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Old 16-07-2005, 21:57   #31
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

I'm not a Harry Potter fan, though my daughter (aged 30) is. I much prefer Terry Pratchett when it comes to wizards - and his books came first. You can't beat Rincewind (failed graduate of Unseen University) as a wizard, even though he spells it wizzard, and he's got The Luggage too. I would recommend all H P fans to read Pratchett.
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Old 16-07-2005, 22:54   #32
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
how can you dijest a book in just a few hours????
it would take me at least a week,are you all speed readers or is it just me thats past my sell by date ,,,,
no offence but with a name like grannyclaret - need we say more? *L*

i have to admit it does need a double read to catch it the full glory
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Old 16-07-2005, 22:59   #33
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Originally Posted by chav1
ive ripped page 247

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Old 17-07-2005, 03:32   #34
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Called at Asda on my way home from work last night and snaffled my copy. It's now packed in my suitcase to be read on holiday. I reckon I'll finish my current book on the plane so I will start it when I get there. Hmmmm, I'm afraid that I won't be good company until it's finished........ poor Sparky.
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Old 17-07-2005, 07:38   #35
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Originally Posted by West Ender
I'm not a Harry Potter fan, though my daughter (aged 30) is. I much prefer Terry Pratchett when it comes to wizards - and his books came first. You can't beat Rincewind (failed graduate of Unseen University) as a wizard, even though he spells it wizzard, and he's got The Luggage too. I would recommend all H P fans to read Pratchett.
Oh I agree. I love HP books, but I couldn't live without my Terry Pratchett collection.
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Old 17-07-2005, 08:37   #36
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

I've never read a Terry Pratchet one and I know I should. I was always under the impression that they were a series and you have to read them in the right order. If that's the case can someone tell me where to start? Otherwise, can you recommend one for me?

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Old 17-07-2005, 08:51   #37
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

First one is 'The Colour of Magic', and I found it really hard going - it almost put me off Pratchett. Its not as comedy based as the others (IMHO). I ended up starting with the first ones in the 'Death' books and the 'Witch' books (Mort and Wyrd Sisters). After I had gotten myself hooked, I went back and read the first one and really enjoyed it. Most of the books are stand alone, but it does help if you have some previous knowledge of what has gone before.
Or you could try 'Small Gods' or 'Pyramids'. These are Discworld books, but they do stand alone.
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Old 17-07-2005, 19:52   #38
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Not as many distractions today I finished it at tea-time Brilliant !!!

Does anybody know the difference between the adult copies and the childrens, surely it isn't just the front cover?
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Old 17-07-2005, 20:04   #39
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

They cost more.......No......I made that up.......I don't know.
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Old 17-07-2005, 21:11   #40
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Re. the Pratchett Discworld books. Some of them need to be read in sequence but all of them are funny in their own right.

I particulary like those that involve Commander Vimes of the Night Watch and his wife, Lady Sybil, who breeds dragons. The storyline where those two got together, Vimes sitting in Sybil's sitting room while a very elderly dragon has its head on his knee and is gently dribbling acid down his leg; Vimes absent-mindedly lighting his cigar with a small "flaming" dragon-pup (to Lady Sybil's horror - baby dragons tend to explode when over-excited); Vimes' interaction with his "men", the bogey-man who carries a door round with him, the zomby whose limbs fall off every now and then, the very shy banshee who slips notes under the doors of the soon-to-be-bereaved, that say, "Ooo-eee-ooo-eee", the female werewolf and Detritus the troll, the dwarf who turns out to be female - but all dwarves have beards so nobody knew.

I also have a fondness for Death, who rides a white horse called Binky and is rather fond of cats. The 3 witches are fantastic characters too. Once you've read it you'll never forget the thought of Granny Weatherwax running backwards and forwards with her broomstick, trying to jump-start it, and Nanny Ogg who has been a bit of a "goer" in her time - and still is, given half a chance.

The wizards at Unseen University are a dissolute bunch, much given to over-indulgence in everything that's bad for you, especially food, and have a librarian who was turned, in a magical accident, into an orang-utan. Sorry but, to me, Harry Potter is just a pale imitation.
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Old 17-07-2005, 22:27   #41
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle

Does anybody know the difference between the adult copies and the childrens, surely it isn't just the front cover?
It's just the front cover. It started with the earlier volumes when adults began to enjoy reading them but didn't like to be seen reading a childrens' book in public they brought out a version with a more adult cover to look less conspicuous.

In our family I was actually the first person to read the first couple of books, the kids caught onto it later.

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Old 18-07-2005, 01:38   #42
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Love the discworld novels and the way he blends things together, Death is my favorite character also Death of Rats who keeps popping up, sorry all HP fans tried but couldn't get over excited and it wasn't because they were kids books I still love Roald Dahl, but its discworld for me.

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Old 18-07-2005, 07:22   #43
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Thanks for your Pratchet suggestions but no one has actually told me the title of the first book in the series so that I know what to search for on Amazon.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 18-07-2005, 07:43   #44
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

Originally Posted by -pixie
First one is 'The Colour of Magic'
I did mention it in a previous post Gayle!

Westender I have to agree that the 'Vimes' books are by far the best. However I do have a soft spot for Nanny Ogg...
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Old 18-07-2005, 17:05   #45
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Re: It's Harry Potter day...

I know we can't discuss HP too much because of members who haven't read it yet but did anybody else flood with tears or was it just me! I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT !!

I'm dreading the film of this book coming out I will start stocking up on the Kleenex now I think
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