). The owner knew its temperament and it was supposed to be kept in the back garden when he wasn't home. I called at the house in the afternoon and the owner's 15 year old son was home alone and had let the dog into the house against his dad's orders. The result was me with an arm that, honestly, looked like a huge black pudding for about a month and still, 11 years later, the scars where its fangs went into my arm.

That dog didn't bark or growl or even look menacing. It just walked out of the front door and grabbed my arm in its jaws. I had a hell of a job to make it let go, and to stay on my feet, while the lad just stood looking shocked.

I reported it to the police because I felt that had it been a small child on the doorstep that day the dog could well have killed it. The boy hadn't told his dad about the incident, when the police went round, and the owner had the dog destroyed which rather upset me as, despite all that, I do love dogs.

The point is that any dog can have its moment and it's part of responsible ownership to recognise that. Dogs that are kept, primarily, as guard dogs are inevitably going to be less placid than hearth-rug pets but every dog has the instinct for, at least, self-preservation. Anyone who doesn't believe that should not keep a dog.
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Old 25-09-2006, 14:59   #9
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

I have two Labradors who are excellent pets. They both adore children and are very placid, however I would never trust them with young children. They have NEVER given me any reason to mistrust them, but they are only dogs and I would never forgive myself if anything happened. It is a dog owners responsibility to ensure that children (and adults) are kept safe, not just the parents.
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Old 25-09-2006, 15:16   #10
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

Regardless of how it happened and who's to blame this tragedy just gets worse,00.html
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Old 25-09-2006, 15:42   #11
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

The police say it's unconnected but it makes you wonder if it was some self appointed vigilante avenging the death of the baby. Awful that one family should have to go through so much.

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Old 25-09-2006, 16:53   #12
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

Part text .. taken from AOL news ...
"The grandfather of a baby mauled to death by Rottweilers has been stabbed and his partner killed in a separate attack hours later, a family member says.
John Brightwell, 50, and Debra Larn, 47, were attacked at their home in Beaumont Leys, Leicester, early on Sunday, said his niece, 17-year-old Natalie Brightwell."

To loose a child to dogs one day and then your parent the next is unbelievable.
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Old 25-09-2006, 18:41   #13
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

Originally Posted by jimmi5bellies
Part text .. taken from AOL news ...
"The grandfather of a baby mauled to death by Rottweilers has been stabbed and his partner killed in a separate attack hours later, a family member says.
John Brightwell, 50, and Debra Larn, 47, were attacked at their home in Beaumont Leys, Leicester, early on Sunday, said his niece, 17-year-old Natalie Brightwell."

To loose a child to dogs one day and then your parent the next is unbelievable.
That is just awful!

Agree that training, handling, controlling dogs are all up to the owners. As above, one slip can ruin so many lives!

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Old 25-09-2006, 19:09   #14
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

Just read about the grandparents attack and I believe its no coincidence. As for what the dogs did is bad enough but those that attacked the grandparents are no better than the dogs that killed the baby. Now it looks like 2 needless deaths and more heartache.

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Old 25-09-2006, 19:24   #15
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Re: Iresponsible Parents

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
The problem is having 2, they have a pack mentality and the noise of the baby crying distresses the dogs this is often why they attack. They also have to be destroyed once they've attacked Spuggie, they've had the taste of blood which can never be reversed.
Tinks they wouldnt need putting down the taste of my blood would poisen them (blaming the refinery). Besides if a dog bit me for doing something like mistreating it (and no I wouldnt) provoking it etc then its my fault and would not want them put down for something I did. If they cant do it to people then why to dogs. I trust dogs than some people I know.

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