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Old 01-07-2009, 16:48   #1
I am Banned

Ist July

93 Years ago on Saturday July 1st 1916 over 600 men of the 11th Battalion East Lancs, "Accrington Pals" were either killed or wounded.
To many to name here, but all recorded, on my Rolls of Honour.

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Accrington Web
Old 02-07-2009, 17:46   #2
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Re: Ist July

I may be straying into "it's none of my business" territory, but I'm surprised that Accrington doesn't do more to remember the Pals on July 1. In most of Canada, the significance of the day passes unnoticed because not too many places felt the concentrated effect that communities that raised Pals battallions must have felt. The one place that did raise a battallion based on Pals' principles was Newfoundland, which, at the time was not part of Canada. And in Newfoundland, July 1 is Memorial Day (the University in St. John's is Memorial University) ... this is a day set aside when, hopefully, people will remember the action of the Newfoundlanders at Beaumont Hamel (As Retlaw will be able to inform you, this is very close to where the Pals attacked at Serre). The Newfie's divisional commander said of their attack what could be applied with equal accuracy to the attack of the Pals: "It was a magnificent display of trained and disciplined valour, and its assault failed of success because dead men can advance no further."

But it is reassuring that there are people like Retlaw working to keep alive a memory that can't be allowed to die.
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Old 02-07-2009, 17:55   #3

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Re: Ist July

Quite right Eric, I had no idea, made me stop and pause for a second or two.

Both my Grandparents were in WWII and I remember the stories they used to tell me.
We should remember and honour our heros, they may be gone but should not be forgotten.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 02-07-2009, 20:52   #4
I am Banned

Re: Ist July

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I may be straying into "it's none of my business" territory, but I'm surprised that Accrington doesn't do more to remember the Pals on July 1. In most of Canada, the significance of the day passes unnoticed because not too many places felt the concentrated effect that communities that raised Pals battallions must have felt. The one place that did raise a battallion based on Pals' principles was Newfoundland, which, at the time was not part of Canada. And in Newfoundland, July 1 is Memorial Day (the University in St. John's is Memorial University) ... this is a day set aside when, hopefully, people will remember the action of the Newfoundlanders at Beaumont Hamel (As Retlaw will be able to inform you, this is very close to where the Pals attacked at Serre). The Newfie's divisional commander said of their attack what could be applied with equal accuracy to the attack of the Pals: "It was a magnificent display of trained and disciplined valour, and its assault failed of success because dead men can advance no further."

But it is reassuring that there are people like Retlaw working to keep alive a memory that can't be allowed to die.
Hi Eric.
Bill Turner and I struggled for nigh on 12 months to get a regognition for them on the 90th anniversay in 2006.
We had a display at the Haworth Art Gallery (which was more like a mini fete) and accy observer reluctantly produce a suppliment, based on our research of July 1st.

If Bill was around we would probably have had something this year. Meeting people and getting them to organise things, Bill was good at. Me I work best behind the scenes, I'm no good at diplomacy and bull, more than likely to upset every one by being too outspoken, especially to local officials who think they are somebody.

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Old 02-07-2009, 21:17   #5
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Re: Ist July

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
I'm no good at diplomacy and bull, more than likely to upset every one by being too outspoken, especially to local officials who think they are somebody.

Retlaw, you and I both have got to an age where diplomacy and bull**** count for nothing. Local Officials who stand for public office are cannon fodder for the ones who do not kow tow to petty politics.
Say what you have to say and be outspoken all you like.
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Old 02-07-2009, 21:24   #6
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Re: Ist July

nice one retlaw. we do remember and will not forget.
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Old 02-07-2009, 21:50   #7
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Re: Ist July

I wonder how many living in Accy and area today .... and others, like me, who left for whatever reasons ... are related, however distantly, to one (or maybe more than one) of the men who went over the top on July 1, 1916?

And Retlaw:

Say not the struggle naught availeth,
The labour and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not, nor faileth,
And as things have been, they remain.

With 2016 just around the corner, all the work you have done may well come to be appreciated. The kind of history that the Pals made isn't some tired story that doesn't have any relevance to the twenty-first century; the world, though nowhere near perfect, would be a hell of lot worse place to live if it hadn't been for the high price paid by men who fought for pennies a day in two world wars.

If you can read this post, thank a teacher; and because you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.
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Old 02-07-2009, 22:40   #8
I am Banned

Re: Ist July

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I wonder how many living in Accy and area today .... and others, like me, who left for whatever reasons ... are related, however distantly, to one (or maybe more than one) of the men who went over the top on July 1, 1916?

And Retlaw:

Say not the struggle naught availeth,
The labour and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not, nor faileth,
And as things have been, they remain.

With 2016 just around the corner, all the work you have done may well come to be appreciated. The kind of history that the Pals made isn't some tired story that doesn't have any relevance to the twenty-first century; the world, though nowhere near perfect, would be a hell of lot worse place to live if it hadn't been for the high price paid by men who fought for pennies a day in two world wars.

If you can read this post, thank a teacher; and because you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.
That last sentence says it all.
As for how many are related in some way to the local men who served in WW1, then their must be hundreds.

My original database, before I started filling in specific details on each man showed over 14500 entries from all the sources I could think of. Now after a few years of further research on the men themselves, I have 14111 names. I've spent the last six months searching thro the service records and aquired the info on 457 of them, nearly at the end of C's.

Thats for the whole of the present day Hyndburn, the called Greater Accrington.
Todays generation revolves around idiots like that jackson who just died.
No depth to their thought processess.


Last edited by Retlaw; 02-07-2009 at 22:45.
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Old 02-07-2009, 23:02   #9
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Re: Ist July

ta fer reminding us retlaw.n as fer yer diplomacy comment, reckon we must be related.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 03-07-2009, 00:04   #10
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Re: Ist July

Thanks for putting the info up
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Old 03-07-2009, 09:16   #11
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Re: Ist July

I think the reason people like myself have learned so much about the first world war, is down to people like Retlaw, the time that he has put into researching the local servicemen who fought in the "Great War" is unbelievable, he has dug up details of thousands of war dead who would have been forgotten but for his painstaking efforts over many years. Well done Walter you a gem
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Old 04-07-2009, 14:40   #12
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Re: Ist July

Easy to remember The Pals each year during the week of our Independence Day celebrations. Coincidentally, July 1st also happens to be the day when, in 1863, the battle of Gettysburg commenced - perhaps the most iconic engagement of the American Civil War.

My grandfather was attached to The Pals as a medic. He was one of 100 St. John's Ambulance Corps members whose photograph appeared in the newspaper shortly before their departure for the military hospital at Netley. After The Pals had been formed, my grandfather went with them to Egypt and then the Western Front. I remember looking through grandpa's medical books as a child. Found the pictures in them rather fascinating for some reason.

A gent by the name of Andrew Jackson also maintains an excellent website on The Pals.

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