17-04-2020, 01:27
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Re: Isolation calendar.
I went out yesterday as I had some business to do. This was only the 4th time in a self-isolating period of some 4 weeks as I am doing the ‘right thing’ because of my age. While I was out I went to one of the bigger shops as I needed a couple of things. This was the first time I had actually been in a supermarket in those four weeks.
I did not enjoy that ‘excursion’ at all. I dislike shopping at the best of times but walking round the shop with a lot of zombies is not my idea of fun. That’s what it seemed like – not that I have ever been in the company of zombies before of course. No-one smiled (sadly that’s not unusual even in better times) and everyone walked at a slow and steady pace with fixed looks on their faces – dead-pan looks. No-one spoke. No-one smiled. Okay – maybe it isn’t such a happy time but surely it wouldn’t hurt to exercise the zygomaticus major muscle now and then (of course everyone knows that’s what it’s called – the muscle that makes us smile – thanks Safari, where would I be without you). Maybe even a bit of laughter thrown in wouldn’t hurt.
There were plenty of goods on the shelves, no need for despair there, but it was all quite depressing. Have to say I was very happy to get home again. I think I might be turning into a hermit by choice. At least at home I can look in the mirror and laugh at what I see there…albeit hysterically.