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Old 22-02-2008, 22:35   #31
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
sorry Lilly,its the same Principle IMHO.
Agreed, zero tolerance is zero tolerance after all
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Old 22-02-2008, 22:38   #32

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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
If the Muslim Council of Britain has nothing better to concentrate on it should be disbanded
Or do it the Muslim way, either blow them up or behead them on live TV.
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Old 22-02-2008, 22:42   #33
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
sorry Lilly,its the same Principle IMHO.
Exactly. Lilly and Katex, you said there should be zero tolerance on the school rule about kids having alcohol. These products contain alcohol, albeit in very small amounts. So, I'm simply asking you - now that it's become apparent alcohol is present in certain Walkers snack products, would you have pupils suspended for bringing these products in?
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Old 22-02-2008, 22:45   #34
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Or do it the Muslim way, either blow them up or behead them on live TV.
Would be worth £135 licence fee to watch
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Old 22-02-2008, 22:45   #35

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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
would you have pupils suspended for bringing these products in?
Be gentle on the ladies, they were wrong with their argument back in the shandy thread. There is no need to rub it in or say 'I told you so'.

then again on second thoughts they were both being a pain about it, carry on and give them some
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Old 22-02-2008, 22:58   #36
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Be gentle on the ladies, they were wrong with their argument back in the shandy thread. There is no need to rub it in or say 'I told you so'.

then again on second thoughts they were both being a pain about it, carry on and give them some
Ok .. will give you some now ..

Seems that foods cooked with alcohol is generally cooked and this evaporates before being served, etc. Humph .. that's sounds good.

Anyway, 'tis 'alcohol drinks' they have a ban on .. nowt about 'alcohol food',
if you can name any. Humph ... that's sounds good too.

Over and out.. !
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Old 22-02-2008, 23:18   #37
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Be gentle on the ladies, they were wrong with their argument back in the shandy thread

No, we were not. I want to teach my children that they need to abide by whatever rules their school chooses to impose. I don't want them to think that they, for some reason, are exempt. If I didn't like the rules I'd choose another school? Do you think differently?

We're going off thread now. You'll have me deleted. Who brought this up again?
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Old 22-02-2008, 23:18   #38

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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Ok .. will give you some now ..

Seems that foods cooked with alcohol is generally cooked and this evaporates before being served, etc. Humph .. that's sounds good.

Anyway, 'tis 'alcohol drinks' they have a ban on .. nowt about 'alcohol food',
if you can name any. Humph ... that's sounds good too.

Over and out.. !
So you would allow the kids to eat sherry trifle then?
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Old 22-02-2008, 23:19   #39
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by katex View Post

Perhaps Willow may wish to step in with this one too .. sorry Willow not getting at your beliefs, just genuine question ?
There's a lot covered in this topic so I'll just start off by stating the LDS standpoint which is to avoid the consuming of alcohol. We are actually told that alcohol is for the washing of the body (for anti-bacterial cleanliness type of thing) so we wouldn't have a problem with alcohol wipes etc.

I don't actually know where muslims stand on this but I do know there are halal perfumes which contain no alcohol but are based on essential oils. I actually personally prefer them because instead of evaporating away they are longer lasting and seem to have richer fragrances. However, I do know one Saudi Arabian perfume house, Ajmal, which makes at least one alcohol based Eau de Parfum which is used by many Arab muslim women so it can't be taboo over there. I would put that in the same class as alcohol wipes and hand washes. Mouth washes, toothpastes etc are a little bit different because you could be swallowing some so I would prefer to avoid them. However (Leslie ) if I did use one without knowing it contained alcohol I wouldn't throw up my hands in horror and fear eternal damnation.

I know there is very little alcohol in shandy and that it's nigh on impossible to get drunk from it, but I wouldn't drink it because it does contain alcohol. I choose non-alcoholic drinks.

