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Old 21-12-2005, 21:56   #16
God Member
SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

If same sex couples want a union then let them. How would you feel if someone came along and told you that you will marry a certain person or you will be exiled from society. These people are doing no harm and should be left in piece to get on with their lives.
I have seen gay people especially guys suffer in the past because the law said gay is only for 21+ year old people. These guys went to hell and back to try and have the life they wanted and the suffering they went through tortured me because they were targeted for what they were.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 21-12-2005, 22:52   #17
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

Originally Posted by the real michael i know a lot of pretentious
do-goody chompers out there will be enraged by these words...good...youve been getting up my nose since i was born ... you think you are moralistic even
though you go against your creators wishes and /or sit on the fence?
whether you are a monk or a heathen monkey, homosexuals go against both
religeous laws and the laws of nature ...and to break either one will result
in chaos ( e.g. the atom bomb... aids ...i.v.f. etc)
theres a whole world of trouble coming this way ...and only the most disciplined will survive this "mass cull" ... its no use changing your mind
at the last minute ....society is being judged right now, and if you carry on
with this facade of equality will be punished by even nature itself ...
It would seem that the prospect of almost equality under the law for a sizeable section of the population brings out, not rejoicing at the triumph of democracy, or the grudging acceptance that since we all pee in the same pot it is a good idea to try and live and let live or even the most basic "well it wouldn't do for me.". Instead it seems to bring out the hysterical religious zealot in some of our fellow citizens. If this zealotry were accompanied by any understanding of the texts quoted one might be prepared to listen and even attempt to debate the point, but, sadly, I see no evidence to suggest that this might be the case.

For the record: Adam and Eve had two children, Cain and Abel. From whom, according to genesis, mankind is descended. It does not take a genius of theology to work out that mankind is thus shown to be the product of an incestuous union, which is expressly forbidden.

The sins of the cities of the plain for which god is said to have destroyed them were luxuriousness and over production, no mention at all is made of unorthodox sexual practices.

The Book of Leviticus, upon which all this "abomination" malarky is based makes very interesting reading, it is perhaps a pity that more religionists do not read it. Among it's many gems, there are one or two which shine brighter than the rest. Did you realise for instance that wearing clothes made of two different fabrics is an abomination? Or that eating shellfish renders one ritually unclean? Merely touching a menstruating woman has the same unfortunate effect and women who wear trousers are such a threat to an ordered society that they are condemned to be stoned to death. It is considered totally acceptable to sell your daughter into slavery provided that she does not do the work traditionally alotted to men. And it goes on....and on... for page after depressing page, and would be laughable were it not for the fact that some of us actually pretend to believe it. Most rational folk look at the bible and see it for what it is; a social history and an attempt to explain inexplicable and threatening natural phenomena.

Thankfully most people of a religious persuasion are more prepared to accept the words of Christ who came to offer the world a new testament. This has love and tolerance and forgiveness at its heart, along with the chilling phrases "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." and "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Coincidentally, it also has plenty to say about people who would attempt to use scripture as a cover for their own bigotry, prejudice and hatred. I am sure we are all familiar with the term "whited sepulchres".

Perhaps our resident Cassandra would like to take a couple of weeks to check his sources and then get back to us. In the meantime, I suggest we all carry on as usual.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe

Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 21-12-2005 at 23:04.
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Old 21-12-2005, 23:22   #18
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

The real Michael, don't you just love him?

In my vast experience of the sliding scale of human sexuality, men like him really do work themselves into such a tizz about sodomy, only because they have deep self loathing and fear that what they really want is to be sodomised themselves. 'Real' men, ie: those totally happy in their hetrosexuality couldn't give a literal toss about what homosexuals do, mainly because it leaves more women for them, and secondly because 'they' are secure in their sexuality.

By the way you focus on sodomy, and from talking to my lesbian friends that is not too high on their list of most haves things to do. Also most scientists will quite happily tell you that homosexuality is indeed natural, as it happens in every part of the animal kingdom.

Anyway moving on, from silly chaps who really desire a good rogering, just returned from Windsor. The flowers were out of this world, but Elizabeth Hurley looked a bit of a sulky chops, partly I fear because I caught the bouquet.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 21-12-2005, 23:29   #19
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

Lol, just realised this is the same nutter that threatened Lindsay Ormerod for not selling his record in her shop, and accused the BBC of being biased because they refused to play the said record because it contained racist lyrics. The real reason being mainly that it was crap.

