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Old 19-12-2007, 14:51   #76
Senior Member+

Re: Is this racist?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post

point one....saw a helpful AccyWebber as an anti-Christian aggressor. That seemed pretty racist to me

point two... but racism was assumed in the former because Mani is Asian and Muslim. If he had been white and Pagan would the post have been racist? It is also worth remembering that Christianity is a religion, not a race and that Christians come from all racial backgrounds, including Asian - and the same goes for Islam. There are white Anglo-Saxon Muslims too.

firstly id like to see a quote from me that states your first point above !!!

secondly your post NOT mine brought religion into the matter....

now i didnt want to post again as i said in (what i thought was) my last post on the matter but i thought i had to as words were being put into my mouth (so to speak)
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Old 19-12-2007, 20:37   #77
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Re: Is this racist?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I've seen it in courtrooms but must admit that it never actually dawned on me that it was the country's motto.

I know Scotland has a Latin one. - "Nemo Me Impune Lacessit" which roughly translates to "If you hit me I'll thump ye back!"
Nice translation ... I prefer "Don't f*** with me!" Has a better ring to it than "No one treats me with impunity."
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Old 19-12-2007, 21:01   #78
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Re: Is this racist?

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER View Post
firstly id like to see a quote from me that states your first point above !!!

secondly your post NOT mine brought religion into the matter....

now i didnt want to post again as i said in (what i thought was) my last post on the matter but i thought i had to as words were being put into my mouth (so to speak)

Please can you explain to me what it was in Mani's post then which caused you to call him a racist and deduct karma? It's a sincere question because I am genuinely puzzled. You deducted karma from him and called him a racist when all it seemed to me that he was doing was being helpful in finding things that other members wanted to buy as Christmas presents. What was racist about that? I cannot see any racism there at all.

I didn't bring religion into it. Several of us tried to explain that Christmas is a Christian festival based on a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and not a racial distinction so in actual fact Mani brought religion into it but to me it seemed in a tongue in cheek way. And yes, I do know that Christmas hijacked the Pagan Yuletide celebration and that for many people nowadays it has little to do with religion and more to do with a spendfest.

This is really getting out of proportion now. I don't know how many other people agree with you that Mani is racist but I've never seen any evidence of it in any of his posts and certainly not in that one.

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