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Old 05-11-2005, 09:19   #31
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Re: Is size important?

They did prove some time ago that men who were short were not always promoted at work when they should have been and men who were taller were often promoted quicker.

I'm 5'4" but with heels can be anything up to 5'7". I wear trainers or low boots most of the time but when I want to look sexy or when I want to look more powerful (for want of a better word) I always put my heels on. It gives me more confidence and gives more stature - I'm pretty sure I'm not the only woman who does this so there must be some truth in it.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Accrington Web
Old 05-11-2005, 11:43   #32
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Re: Is size important?

Thats ok providing it isnt jackboots you are wearing there is enough of that on the council as it is.

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Old 05-11-2005, 13:23   #33
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Re: Is size important?

Originally Posted by baby boo
it gets to me so much that when i am shopping for clothes i actually cry as it really upsets me.
Boo I understand your problem with clothes the mount of times I've come home and burst into tears because something I really wanted wouldn't fit is unreal! It's also annoying when you can't just nip out and buy a cheap pair of standard size jeans off the market, I always have to pay over the odds for clothes but I only take a size 3 in shoes so usually pay less on the whole for these, especially trainers . I'm only 5ft and just moved up to a size 8 in the last couple of years. Theres quite a few good shops out there with petite ranges, Dotty P's and Debenhams are excellent. Other than the problems with clothes I love being tiny I always have. I never feel intimidated by taller people, except my daughter who now towers above me at 13 year old

Quite amusing with a friend of ours who must be touching 7ft and built like a brick shi....... ..... big lad! Went out with them one night and I linked onto his arm as we were walking round the pubs, the sight of us 2, him so big and me so tiny must really have been hysterical!

Last edited by Tinkerbelle; 05-11-2005 at 13:26.
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Old 05-11-2005, 13:41   #34
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Is size important?

used to know a (short lady) who told me she loved being small cos she buys childrens sizes which were cheaper, dont know if thats correct cos i'm not much of a shopper-but thats what she told me!
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-11-2005, 15:04   #35
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Re: Is size important?

Footwear yes Cashy but the lady would have to have had a very boyish figure, childrens clothes don't allow for hips, bum and boobs.
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Old 05-11-2005, 17:39   #36
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Re: Is size important?

Its possible children are growing up earlier nowadays and if the clothing is classed as childrens I dont think there is VAT to pay thus making them cheaper.

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