I am the only shrimp in a tall family. I'm 5' 1. My mother wasn't too tall, she was about 5'4, but my dad was 5'11. One of my brothers is 5'10 and the other is 6'. My late husband was 6' 1 and whenever we danced together I could only see his tie

. I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. My son is "only" 5'10 (short, to me, compared with his dad) and my older daughter is 5' 2; the younger one is 5' 7. My 6 year old granddaughter is already 4' tall and my grandson is 6' 4. I get a crick in my neck if I talk to him and we're both standing up.
Does it matter? I would love to be about 5' 6 and my younger daughter wishes she was 5' 10 but I've never been "backward at coming forward" and neither are any of my kids.
One of the most attractive men I ever knew (apart from my old man), who used to accompany me on guitar when I was folk-singing, was only 5' 4. I've always liked tall men but he had that certain "something" and, if I hadn't been a happily married woman, - well!
It's personality that counts.