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Old 11-09-2014, 13:17   #46
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Less View Post
If you genuinely believe they could be detrimental to your health, may I suggest you also refuse to have, wifi, computers, tv's, electric mains and a whole sundry of other devices in your home, they all use and give off electromagnetic waves.
Of course you may suggest that Less,I'm sure you'd be over the moon if I gave up my computer and wifi but, it's not going to happen though
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Old 11-09-2014, 13:25   #47
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

I give not a hoot if you stay or go, however if you believe what you claimed, the solution to unhealthy living is in your hands.
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Old 11-09-2014, 13:32   #48

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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Just phoned my supplier to have a new meter fitted before they take me to court for access. No I am not some weird anti meter eco warrior, just kept forgetting to phone them. I said to her it's none one of those smart meters is it, she laughed and said no. Would appear lots of people are making sure the replacement is a normal one
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Old 11-09-2014, 13:40   #49
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I give not a hoot if you stay or go, however if you believe what you claimed, the solution to unhealthy living is in your hands.
Truth is, your correct Less, there are many dangers including the things you listed,mobiles etc.
It is scientifically unacceptable to deny the weight of the evidence regarding the increase in cancer cases from folk that are exposed to high levels of RF/microwave radiation and if that increases due to smart meters being's a "No thanks" from me.
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Old 11-09-2014, 13:47   #50
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Just phoned my supplier to have a new meter fitted before they take me to court for access. No I am not some weird anti meter eco warrior, just kept forgetting to phone them. I said to her it's none one of those smart meters is it, she laughed and said no. Would appear lots of people are making sure the replacement is a normal one
Just make sure they don't try sneak one in on the quite Neil.
It's only hearsay but, I've heard of cases were they have said that then turned up after fitting a smart meter
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Old 11-09-2014, 13:53   #51
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Re: Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Truth is, your correct Less, there are many dangers including the things you listed,mobiles etc.
It is scientifically unacceptable to deny the weight of the evidence regarding the increase in cancer cases from folk that are exposed to high levels of RF/microwave radiation and if that increases due to smart meters being's a "No thanks" from me.
If that was true then electrical and electronic engineers would be dropping like flies, somehow, we seem to survive with no significant reduction to our ranks caused by electromagnetic cancer, strange isn't it?
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Old 11-09-2014, 14:05   #52
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Maybe your correct and I'm just fear-mongering

Like you say 'my health is in my hands'
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Old 11-09-2014, 14:17   #53
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Re: Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Maybe your correct and I'm just fear-mongering

Like you say 'my health is in my hands'
I am saying this without malice, yes, you probably are.
If it were true, the insurance companies would never allow people in the electrical business policies, they are always the first to react.
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Old 11-09-2014, 14:27   #54
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I am saying this without malice, yes, you probably are.
If it were true, the insurance companies would never allow people in the electrical business policies, they are always the first to react.
Im unsure if insurance companies would 'refuse' them policies,however, you rise a good point and it would certainly reflect in the amount they pay for them .
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Old 11-09-2014, 15:06   #55

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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Don't worry it wont happen unless I want one
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Old 11-09-2014, 15:41   #56
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Don't worry it wont happen unless I want one
Why am I not surprised at that Neil?
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Old 11-09-2014, 19:36   #57
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Re: Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Im unsure if insurance companies would 'refuse' them policies,however, you rise a good point and it would certainly reflect in the amount they pay for them .
I know they refuse policies, a fantastic wage offered for working in Iran, insurance wouldn't cover because of the disruption there, I can't blame them, I didn't fancy the job, they have no safety's on the doors of their microwave ovens.
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Old 12-09-2014, 01:22   #58
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Less View Post
If that was true then electrical and electronic engineers would be dropping like flies, somehow, we seem to survive with no significant reduction to our ranks caused by electromagnetic cancer, strange isn't it?
First let me address the implication that, you, electrical engineers would be "dropping like flies".....

It misses the fact that electromagnetic waves come in an infinite number of frequencies and power and different frequencies have different effects on health. No one would suggest it's OK to be exposed long term to X-rays on the basis farmers work outdoors and are exposed to sun all day. Both light and X-rays are electromagnetic waves. Also people who work in these industries, say X-Ray equipment, take precautions to not expose themselves to it. So similarly no one would argue it's OK to be exposed to X-rays in teh home because engineers who work on X-Ray equipment aren't dropping like flies. Engineers who work on gigahertz RF transmitting equipment ( phone masts, etc ) aren't stupid enough to stand next to these devices while they are switched on. That's probably why they aren't "dropping like flies".

As I'm sure yur we'll aware,It's not all related to frequency of course. given enough voltage and or power, even at 50Hz it can be unhealthy. You wouldn't live under transmission lines on pylons,for example, would you?.....

.....Secondly regarding the fact that a multitude of devices (microwaves) give off electromagnetic waves. Yes that's true, but most of it low level and low frequency and I'm not sure if they transmit at higher levels and frequencies like phones/'smart meters'/wifi etc (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Think of it like smog, physical pollution that you get in cities or old industrial areas. It's accumulative. People didn't drop like flies in these areas, but there is/was a more general level of malaise/ill health.
The level of electromagnetic pollution from Wifi/phones/smart meters is a whole different ball game than that which is given off by traditional electrical devices (but I'm sure you aware of this also).

If an endless stream of wagons started driving past your house pumping out diesel fumes you would be right to complain about it, but no one would suggest you should also ban a lower level of car traffic on the bases they pump out fumes as well.

I prefer to minimise myself from this electromagnetic smog wherever possible and suggest you do the same

In addition, Re smart meters, (to carry on my scaremongering ), 'I hear' they can be hacked (by burglars etc) to see if your at home
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 12-09-2014 at 01:24.
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Old 12-09-2014, 06:16   #59
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Although the above is sort of correct, I and the rest of the engineers are not dying from being exposed so your dramatic post is a waste of space. As for being hacked, I've don't know and as you have only 'heard', neither do you.
The day I take advice from you about my working conditions is the day I throw myself onto a live 3 phase circuit, neither your input nor that action are to be considered by any sane person.
Talk about things you know about such as wandering through derelict buildings.
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Old 12-09-2014, 08:52   #60

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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
First let me address the implication that, you, electrical engineers would be "dropping like flies".....
Not surprised you put that Midland back in it's box. Who in their right mind would key the mic with the antenna 12" from their head pushed 4 watts RF power on the 11m band?
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