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01-04-2018, 13:36
Beacon of light
Re: Isis 'beatles'
Originally Posted by Retlaw
No Margaret I have something better, put them on crucifixes, and if I coud have old my .44 Renington charcoal burner (I could clover leaf six shots with that .44 Remi at 20 yards) then get to shoot bits off one, as the other watched, first shot 1/2 inch of his dangler, nect two shots shave a bit off his testicles, no 70 virgins for him, then I take aim at his mate, he wil already be screamin his head of as I take aim, and click, oops sorry misfire, then next shot his ear lobes are gone, reload, and take aim again, by this time they will both be really regreting their past as justice is delivered, bang, no virgins for him either, I could make it last all day, rehoning my old shooting skils. Might sound daft to some, but to me it would be a far better punishment than life in prison, they would be suffering far worse and far onger than their victims, and they could still do prison when they were cut down, if the medics could patched them up,
not bad, but not subtle enough...make them live, but in constant and abject fear.
see how this faith of theirs, the faith that they were prepared to behead innocent for, will sustain them.
I would have them begging to be put out of their misery...and not pay a seconds heed to it.
they do not deserve to be dispatched to a grave...they deserve to be permanently demented....they meted out barbarity and deserve the same barbarity in return.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
01-04-2018, 15:11
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Re: Isis 'beatles'
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
not bad, but not subtle enough...make them live, but in constant and abject fear.
see how this faith of theirs, the faith that they were prepared to behead innocent for, will sustain them.
I would have them begging to be put out of their misery...and not pay a seconds heed to it.
they do not deserve to be dispatched to a grave...they deserve to be permanently demented....they meted out barbarity and deserve the same barbarity in return.
Nay Nargaret, I wouldn't have killed them wi my shooting, medics would be able to patch em up, then next week I start all over again, you'vee never seen a .44 Remi charcoal burner, they make a hell of a roar when they go off, and I could pretend to wobble a bit, before I shot another finger tip off, a few weeks of that would be real torture.
01-04-2018, 15:28
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Re: Isis 'beatles'
Enough of all this only one way to sort all this MP 4 PM
01-04-2018, 15:32
Beacon of light
Re: Isis 'beatles'
Still not subtle enough...the threat you pose is real and you would inflict injuries on them...ok, these would not kill them, but they would create physical pain. That would not be my way....my way the threats are the ones they themselves think I plan to carry out....messing with their heads.
That is how psychological horror works.
I would not lay a finger on them....but they would not know that.
By the time I had finished, they would WANT to die, but they would not be allowed that peace....they would have to live wondering what my next plan would be....they would believe that I meant them harm....they would get no real rest, they would get sick because they would be led to believe their food and drink was contaminated.
That is how I would do it.
A bit like voodoo.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
01-04-2018, 15:43
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Isis 'beatles'
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Still not subtle enough...the threat you pose is real and you would inflict injuries on them...ok, these would not kill them, but they would create physical pain. That would not be my way....my way the threats are the ones they themselves think I plan to carry out....messing with their heads.
That is how psychological horror works.
I would not lay a finger on them....but they would not know that.
By the time I had finished, they would WANT to die, but they would not be allowed that peace....they would have to live wondering what my next plan would be....they would believe that I meant them harm....they would get no real rest, they would get sick because they would be led to believe their food and drink was contaminated.
That is how I would do it.
A bit like voodoo.
Remind me to keep on the right side of you. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
01-04-2018, 15:58
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Re: Isis 'beatles'
Margaret! There's you a retired nurse.
Did you learn this technique by practising it on your staff? Or the patients? Or both?

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 01-04-2018 at 16:02.
01-04-2018, 16:15
Beacon of light
Re: Isis 'beatles'
Yes, I know...I can be kind....but I could also be ruthless.
I have read lots of psychological horror stories, and these are a rich seam of nasty....without getting your hands soiled
The monsters we manufacture in our heads are scarier than anything anyone else can come up with.
Yes Cashy, I am a great friend, but an awesome enemy....although, that said...if I am made an enemy of, then my mode of action is to cut the enemy out of my life...not acknowledge their existence.
It is safest. Silence can never be misquoted or used against you.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
01-04-2018, 16:30
Beacon of light
Re: Isis 'beatles'
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Margaret! There's you a retired nurse.
Did you learn this technique by practising it on your staff? Or the patients? Or both?

Gordon, I never had time to practise on either....was too busy making sure we had beds, keeping consultants happy, running to and fro from theatre, clinics etc....but looking back there were some colleagues I MIGHT have liked to try some of those methods out on.
In truth some of these things have only dawned on me since I retired.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
01-04-2018, 20:19
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Re: Isis 'beatles'
does Dave sleep with one eye open
02-04-2018, 07:38
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Re: Isis 'beatles'
[QUOTE=DaveinGermany;1211214]They should hang & the sooner trhe better, end of. As to citizenship, that they willingly gave up of their own free will when they joined Daesh & aligned themselves with its barbaric attitudes.
at the end of the day they should have been told that if they went out there and committed these crimes and other british citezens too that they would auto matically loose their rights of a british citezen and if caught and found guilty then the death penalty would be introduced for their crimes. might have thought twice about joining up if they knew they could not hide behind the human rights nonesence.
02-04-2018, 09:27
Beacon of light
Re: Isis 'beatles'
Originally Posted by ferret man
does Dave sleep with one eye open
Do you mean my man ferret man?
If you do, then no...he sleeps blissfully and like a baby...he knows me and knows I will keep the monsters from his door. 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-04-2018, 12:46
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Isis 'beatles'
Originally Posted by monkey hanger
at the end of the day they should have been told that if they went out there and committed these crimes and other british citizens too that they would auto matically loose their rights of a british citezen and if caught and found guilty then the death penalty would be introduced for their crimes. might have thought twice about joining up if they knew they could not hide behind the human rights nonesence.
The governments "Terrorism act" was adjusted/updated to cover this sort of situation & act as a deterrent. And surprise, surprise, it ain't working! So far as I'm aware the only folk prosecuted under the act were a couple of blokes who went out to fight against Daesh/ISIS.
As to the scum that went out to fight alongside these creatures they've been welcomed back with open arms by gutless, snivelling, puke inducing politicoes & whining, libtard, leftist wankeratti, as the poor little misguided lammykins didn't understand & just need de-radicalizing & readjusting into our multikulti society!
Absolutely sickening!
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
02-04-2018, 14:12
Beacon of light
Re: Isis 'beatles'
If they set foot on these shores, they will be given a home an income and will probably seek legal aid to sue the pyjamas off the establishment...and win...costing us money.
If they come here and are tried and go to Jail....they still win and we STILL end up paying.
Let them rot.
I do not care if they are stateless.
They knew what they were doing when they left this country.
Let the yanks deal with them...they know exactly how to deal with these two oxygen thieves
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
03-04-2018, 09:34
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Re: Isis 'beatles'
traitors should be tried and if found guilty hanged. worked well in the past.
03-04-2018, 10:24
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Re: Isis 'beatles'
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Teddy, looking back, we can do nothing about what was done then...and anyway that is not the direction we are going.
Those who fail to learn from their mistakes are fated to repeat them.
Religion is not the issue, it is mans interpretation of religion that is the problem.
Men always want to increase their power over others, and citing a religious belief seems to some, to be a valid justification for this.
Slip of the finger Marge? the moniker is Taddy, is in pole, not Teddy is in Bear and here's me thinking that you never made a mistake in your Engish grammer. (only joshing of course).
Stay happy, Your's (Taddy).  
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