NURSE. NURSE. More medication for the poor sap please.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 21-12-2005, 23:55   #20
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

Originally Posted by garinda

NURSE. NURSE. More medication for the poor sap please.
Why, are his piles hurting? (I wonder how he got them?).
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Old 21-12-2005, 23:57   #21
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

Originally Posted by Less
Why, are his piles hurting? (I wonder how he got them?).
Not me, even though I may have fingered him as a closet case.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-12-2005, 00:51   #22
Senior Member+

Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

I was going to make a comment but after the last one I don,t think I,ll bother.
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Old 22-12-2005, 00:58   #23
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

Oops, I missed the whole second page. I realy don,t care what anyone does as long as they don,t flaunt it. And there,s only one marriage, really. They can call it what they want it doesn,t make it so.
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Old 22-12-2005, 01:00   #24
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

there's an apostrophe key next to that comma one of yours.....' see there it is...' oo! there agen '
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Old 22-12-2005, 02:40   #25
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

Originally Posted by the real michael
queen knights queen ... and now sir reg dwight the sodomite will be tying the
knot with its boybride .... (it should be a noose) and all this is going on with everyone around too gutless to speak their minds for fear of being outcast as racist/fascist/sexist or even "homophobic" ...all the red lines in the union jack
should be changed to big yellow streaks! i know a lot of pretentious
do-goody chompers out there will be enraged by these words...good...youve been getting up my nose since i was born ... you think you are moralistic even
though you go against your creators wishes and /or sit on the fence?
whether you are a monk or a heathen monkey, homosexuals go against both
religeous laws and the laws of nature ...and to break either one will result
in chaos ( e.g. the atom bomb... aids ...i.v.f. etc)
theres a whole world of trouble coming this way ...and only the most disciplined will survive this "mass cull" ... its no use changing your mind
at the last minute ....society is being judged right now, and if you carry on
with this facade of equality will be punished by even nature itself ...
this is the short of the tale ....if you think its ok for someone to sodomise
another peson then you are an anti-god full stop .. you can hide behind your
churches and your charity orgs and fake pesonalities but you cant fool your
judge.......go on folks..speak the truth and dont be gutless ...
most of the prophets told the truth and got hounded out of town for it!
what does that teach children when you can be encarcerated for speaking
your mind??? society is sick and deluded ... no wonder your children are
raping and murdering.......and sodomising each other ...nuff said...
Darwinism at its best, hey why not start a political party call it the reds or something similar, I know why not the Brown shirts, everyone could wear a uniform and stuff, then you could be in charge and be a right Michael and then when you've got rid of all the gays, women of ill repute, Jews (they are a bad lot) and if you have a choice, just my suggestion, Man U supporters you could overthrow Tony and invade France (they would give up real easy, just shout at them in German and low and behold capitulation). After France the world.............

A judge in the USA has had some sense
At the trial, held in Harrisburg, the state capital, Jones heard testimony from leading advocates of intelligent design and experts on evolutionary theory.
The "overwhelming evidence" established that intelligent design "is a religious view, a mere re-labeling of creationism, and not a scientific theory," he wrote.
The public statements of school-board members, he said, made clear they adopted the statement to ninth-graders to advance specific religious views.
Intelligent-design arguments "may be true, a proposition on which this court takes no position," he wrote, but it "is not science."
"The centuries-old ground rules of science" make clear that a scientific theory must rely solely on natural explanations that can be tested, he wrote.

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Old 22-12-2005, 13:09   #26
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

i attended a lesbian "marriage" some 4yrs ago , the vicar told us at the start of the "ceramony" that it was illegal.... the ceramony itself was beautiful, whilst not being of the "gay" persuasion myself i do not hold their perusasions against any of the "gay" community,the actual ceramony was held in manchester...was well attend by a mixture of all persuasions..i even made the wedding cake for them..... they are still happily going on with their lives in their "marriage.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 22-12-2005, 13:57   #27
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

Honestly Real Michael you're going to have to learn to form an opinion and stop sitting on the fence... Reading your post makes me feel like you are not comfortable in your own skin.

I think civil partnership is a great idea for those who want it. There's nothing wrong with protecting the legal rights of someone you love.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 22-12-2005, 14:00   #28
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

Good luck to them all thats my opinion

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 22-12-2005, 15:19   #29


Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

I think if anything optimises the case for Civil Partnerships it was the report on last nights News which told the story of a Gay couple who had spent many years together and had been granted a special dispensation to take the ceremony early due to the terminal condition of one of the gentlemen in question.

There was no doubt in my mind that for those people this was the right direction, so much so I was moved by the report and the fact that there was a very deep and genuine love between them. Obviously the right of kinship was a main issue, but the overriding factor was that both these men wanted to end there relationship as a couple.

My understanding is that the next day the gentlemen in question slipped in to unconsciousness and died a short time later.

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Old 22-12-2005, 21:18   #30
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Re: Is it now to be Sir Elton and Lady David????

What i want to know is...

If the police were called out to 'domestic violence' would the police behave in the same way with same sex couples as they do with opposite sex couples??
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