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23-12-2008, 20:17
Resting in Peace
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Is no one in the Mood
I have not yet found anyone in the Christmas mood.... plenty are in a mood but not the right one: all I get is Oh be glad when its all over... and I have seen very few happy faces whilst out doing my shopping:
I know times are hard, but flipping heck, it is meant to be Christmas...
Peace and Good Will to all and all that.... If only it would snow, that may make the moral better....
Well stuff em, with the turkey I am not listening to any Negative Comments about Christmas : Anymore:
So I will take this opportunity to wish you all a:
 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:
23-12-2008, 20:20
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
When is it 
23-12-2008, 20:21
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Is no one in the Mood
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
23-12-2008, 20:25
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
I agree most people I have served today at work have not seemed in the "christmassy" mood but come tomorrow - Christmas eve - its usually a different story. Most people have finished work for the festive period, just about finished shopping and the dreaded wrapping! So to everybody in Accy a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!....just one more day ha
23-12-2008, 20:33
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
Hey, I'm in the mood ... I'm going to have a great time, me and the animals  ... roaring fire, booze, weed, a few good friends ... maybe go down to Market Square for a quick skate (before the booze and the dope) ... why not ... I never turned down a good time
And I might check around to see if any of my female friends is between boyfriends, and needs somewhere to spend the night  
I shot my Christmas dinner a few weeks back; so, it will be goose with all the trimmings  Just have to spit the lead out; it's hard on the teeth and the digestion
Christmas is coming.
The geese are getting fat.
Please put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
A ha'penny will do.
If you haven't go a ha'penny ......................
23-12-2008, 20:34
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
Well, Im in the christmas mood, havent let it stress me at all this year
Still have presents to wrap (thats a christmas eve job, not fetching them down to wrap and take back upstairs and hide away again, it can wait lol) but even looking forward to doing that (might even let "santa" enjoy a drink or two when its done  )
So wishing you all.............
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 
23-12-2008, 20:36
Resting in Peace
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
good good that's more like it :-)
23-12-2008, 20:46
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
Christmas is not like it used to be when i was a kid, those days it even snowed!!
but as long as my kids are kids, i will always try to get in the mood for them
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
23-12-2008, 20:55
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
All done here apart from Mums hamper, presents wrapped ready to be taken tomorrow. Hope everyone has a lovely crimbo and peace and joy in the new year
23-12-2008, 21:06
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
Merry Christmas to all xxx 
23-12-2008, 21:11
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
I only put my xmas tree up today ....... yes i know ....
Have still xmas cards to go out, still to write some as well, all the presents to wrap, ... food shopping im doing tomorrow .......
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
23-12-2008, 22:05
Resting in Peace
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
I am in the mood, even though son has texted got this blooming cold thing with cough and sickness, so have his housemates and team at work. Oh well, son get to bed ! do not go into work in the morning, plenty of liquids to swallow down the paracetemol.. look forward to seeing you tomorrow..
Best thing that has happened today, my son's friend, Chris, from primary school onwards rang me tonight. He was at my house most weekends, etc., and love him to bits. Joined the army (now a sergeant .. wow !). Have been neglectful at keeping in touch.. not seen him for around 18 months. Rang his parents' house last night, left message on a.m., he rang me back tonight
Has a new partner, after a short distastrous marriage, and now the father of 5/6 week old twins (boy and girl). They are coming down tomorrow ... best Christmas present ever .. can't wait. Jamie will arrive whilst they are here (will have to tell him not to breath over the babies though) .. I know there will be a big hug between these two mates that will bring tears to my eyes. Yes, I know should be in contact all year around, however, Christmas does do this for you.
23-12-2008, 22:10
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
Ohhh Kate got tears in my eyes reading that, hope you have a lovel day tomorrow 
23-12-2008, 22:11
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
I am in the mood now. I love this bit, when everything's bought and wrapped and the pressure is off.
Tomorrow we go to church, the kids are in the nativity play.
That always kicks Christmas off for me. 
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
23-12-2008, 22:19
Resting in Peace
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Re: Is no one in the Mood
Originally Posted by Lilly
I am in the mood now. I love this bit, when everything's bought and wrapped and the pressure is off

Whoops. Forgot that bit .. better get on with it .. not so much to wrap though these days Lilly. Different when the children are small isn't it .. used to be up half the night doing it.
Love children in whatever production ... not perfect, but that is the magic.
Hope you have told them not to wave at you .. LOL.
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