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Old 04-08-2007, 20:12   #1
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Is this what we have come to ?

Have you ever had one of those experiences where you can feel the will to live just drain away? This article, published in The Times, was one of those occaisions.

How many adults does it take to let children play outside? - Times Online

How can we have allowed this.... lunacy... to grow unchecked?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 04-08-2007, 21:40   #2
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

How sad.I know that today's parents have many fears but we really shouldn't be wrapping our kids in cotton wool like this.There's a line between caring and going to these absurd lengths.
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Old 04-08-2007, 22:22   #3
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

very true lilly... it isnt as bad as peopl make it to be these days
fair enough it isnt as safe as our parents used to be but come on there isnt gangs on every corner
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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Old 05-08-2007, 14:13   #4
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Originally Posted by kathleen_firth View Post
very true lilly... it isnt as bad as peopl make it to be these days
fair enough it isnt as safe as our parents used to be but come on there isnt gangs on every corner
I found your post a little ironic lol as your signature is a bit like a gang slogan, you even have little banana men blazing with guns lol.

I think its mad that children have to be watched by their parents on their streets at all times in some places but there are also places where the parents wont even step out of their doors for fear of being gunned down.

Dependant on where you live, there are actually very dangerous gangs on the corners and no amount of adults stood watching over children would guarantee their safety. We are just lucky we live in a safe society.
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Old 05-08-2007, 14:20   #5
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I found your post a little ironic lol as your signature is a bit like a gang slogan, you even have little banana men blazing with guns lol.

I think its mad that children have to be watched by their parents on their streets at all times in some places but there are also places where the parents wont even step out of their doors for fear of being gunned down.

Dependant on where you live, there are actually very dangerous gangs on the corners and no amount of adults stood watching over children would guarantee their safety. We are just lucky we live in a safe society.
How do you define safe? Paedophiles are being housed near to families with children. They may have served time in prison and been released, but who knows when they will strike again?
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Old 05-08-2007, 14:43   #6
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob View Post
Have you ever had one of those experiences where you can feel the will to live just drain away? This article, published in The Times, was one of those occaisions.

How many adults does it take to let children play outside? - Times Online

How can we have allowed this.... lunacy... to grow unchecked?
Arn't you just glad you were born into the age of inocence no interfering 'play persons' just left to our own devices, "going down't dunk this aft Ian" "aye I'll bring the 'jinking' bottle". before anyone get's on their high horse about 'funny men' we had our fair share of them, but they got no change out of us. Why oh why can children not let be children, instead of creating unwanted 'jobs for the boys/girls.'
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Old 05-08-2007, 15:46   #7
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

it isn’t the children who need to be taught how to play outside. It’s the parents.----- taken from ABs link, think its very true in many cases and not just playing out, theres many things now depriving childeren of their childhood, i just find that very sad.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-08-2007, 17:42   #8
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

I found your post a little ironic lol as your signature is a bit like a gang slogan, you even have little banana men blazing with guns lol.
How is her slogan like a gang thing?

I don't have to be the best, just better than everybody else!

What she is saying is that she is trying to be better but with a bit of humour

I think its mad that children have to be watched by their parents on their streets at all times in some places but there are also places where the parents wont even step out of their doors for fear of being gunned down.
It is silly that these days we can't help but worry, when you become a parent maybe you will know what it feels like?

Dependant on where you live, there are actually very dangerous gangs on the corners and no amount of adults stood watching over children would guarantee their safety. We are just lucky we live in a safe society.
A safe society? How many teenagers have been killed by gunfire so far this year in London? You call that safe? It doesn't matter that it isn't here in the Northwest it is still within Our community! Are you only going to be worried when it's on your own doorstep or if it happens to one of your loved ones? The horror is there we all need to act against it.
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Old 05-08-2007, 17:46   #9
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
How many teenagers have been killed by gunfire so far this year in London?
Fifteen, sadly.
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Old 05-08-2007, 17:48   #10
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

not just london,try telling parents in moss side n other areas of manchester we live in a safe society.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-08-2007, 17:53   #11
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Fifteen, sadly.
I think thats just gone up to seventeen garinda, not to mention somewhere a bit closer to home Manchester
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Old 05-08-2007, 17:53   #12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
not just london,try telling parents in moss side n other areas of manchester we live in a safe society.
Quite right cashy, this is our land if we ignore what happens a few hundred miles away or even thirty, then we are all responsible for the ill's that befall others, (Hey, that's quite a Christian statement for an atheist! )
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Old 05-08-2007, 18:01   #13
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Although I find it ridiculous, my daughter doesn't get to play out front yet, though she's only 5, we used to get up to allsorts as kids maybe thats why I'm being protective, one of my main concerns are cars though and the speed at which some are driven in my area.
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Old 05-08-2007, 18:12   #14
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Originally Posted by grego View Post
one of my main concerns are cars though and the speed at which some are driven in my area.
That must always be a consideration, but other than that, however, all children deserve the chance of what we used to think of as adventure, going with their friends for a 'long walk', (even if it's only a mile there and another mile back again, with a bag of crisps and a bottle of pop to share), that is the society we need to always aim for, one were children can enjoy the freedom we used to have, being able to walk past adults without us putting doubts in their minds, if they actually get lost knowing that the next adult they come across will point them in the right direction, or even walk part of the way to see them safely home, (I wouldn't dare do that with a lost child these days, why? Not because I'm sick but society is sick!).

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 05-08-2007, 20:08   #15
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Re: Is this what we have come to ?

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Arn't you just glad you were born into the age of inocence no interfering 'play persons' just left to our own devices, "going down't dunk this aft Ian" "aye I'll bring the 'jinking' bottle". before anyone get's on their high horse about 'funny men' we had our fair share of them, but they got no change out of us. Why oh why can children not let be children, instead of creating unwanted 'jobs for the boys/girls.'
Amen to that.
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