The detestable French need not think that a handfull of messages of solidarity with Londoners will get them of my hook.
Not so very long ago, the president of that benighted country was heard to complain that by shelving our referendum on the EU constitution and refusing to hand back our rebate we British were not being good Europeans.
Here is an example of the contempt with which those "Good Europeans", the French, regard European Law and Directives.
France given huge fishing penalties (breaking news from The Times)

France has been ordered to pay massive cash penalties for flouting Europe's fishing rules for at least 14 years. Judges at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg approved a European Commission request to fine Paris £212,600 per day - and then said an extra lump sum fine of £20 million was "essential" because of France's "serious and persistent" failure to comply with EU law. The same court ruled in 1991 that France had failed to carry out fishing controls between 1984 and 1987 and order compliance with EU rules.
Which by my reckoning comes to a shade over One billion and seventy-nine million quid in Fines.
Even on the darkest days the sun still shines!