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my brother has a device that shows how much electricity he is using im assuming its one of these smart meters
That's probably just a device that monitors the meter & gives readings of current & recent consumption. I think a 'smart' meter actually delivers metering information directly back to the supplier thus eliminating the need for meter readers or consumers submitting their own meter readings.
I believe the current charging discrepancies are due to the meter clocks being incorrectly set so that 'Economy 7' was being charged at the full rate instead of a reduced rate?
Mine isn't a meter, it's just a display, but I take a look before bed every night just to make sure everything's off. If it's showing more than 150Wh there's something other than the fridge, fish tank and the video recorder running. It's usually a light left on somewhere. Some things don't show up, like a PC monitor in standby.
As for old folk dying because they are scared of turning the heating on - I can see how that might happen. We're a comparatively young family with a decent enough household income (so not a fixed weekly pension), and we turn off the heating as early as possible and leave it as long as we can before turning it on.
As for old folk dying because they are scared of turning the heating on - I can see how that might happen. We're a comparatively young family with a decent enough household income (so not a fixed weekly pension), and we turn off the heating as early as possible and leave it as long as we can before turning it on.
Yes, I can see that it might happen, because of expense.
are suppliers guilty of (indirect) manslaughter or a similar criminal charge?
By that, I mean all those vunrable elderly folk who have died because they was to frightened to turn their heating on, which it now turns out they was being over charged (ripped off) for.
However is based on what? Certainly nothing solid, mere speculation on the posters behalf.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
We are on a fixed income.....and we are cautious with our heating. Saying that, last winter we used less but paid more. I am going to get some long johns for next winter.....at this rate we will be paying to have it switched off
Since the weather warmed up a bit the central heating has been turned off.....I hope it doesn't need to go back on until about the third week in November
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Where do you get the idea that anyone has died because they were frightened to use their heating because of these meters?
No mention of deaths caused directly or indirectly in the article you have linked to.
Perhaps it is just a little bit of 'over the top' speculation that has somehow crept into your thinking?
Perhaps it was a little "over the top speculation" on my behalf, however if one (I'm sure there would be more) old dear out of say the 20,000 (in the link below) was frightened enough to not put their heating on and died of hyperthermia, Would that then make them guilty of manslaughter etc (in your honest opinion)? I'm genuinely interested.
It's against the law for someone to be helped to die with dignity, but perfectly ok and legal for a government to engineer someones departure via hypothermia
The price increases we're seeing year on year are little comfort for the 3 million (you'll have to google the exact figures as I CBA ) pensioners spending more than say 10% of their income on fuel bills (some of which are not able to heat their home and have a hot meal on the same day) our government should be ashamed of treating our elderly in this way.
I'm not worried about the arrival of smart meters. I've armed myself with orgone accumulators! They should keep me safe.
do they compliment a tinfoil hat or should i switch to a crash helmet lined with lead ?
__________________ All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
While it may be easy to dismiss critics as "tin foil hat" wearers , smart meters have a few real problems.
These company's don't give a toss about the elderly folk dying,I think most pensioners have 'paid their dues' and it should be up to our great country to care for them (perhaps raising the state pension would be a good start) and force these utility companies to give reduced rates to pensioners while their at it
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.
"Smart meters will save only 2% on energy bills, say MPs,Installing the meters - which begins in earnest next year will cost £215 per household, or £10.6bn."
Surely,the customer should get rewarded for having one, not charged
I suppose the energy companies will save a small fortune because they no longer need to send round the meter readers (I bet that went down well,because once these are rolled out most of them will be out of a job).
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.
I do not want nor will I be forced to have a smart meter.
They are not 100% compulsory despite what the suppliers say.
They are not 100% secure and blaggers can identify my usage patterns and when I am out.
They give out pulses all the time that can interfere with WIFI or my amateur radio equipment.
They will not save me any money at all, they will however save the leccy companies from needing to visit to read the meter, savings that will be unlikely to be passed on to me.
Neither will I be having one of these things.....British gas can shove them up their astrakhan coat!
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
I do not want nor will I be forced to have a smart meter.
They are not 100% compulsory despite what the suppliers say.
They are not 100% secure and blaggers can identify my usage patterns and when I am out.
They give out pulses all the time that can interfere with WIFI or my amateur radio equipment.
They will not save me any money at all, they will however save the leccy companies from needing to visit to read the meter, savings that will be unlikely to be passed on to me.
Smart meter - no ta.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Neither will I be having one of these things.....British gas can shove them up their astrakhan coat!
Your correct they can't 'force you' to have one, though, do you still have to pay the extra regardless?
I suppose it was the gov/EU idea to have nearly every house fitted with one by 2020.
They're just a expensive waste of time imo,plus they could be dangerous to my health due to the electromagnetic waves...
....No thanks!
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.
Your correct they can't 'force you' to have one, though, do you still have to pay the extra regardless?
I suppose it was the gov/EU idea to have nearly every house fitted with one by 2020.
They're just a expensive waste of time imo,plus they could be dangerous to my health due to the electromagnetic waves...
....No thanks!
If you genuinely believe they could be detrimental to your health, may I suggest you also refuse to have, wifi, computers, tv's, electric mains and a whole sundry of other devices in your home, they all use and give off electromagnetic waves.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”