I know members of our Church who would happily cook with wine because the alcohol is theoretically burned off - and so having the flaming brandy on the Christmas pud is acceptable but not something I do because a, I don't like Christmas pud and b, I'd be frightened of setting the house on fire! However the people who happily do that would not have a brandy sauce or a white wine sauce because the alcohol would still be present. So it's not a case of it being contaminated by having come into contact with alcohol. It's a case of if there is any still there.

And so to the subject of the Walkers' crisps. Personally, if I have understood the Walkers' statement correctly and the alcohol is used as a means of extracting flavour which is used on the crisps, I would see that in the same context at the Christmas pud where the brandy is burned off. It wouldn't make me avoid quavers for fear of ingesting alcohol.

However, having said that, I do think that we have a right to know what is in our food. If they had used peanuts in order to extract a flavour they would have had to state that on the packet because of the danger of peanut allergies, if the product contains a source of phenylalanine they have to say so, so why can't they simply state that alcohol is used in the manufacturing process? That way people could make an informed choice and not feel they have been misled.

This isn't a case of people telling us how to live our lives or making the rules, just a case of asking for the rules to be followed which already exist and which would be sufficient for their needs. It's not as if they are clamouring for Walkers' crisps to be banned or demanding that no-one else in the country should consume alcohol. They are simply asking to be given the information so they can choose.

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 22-02-2008 at 23:22.
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Old 22-02-2008, 23:24   #40
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Willow - I have some bad news for you -

Kefir, an alcoholic beverage?
Depending on the fermentation process, fermentation temperature, time and type of culture used, the alcohol content of Kefir will vary from 0.06 % (Marshall 1984), up to a maximum of 3% alcohol. The average alcohol content in home brewing is around 0.5% with a loose lid and 1% in an airtight jar. Shaking the fermentation container during the fermentation time also results in higher alcohol content.

I didn't know this when I got you brewing it .... sorry

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Old 22-02-2008, 23:33   #41
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Re: Is it the first of April?

I’m all for clear food labelling, we should know what we are eating. Nutritional content, possible allergen content, general health stuff. I think it’s going a bit far to expect religious persuasion to be catered for in the labelling process tho
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Old 22-02-2008, 23:48   #42
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
So you would allow the kids to eat sherry trifle then?
I'll will try and be honest on this one Neil .. I would think twice about sending any child to school with sherry trifle knowing the strict rules, and not usually to a child's taste anyway, my kids/grandaughter always hated it so would never be put to the test.

Must admit would be interesting to hear what the school had to say about it.

Also, would not allow my children to have packed lunches anyway .. school dinners or starve, and sure the school would not serve sherry trifle anyway, as could throw up some complaints from parents .. t'other way round so to speak.
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Old 22-02-2008, 23:55   #43
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
I think it’s going a bit far to expect religious persuasion to be catered for in the labelling process tho
Don't think it will stop Muslims eating them Bonnyboy at all .. watching them load up their trolleys with such items in the Supermarkets, they appear to love 'em, but will keep my eye out..

Don't think Walkers will alter their process either, but maybe they will just add a comment on their packaging if there is enough huwha about this.

Surely every other crisp manufacturers use the same type of process.?
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Old 22-02-2008, 23:57   #44
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Re: Is it the first of April?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Don't think it will stop Muslims eating them Bonnyboy at all .. watching them load up their trolleys with such items in the Supermarkets, they appear to love 'em, but will keep my eye out..

Don't think Walkers will alter their process either, but maybe they will just add a comment on their packaging if there is enough huwha about this.

Surely every other crisp manufacturers use the same type of process.?
Yes, I don't think that they will alter the process but they may end up stating 'Contains traces of alcohol' on the crisp packets.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
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Old 23-02-2008, 00:03   #45
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Re: Is it the first of April?

What's the stand on Rum and Raisin ice cream?

Will a non-Muslim have to pack it in my eco-friendly, hessian shopper?
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